CAC and CACG - innovation second to none

First PCGS manufactures CAC and invents selling an opinion of opinion sticker which is easily the most valuable thing ever sold to collectors. I mean wow, it’s a sticker! That’s sooooo cool. I love stickers. I can still remember how much better my coin got after I bought a sticker for the holder it’s in. Just fabulous! I did have to pay CAC three times but I was so happy that on the third try my coin had improved enough while sitting in the holder (because certainly their purchased opinion is always perfect and never changes) to finally deserve a sticker. It’s just wonderful to see how consistent they are. They're just so much better at grading than any of the grading services supporting them. Now I can proudly display my intelligence by boasting “my coin holder has a CAC sticker I purchased on it”. Yay! My hard earned money well spent because now I’m somebody. Plus, as was their engineered plan from day one, I'm now motivated to send the coin to PCGS for regrade.
Then, to my absolute astonishment (who could’ve seen this coming) CAC sidesteps into CACG. They created a phenomenal and completely unique grading company. The ingenious, innovative and revolutionary things they’re bringing to collectors can be counted on no fingers. This makes me so anxious to spend tons of money to have all my certified coins crossed over to CACG holders. Even if it requires submitting them over and over until all my coins improve enough to be worthy. More money intelligently well spent! Talk about an entity bringing things of tangible value to collectors and the hobby...they're the best. Banking on collector laziness and ignorance in the pursuit of financial greed certainly can't be their motivation.
But now, HOLY CRAPOLA, a friend just sent me the snip below about CACG:
They’re releasing their “GROUNDBREAKING” idea: Registry Sets! OMG, I just can’t believe nobody else ever thought of this. Talk about yet another unique and ingenious innovation…..WOW! This is REALLY special. It’s just so refreshing to see a company doing so much new, innovative, tangible good for collectors and not just driving the greed bus.
It’s this kind of unique, non-greed based, collector benefiting services that make CAC and CACG what’s likely to be the most innovative, unique and caring entity to ever enter numismatics. There’s no doubt that what they care about most is collectors.
I don’t know about anyone else but going forward I’m certainly going to pay 3, 4, even 5 times as much for the EXACT SAME COIN just because it’s in a different piece of purchased opinion plastic. That’s simply smart investing. Plus, it keeps me from having to invest my time and effort into stupid things like education, intelligent self-thought and confidence in myself.
THANK YOU JOHN! There’s nobody in numismatics that cares about us collectors like you do!
Also, thank you PCGS for creating CAC. How's that workin' out for you now?
Now, watch how fast truth is deleted from the numismatic public eye.
They may have to create one given the performance of some of their coins.
PCGS looks like they are still the one to beat.
I'm use to weekend trolls, but holy cow they are really coming out of the woodwork this weekend. Gold nickels, missing coins, dies engraved with an "A" to strike a single coin, alts responding to their own thread, and now we have a CAC thread. Good grief is it a full moon and I missed it?
Philippians 4:4-7
Yep, it's Saturday.
Pretty sure this is another alt by the same guy who has a long winded CAC bashing every few weeks.
Question for the alternative OP: Did Tide invent detergent it just make a boatload of money marketing it?
It kinda peaked when you returned…
The multi-alt troll is back and still quite boring.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Interesting maybe you should stick to raw coins or since you seem so inclined start your own tpg service
Will this be your first and last posting?
I count nine paragraphs in the OP. I don't know how fast the OP types, or if this was voice-to-text, but it certainly required some time to put all this together. This is libel to cause problems.
You tell him Mark, at least the Stolen 93-s thread is amusing!
Founder- Peak Rarities
Maybe he can get some advice about starting a new tpg from @USA_Bullion_and_Coin they both seem to be very level headed.
Why op all this CAC hype here in a PCGS forum. Do you think we care? You can go around and around w your spiel posting w them over there.
I have some CACG stuff ( advertising display) just mark them up cost plus accordingly. Some have even sold lol.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Ban incoming.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
One question that I have about stickering now, is what is the relevance -- I mean you are only guaranteed a CAC slab with a legacy sticker.
I understand the market demand from some, but if they think about it why bother, either crossover or love your coin in its current holder.
Can you send me links to these threads in a PM?
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
PMs sent.
Philippians 4:4-7
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.