Print issue of Coin World Magazine
Amos Media is having major issues with the print version of Coinworld Magazine. It's been about 6 weeks since the last issue was printed. The response to my most recent inquiry is below.
At this time, we do not have an exact ETA as to when the issues will resume printing and mailing.
I am not sure exactly how we are going to handle this, whether credit will be issued or the magazines printed. As soon as we have a resolution, it will be communicated to you.
I sincerely apologize for the delay and lack of concrete answers.
If I can further assist you, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thank you,
Nicki Ingle
Customer Service Representative
Amos Media Company
1660 Campbell Rd Ste A
Sidney, OH 45365
800-253-4555 (toll free)
937-498-0830 (local)
It appears to be the classic non-answer answer.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Twenty years ago, but it was always a treat to get that in the mail.
Forget the print issue. You should consider this.
A couple of weeks ago, I received a renewal notice and I called them up to do a multi-year renewal (which I've regularly done in the past)_. I have left several voice mails and no one has called me back. I've been a subscriber for almost SIXTY YEARS. If this how they treat loyal customers?
Noticed my local library has not had recent issues either.
I'm surprised it's lasted so long
I was a Coin World subscriber for several decades. In the late 1990'S they offered a free online coin inventory system. It was cumbersome to use but I spent a solid 50 or 60 hours entering my collection. Then one day in the early 2000's I went to enter a coin and the site simply did not exist. It had been there the day before and then was just gone. No warning, no messages in print or on line. When I called to ask about it I was told they decided to drop it.
I pointed out they could have at least given some warning or allowed customers a chance to print their inventories. This is what the rep. said:
"Too bad for you." Then he hung up. EVERY time I get anything from Coin World I look at it, say "Too bad for you" and then throw away or delete. I know how deeply they care. James
Sad to hear. Perhaps jumping the gun... but this is the sort of thing that happens when business's are starting to fail. Hope not, Coin World is a classic.
I was a subscriber for 50 years but dropped it in 2015.
Sad, I did not get mine too in Canada!
I hope this issue is rectified soon!!
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
and we can read on the "you know what"
The lack of communication on the part of Amos Media is what is concerning. I
also made a phone inquiry in mid-October and received a similar answer/non-answer.
Was even told that the CEO was addressing this problem. I think that subscribers
are owed some sort of apology and a better explanation. The previous poster who
suggested that discontinuation of the print mode is pending may be correct.
If so, those of us who receive (or in this case, don't receive) the print form are owed a refund.
Also, if the print issue is discontinued, the digital format should be offered at significantly
lower cost (No printing or postage costs)
Interesting that the website has no mention of problem of print publication.
Like I said earlier, lack of communication
Called today as i finally noticed the absence of our printed ones. I had thought perhaps the subscription had ended. Nope.
CEO still working on it........
Are they being sold to another entity?????
Theres still enough of us who prefer the old print , and its really the advertising , not paid subscriptions that support the product.
I must also compliment numismatic news here. Let that subscription go years ago. I pick up some hand me downs at coin club and have been very impressed lately with articles!!
Time will tell.....
Does not appear to be a simple 'supply' issue, etc. Something more major in the works.... change of ownership, failure of business, etc. Warning signs are all there. Will just have to wait and see what transpires.
I have NOTHING to base this comment on, but MAYBE they owe the printing company a LOT of money, and he stopped printing until they pay him/her??? Just PURE SPECULATION!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
All the major newspapers in Northern NJ are discontinuing their paper printed versions in the next 6 months. Elderly folks who objected because they don't use digital access were basically told "tough tatas" by the publishers.
We have seen the future and it is now might have already received the last printed Coin World so save it.
Commems and Early Type
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I did not receive the October nor November printed copy in Canada!
I emailed them 2 times including emailing the editor in chief but no reply so far!
I believe Coin World is still published by Amos Press, a printing company.
Coin World was founded with the spare capacity in the local paper business back in the 1960s. If anything, they are getting out of the printing business due to digital publishing and the decline of local newspapers.
Perhaps @CaptHenway might have some insight?
I left there in 1978.
Just checked their site. They are still offering subscriptions for their monthly,digital,40 weekly print issues a year issues.
Newspapers have been shutting down for several years. It would be incredibly unfortunate, but not necessarily surprising, if the print edition of CW went away. I suspect the lack of responsiveness is not due to poor customer service, but rather confusion or indecision over who will be pulling the plug on the printing presses, figuratively speaking.
I was a subscriber back in the day when it was a thick newspaper. It's very ironic that the ads were interesting and informative back then, whereas today digital ads tend to be an annoyance.
I miss the Krause US Paper Money Standard Catalog and North American Coins and Prices. I have kept mine. The digital thing on many publications I have found to be a step backwards. An exception - I do have the digital CDN Dealer app which shows bid and CPG retail which is a major reference tool.
I have no idea what is going on there, so don't ask me, but I find the situation very sad. Everything I ever became in Numismatics started when I got a job there in 1973. They were at the top of a rich mountain of gold that could afford to hire one more warm body, which has since eroded away to a crop circle in Kansas where the well under the central pivot has dried up. I guess I was born at the right time.
Things change.
And the Dec 2024 digital issue is already here
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
Few things more relaxing than reading Coin world magazine on a Saturday afternoon with a soda or coffee. I hope it doesn’t go away….
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
If they do not continue with the printed editions, I'm canceling my subscription with them.
With only 40 weekly print issues a year it would stand to reason some weeks would pass without an issue. Maybe that explains some missing weeks for the subscribers.
I wouldn't get too disturbed about it, everyone knows the print editions of anything now is ultra economically challenging.
It could be any number of challenges, speculating is pointless.
Let them try and figure it out, they have been in the marketplace seems like forever they deserve a little patience.
I preferred their old newspaper format!
@tincup I agree with you
They should shift to newspaper like paper (check "World Coin News" by Krause Publication), that magazine is so light and thin as they use newspaper like paper (non-glossy), and to be honest; it's much nicer to hold in hands than Coin World.
Whatever is lost in customers dropping their subscription because they don’t provide a printed product will be more than made up by the money saved in going all digital. Thirty years ago when I got involved in producing my company’s product catalog every one of our competitors (50+) produced a print catalog. Today none of them do.
Everything in print starts in a digital format provided to the printer for printing a hard copy, Now you can press a button on your computer and output it to pdf, send it out in an email attachment and/or throw it up on a website. You can save the tens of thousands of dollars (in our case) that went into printing and shipping a hard copy every six months by going digital. The downside is I no long get Christmas gift cards and taken to lunch by the printer’s rep that handled our account
Sad that they are ignoring us and not addressing the problem!
I'm considering cancelling my subscription, if no definite results are achieved by the e/o November. FYI (I do not currently subscribe to Numismatic News), however Numi News has a special deal for 36 print issues @ $23.99 per annual subscription.[numismatic+news]&utm_content=Brand&hsa_acc=9726986353&hsa_src=o&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_grp=1302922433579031&hsa_tgt=kwd-81432917077316:loc-190&hsa_cam=6779501240&hsa_kw=[numismatic+news]&utm_source=bing&cds_response_key=I2411BFS
Didn't Coin World use to be a weekly newspaper edition ?
I'm only subscribed to their fancy colored printed monthly magazine for over 5 years now (I'm not subscribed to their weekly newspaper edition).
When they switched from the large, newspaper style publication to the magazine, I quit. I had been a subscriber for over 20 years.
The new format was just not for me.
While I miss the old, large format, I’ve accepted that it is what it is and hope the print edition returns soon. I do read the Chicago Tribune online, but I prefer to hold a paper
Agreed. There was something about the newspaper style. Very comprehensive, covered all aspects of numismatics. U.S., foreign, feature articles, exonumia, show reports.... you name it. Full page dealer inventory ads, classified, for trade sections, etc.