$12,000 gold

Just four banks hold 87 percent of all derivatives at all 4,587 federally-insured financial institutions in the U.S. that existed as of December 31, 2023. Appears interest rates is their biggest bet. This can't end well.
I put odds at 95% that any one of us banks with at least one of them.
All the Devils from 2008 Are Back at the Megabanks: Leverage, Off-Balance-Sheet Debt, Over $192 Trillion in Derivatives, Shaky Capital Levels
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Rinse and repeat! If it worked once.... should work again! We are all in a game of musical chairs whether we like it or not.
Net exposure is a fraction of notional exposure.
Your numbers are misleading.
Leverage for Wall Street Money Center banks is about 8-9 to 1. In 2008, it was 20-25 to 1. Off-balance sheet debt is a fraction of 2008's. Derivative net exposure is a fraction of what you cite. Capital is at the strongest levels in 50 years.
You continue to subscribe to the "Garbage In, Garbage Out" websites.
Capital is at the strongest levels in 50 years.
Sure, and the Fed can create as much fake money as the banks will ever need. Even the mob in Vegas didn't have as refined a skimming operation as the Fed does.
John Williams calculates inflation at 10.9%, not 2.9%. Que sera, sera.
I knew it would happen.
If it is true then it is a very terrible situation. What should we do in such situation ?
Kick back and wait for $12,000 gold? RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Even back in 1880 there were plenty of people who could see the inflationary impacts of over printing fiat currency.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I'll be pulling all of my cash from banks at the first sign of failure at a medium to large bank. If the smoke clears I can also re-deposit it.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
That would work only if the bank allows it. If they are having a bank holiday.... ooops. And there probably won't be much warning.
That would work only if the bank allows it. If they are having a bank holiday.... ooops. And there probably won't be much warning.
I knew it would happen.
there will be sufficient warning to those paying attention,.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
This sounds like a greed thread for gold bugs.
Banks run the world.
They’ll never let gold bugs run them.
94 US Banks Burdened by Uninsured Deposits – Risk of Bank Runs
Your early warning:
"Banks will begin to fail in Europe before it becomes a global contagion."
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Gold has nothing to do with banks failing. If one bank fails (Bear), another bank takes over. Gold in no way shape or form is involved.
Price of gold reflects trust/faith in the currency it is priced in and trust in the central bank that manages (or mismanages) that currency. Failing banks destroy that trust. Banks fail because they are mismanaged or because they are over leveraged in the face of a sudden rush to pull cash from them. Keep in mind that banks hold money you loaned them when you made the deposit. It's now their money and they are free to loan out ten+ times that amount. The are loaning out what WAS your money. If enough depositors show up demanding their money, the bank will fail because it no longer has the money. Banking in itself is a ponzi. A customer's deposits become the next customer's withdrawal or loan.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Gold has nothing to do with banks failing. Banks failing have something to do with gold however.
I knew it would happen.
Oh, Ye the Metal of Kings. It sure does beat life in da gutter. To my fellow goldbugs, CNGRTS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Good grief....talk about garbage in, garbage out....BNY Mellon isn't even a "bank" -- it's a custodial bank and investment manager. The only runs there will be an outbreak of diarreah.
This is what you get when you cut-and-paste garbage from idiots who just crunch numbers with no understanding of what they are doing.
Derry, you have no idea of how modern banking works and the role of the Fed. You really should stop posting because you're just making yourself look ridiculous.
They're back!
China's gold futures traders set to once again drive price even higher.
"A Financial Times article titled "Chinese Speculators Super-Charge Gold Rally" highlighted how trading volume in SHFE gold futures had (recently) surged by 400%, propelling gold prices to record highs."
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
The Florida Atlantic University study discussed in the above "garbage" link found that BNY Mellon has a "100% ratio of uninsured deposits." Any entity that holds other people's deposits sure sounds like a bank (or credit union) to me.
Custodial banks, investment banks, commercial banks - they're all banks. Just as McDonalds, Burger King and Whataburger are all burger joints. Banks, whatever the type, hold or control other people's money. When there is a loss of confidence in one of these banks, people take back their money. If a lot of them do it simultaneously, then you have a run on that bank. If it involves a number of banks you have a banking crisis. Keep in mind that "FDIC insurance" was created to make all depositors feel safe, when in reality the FDIC is funded to only cover a very small number of bank failures. FDIC insurance was created to ensure the masses believe their money is safe in the hands of, guess who, bankers. LOL
"idiots who just crunch numbers with no understanding of what they are doing." Sounds a lot like your beloved government statisticians who often have to revise their numbers to reflect reality.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Sure I know, and it's quite simple: The FED (private bankers) make the banking rules that are designed and constantly redesigned to make the rich even richer at the expense of the poorer. For example they allow banks to loan out ten times what they take in in order to increase personal debt while printing more fake money to, in effect, forgive Washington's public debt. Then Washington buys votes with handouts to the poorest, at the expense of mostly the tax paying middle class, to make sure the massive transfer of wealth to the rich comes primarily from the middle class. Class dismissed.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
The Fed has zero accountability, and they aren't required to have any sort of reserve - so the "money" that they keyboard into existence can be transferred anywhere in the world to any of their cohorts for any purpose.
Bank run? POOF! No problem.
Manipulate a market with naked shorts? POOF! No problem.
Finance a revolution? POOF! No problem.
"Modern Banking"
I knew it would happen.
Exactly, time to exit the bunker. No Problem. RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
BNY Mellon does not have any retail deposits.
Why is it called the Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and it does take deposits.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.