White vs. Toned Barber - Final Results

Someone once teased me about keeping track of the different mints (P,D, O, & S) in a basic Barber dime set. I thought no problem. Well I just did it and bought my second 1907-D MS 64 CAC. Cost was about the same. Which one should I keep? And for those who say I never offer enough options, there are options #3 and #4.
Little toning on both sides.
Primarily white with light golden toning that deepens at the peripheries.
White vs. Toned Barber - Final Results
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
I voted “sell both”, but just because I don’t like the marks on Liberty’s cheeks on both of them. Other than that I think both are ok, the luster on the 2nd one is nicer, the toning of the first one looks a little more in line with the coins age though.
This really depends upon what do you want in terms of eye appeal in your set.
They're both MS64, which means they won't be mark-free, and the fact that your images are blown up so much larger than their actual size makes all the small nicks, hits and marks that much more distracting. I don't know if these were shot under the same lighting conditions, but it appears the top (more toned) coin has been dipped and is retoning on its own, but the surfaces appear somewhat dead as if the dip was too aggressive or the coin was not a good candidate. The second, (bottom) coin seems to have far more luster, but also looks to have been dipped and has what appears to be some dip residue toning scattered about.
If you are going for a mostly white, or untoned set, then keep the bottom coin as it has better luster, cleaner fields and what appears to be a better strike.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I like the toned one best. You can keep the white coin and sell me the duplicate! Its an open hole in my set!
Though I mostly agree with @Mr_Spud, I voted for toned, because I really like toned Barber coinage in general. The white ones just seem unnatural and lacking in character.
Blast white please.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
The white barber seems to have better luster, and is more appealing to me.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Of the two, I think the white coin is more lustrous, and that is the one I'd keep if I had to pick between the two. I agree with the other posters that (as last in this picture) the toned one appears flat, like its been overdipped.
Both are very nice, but the 2nd coin appears dipped, and a little unnatural to my eyes. I prefer the 1st.
I generally prefer toned coins, but will accept nice Barbers white. In this case the second coin looks cleaner and more lustrous, so I prefer it.
They both look mostly white to me.
I prefer the bottom one for it's slightly better surfaces.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
While prefer white I think both are nice and good keeper coins.
I prefer toned on this series but neither look toned to me.
Thank you everyone for participating!
Of the eight who said sell them both
It would have been interesting to read what the other seven thought. As TomB pointed out, these are only MS64 coins. MS65s run at double the price.
I like the look of Liberty's face on the white one better.
I don't know the series but I see so many beautifully toned coins (although mostly proofs). For my taste, I don't particularly care for either of them. Not awful or anything just not my cup of tea. So I would sell them both and use the proceeds to buy a nice toned example.
Sell both and wait for a more original example.
The toning doesn't add anything.
For small coins it might be a distraction.
Give me nuclear color or RickoApproved blast white. No 'tweeners
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Well, this has been a fun survey with 27% (11) of the respondent saying to sell them both!
It depends on your goals. Looking for a one of a kind type coin? Possibly. Looking for a toner? Yes. Working on a MS date and mintmark set, probably not. Last I checked PCGS has certified 20 1907-Ds in MS 64 and there is one at CACG. A total of 6 that passed CAC. I have two of them. Possibly one of the other four CACs could be nicer. 1907-Ds in MS64 don't come up that often. Previous auction sales were in 5/21, 7/18, 4/18, 9/17, 7/15, 6/15, 3/15, 2/15. Two were CACs including this one for those who like toners.

I had intended to sell the whiter coin at FUN; however, in this survey, 35% (14) preferred the white coin. So I'm keeping it.
Thanks again to all for participating.
I am very late to the game, but Barber coins have been my point of interest in numismatics for decades. Of course, those who know me know that I specialize specifically in V nickels - which are in the Barber family.
At any rate, the white coin is the superior of the two pictured, in my opinion and I base that mainly upon strike quality.
Bring your attention to the oak leaf of the left side, on the reverse. The details are strong on the white coin, where the details of the toned coin are a bit mushy and lacking. It's a very subtle difference, but indicative of a superior strike (which is a primary quality that I personally look for).
It is extremely difficult to truly judge the Mint luster from photos, but to my eye, the white coin also seems to possess superior Mint luster over the toned example. So, for these reasons, in my opinion, while both coins are lovely, the white coin is the better of the two.
Best regards,
Dwayne F. Sessom
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Yep your are keeping the right one. IMO