It's unfortunate, but until Dealer become harder targets this will keep happening.
A large dog in the car might have detoured these thieves. Dogs are always armed.
Gun store's keep large dogs on premise. Coin stores might need to do the same now.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
It's unfortunate, but until Dealer become harder targets this will keep happening.
A large dog in the car might have detoured these thieves. Dogs are always armed.
Gun store's keep large dogs on premise. Coin stores might need to do the same now.
Don't think a dog left in a car idea would fly today. Animal rights activists would be all over you and likely report it to authorities.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
Im just a collector, but why dont dealers rent cars to go to these shows? Let them track the car back to the parking lot, then get your car and go home
@horseyride said:
Im just a collector, but why dont dealers rent cars to go to these shows? Let them track the car back to the parking lot, then get your car and go home
Why can't they rob you as you are transferring between cars? You're actually building in a stop. And if they followed him to the convenience store, went can't they follow him home after the car change?
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup.
Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
So if somebody asks you to switch seats they are a screwball? What if they promise not to kick the tires?
@Martin said:
It’s not the dealers fault. It our fault for soft law enforcement and lax punishment.
Hang em high
I agree about the lax punishment part, which emboldens crooks... but it's not the LEOs' fault that the dealer decided getting a Slurpee was more important than securing his stuff at home first.
@Cougar1978 said:
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup. Don’t even stop, roll down window - experienced with the process.
@Martin said:
It’s not the dealers fault. It our fault for soft law enforcement and lax punishment.
Hang em high
I agree about the lax punishment part, which emboldens crooks... but it's not the LEOs' fault that the dealer decided getting a Slurpee was more important than securing his stuff at home first.
Its not the officers in the field per say but yes LE around here anyway cares less about figuring out who ransacked a car or stole from some ones backyard. Sure they come out ask a few question check the video tape, hand you a case number to file with insurance, rinse repeat. No effort or funding whatever the reason it may be. That to me is lax policing. Now are they there, when a major need arises, yes. But this country's police force don't want to be bothered with petty crime. and we as citizens seem to be ok with that. Lord know we fund a lot of unnecessary things in this word if we wanted to top low level crime we could. That pressure for LE would decrease the amount of opportunists out in our world.
And BTW the dealer got a hotdog with mustard not a Slurpee
@horseyride said:
Im just a collector, but why dont dealers rent cars to go to these shows? Let them track the car back to the parking lot, then get your car and go home
Why can't they rob you as you are transferring between cars? You're actually building in a stop. And if they followed him to the convenience store, went can't they follow him home after the car change?
A rental car wouldn't help in a being-followed situation, but it would definitely help if a tracking device had been attached to the rental car.
@2ndCharter said:
Not the most sanitary thing but, when I do a long distance drive to a coin show, not only do I have a small cooler in the car for food and drink but I also keep an old plastic cup under the seat. On the way home, if the urge strikes, I just pull off the road and use the cup. I'm not leaving the car to use the bathroom.
I use a plastic peanut butter jar for times when a restroom is inadvisable or not readily available. It's nice and wide and has good capacity. It makes it easier to contain the stream, so to speak, and the lid keeps the contents secure until the jar can be dumped. Gross but effective....
@Cougar1978 said:
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup. Don’t even stop, roll down window - experienced with the process.
Just to clarify - the plastic cup trick is for car rides and not airplane trips, right?
You guys know there's a sort of jug contraption they use in hospitals for this purpose, right? Well designed, suited to purpose, and comes with a cap. Because if your cup doesn't have a cap what are you doing with it? Putting it in your console cup holder? What could that possibly lead to, I wonder. Distracted driving and all..
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
It's unfortunate, but until Dealer become harder targets this will keep happening.
A large dog in the car might have detoured these thieves. Dogs are always armed.
Gun store's keep large dogs on premise. Coin stores might need to do the same now.
Don't think a dog left in a car idea would fly today. Animal rights activists would be all over you and likely report it to authorities.
It is allowed as long as the dog is well ventilated and a safe degree inside the car. I’ll promise you a Cane Corso would ruin their day😎
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
@Cougar1978 said:
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup. Don’t even stop, roll down window - experienced with the process.
I hope to never be driving behind you…
Not sitting next to you on the plane (while using that cup).
@Cougar1978 said:
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup. Don’t even stop, roll down window - experienced with the process.
I hope to never be driving behind you…
A few years ago I was flying first class on AA and had my backpack in the overhead bin above my seat. The aircraft was fully booked and FA’s were scrambling to put bags in the overheads. Here comes a straggler on and the FA is trying to find a place for his carry on. She opens the bin above me and proceeds to take my backpack out and put his carry on in it’s place and was going to move my bag a few bins behind me.
I quickly said, “ Don’t touch that backpack, I paid 1000.00$ for this seat.” She looked at the craziness in my eyes” and decided to close the bin back up and move someone else’s stuff. It probably could have escalated into a bad scene. Some FA’s just wait or bait someone to give them guff. Don’t ever think they can’t relocate your bag of 100,000.00$ coins if they want to. Argue with them about it and see where it gets you.
In this context, the dog is only left in the car while the dealer is getting fast food on the way home. No one suggested leaving a dog in a car during the show.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
In this context, the dog is only left in the car while the dealer is getting fast food on the way home. No one suggested leaving a dog in a car during the show.
Where is the dog the rest of the day, then??
ETA: Business opportunity, doggie day care, just off the bourse
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
In this context, the dog is only left in the car while the dealer is getting fast food on the way home. No one suggested leaving a dog in a car during the show.
Where is the dog the rest of the day, then??
ETA: Business opportunity, doggie day care, just off the bourse
Directly next to your vendor table, the same place you are.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
The guys who used to put out big spreads of gold bullion and numismatic coins 10 years ago have generally gotten a lot more discrete. Upside profit/downside risk? That should be the chief consideration on setting up at any show. If the best case scenario is that you are able to sell a few items at roughly the same profit selling through an auction or shipping to strong buyers, then what's the reason to take all that risk? I just know too many dealers who lost 6 figures at or leaving a show.
@dhikewhitney said:
What if sellers were allowed one or two guard dogs at shows ?
NO NO NO.... first passersby that gets bitten... and the dealer AND the venue will be sued for the big bucks. And picture dog fights, etc., Lots of people... my daughter included.... is extremely afraid of dogs. NO!
Dogs at a show... is one of those things that might sound good at the first. But when you look at the logistics and risks involved.....
But if the industry wants it, and shows want it.... no problem. But likely one that I would not attend... I have had a few close calls with ill mannered dogs before.
The same people who cant figure out where the dog does during the show think a shop dog is going to bite them randomly...
For the love of dog. A shop dog is way less likely to bite you than a random dog off leash on the street. The shop dog is trained and attended to. You people lack imagination of any kind.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
At the Gettysburg show I briefed the dealers, and, especially those who I felt were at high risk because of their actions. I told one dealer, who is always hungry, to go to a drive through, such as McDonald's or Kentucky Fried Chicken to avoid leaving his vehicle unattended. He said: "I don't like McDonalds and last time I ordered KFC drive through they shorted me 2 pieces of chicken, so I won't use drivethroughs! I back my car in whenever I go to the restaurants on the way home." Some of these dealers amaze me with their lackadaisical attitudes toward their own security!
I’m no lawyer, but I think KFC has some liability here.
Andy Lustig
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
@air4mdc said:
It’s too bad, such a fun and great hobby and it’s almost too dangerous to attend shows, especially small shows. People need to be aware of their surroundings and get their heads out of their “you know what’s.” Some of the smartest people I know, have no common sense. I bet they carry a wallet in their back pocket as well.
I literally never use cash, which sadly means that I never get change to look thru, only a CC with cashback and pretty much pay as I spend with bank transfers. So I carry two one-dollar bills in my wallet. One of my buddies always wants to see how much is in my wallet, when I show him he will stick a 50 or hundred in there. I always take it out and put in the large pile of bills in my desk that pays my lawn guys. And this keeps repeating, I cannot get it through to him that you don't need to carry hundreds in cash unless you have a specific cash buy happening. But over the years he must have given me at least a thousand. Oh well.
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
The same people who cant figure out where the dog does during the show think a shop dog is going to bite them randomly...
For the love of dog. A shop dog is way less likely to bite you than a random dog off leash on the street. The shop dog is trained and attended to. You people lack imagination of any kind.
Because all "shop dogs" are the $5000 trained variety and 30 dealers with 30 guard dogs would have zero chance of resulting in an incident... yes, our lack of imagination is the problem.
@RiveraFamilyCollect said:
The same people who cant figure out where the dog does during the show think a shop dog is going to bite them randomly...
For the love of dog. A shop dog is way less likely to bite you than a random dog off leash on the street. The shop dog is trained and attended to. You people lack imagination of any kind.
Because all "shop dogs" are the $5000 trained variety and 30 dealers with 30 guard dogs would have zero chance of resulting in an incident... yes, our lack of imagination is the problem.
@The_Dinosaur_Man said:
Ya gotta start boobytrapping the car like its Home Alone
Back in the day of eight track players, razor blades were glued on the bottom and top of the back frame.
This was most likely position grabbed by the perp.
Now the down side of this as seen in the plot of HA..
Like a ragging bull in a china shop, expect anything.
Thinking of this inside act, what is a stress free way to combat, and to continue on, with a clear mind ?
Bring a friend. (?)
I ordered my 2022 Ford F150 with the console vault. My vault has a combination lock to secure my weapon when I’m not in the vehicle. I ordered the rear under-seat gun locker as well but for some reason it did not come delivered with it installed. The console vault is the best vehicle option I’ve ever ordered.
I sure like your setup. You did good. 🔫🙂
Doug Davis reported another one of a dealer leaving the Dalton, GA show and being robbed 2 1/2 hours after leaving: INVESTIGATING AGENCY: Alpharetta PD
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Vehicle Burglary
The Alpharetta, GA police department is investigating a vehicle burglary. The victim, a dealer, traveling home from the recent Dalton, GA coin show stopped to eat two and a half hours away and while inside an unknown suspect or suspects gained entry into the victims vehicle and removed coins and cash.
Partial listing of stolen coins:
1893-S Morgan Dollar
· 1893-0 Margan Dollar
· 2 – 1916-D Mercury dimes
· Several 1932-D & S quarters
· 3 $1,000 dollar bills two were graded and one was from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
· 3 $500 dollar bills raw
· 1 Gold Type Set. It had 2 Double Eagles ($20 dollar gold coins one Liberty & one St. Gaudens), 2 $10 gold coins (one liberty & one Indian), 2 $5 gold coins (one Liberty & one Indian), 2 $2.50 gold coins (one liberty & one Indian)
· A group of Morgan Silver dollars in two cases, all were graded with various mint marks.
· Several Seated Liberty dimes in the late 1800s one was graded PF 64 and had a beautiful toning.
· Group of Bust Half dollars – graded.
· Group of Franklin Half Dollars - graded
· Group of Walking Liberty Half Dollars – graded
· 1 – 1798 Silver Dollar that was graded & had a plug at the top of the coin.
· 2 – Seated Liberty Trade Dollars – graded
· About 100 raw Morgan & Peace Silver Dollars
· Several different denomination coins like ½ dimes, old dimes, quarters, & half dollars.
· 1 Sigma Gold Tester
· 18 One-ounce gold coins with one Buffalo & one Maple Leaf the rest were gold eagles
· 1 $5.00 gold coin minted in Dahlonega – graded
· Modern $1.00 coins all graded by ANACS MS63 or better.
· Gold & Diamond Jewelry
· Gold backs about 3 packages of 100 at a cost of $6.50 each or about $2,000
· Proof sets from 1954 – 1965 not a complete set, some years have been sold or mission.
· A large group of silver mint sets.
· 1921 Peace Dollar, raw, not an exceptional coin probably a grade of 30 to 40.
· 2 Ben Franklin Complete sets in circulated condition.
· 400 gold flake tubes
Preliminary investigation has revealed the victim was followed from the show by two vehicles with stolen plates. No additional details are available this time.
I think I'll just sit out the CSNS next week. I don't care for their parking lot setup. Much too easy to single out a dealer/car/collector. Very easy to apply a tracker in that lot setup. Super easy spot to be followed from and people always assume it's only one car following you. Pros, just like undercover's, work in teams. With the big theft a couple of years ago with the cases being walked out the back door there are pretty good odds someone will up to something. I sure hope I'm wrong.
In this latest one leaving the Dalton show, the thieves followed the dealer around 90 miles or an hour and a half. Really what's the worst thing that's happened to these thieves following dealers when they've been successful? The few that have been caught rarely have been held to full account.
Just give him a hook. It might open up a new career for him.
It's unfortunate, but until Dealer become harder targets this will keep happening.
A large dog in the car might have detoured these thieves. Dogs are always armed.
Gun store's keep large dogs on premise. Coin stores might need to do the same now.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
You might even say they are armed... to the teeth.

Collector, occasional seller
Don't think a dog left in a car idea would fly today. Animal rights activists would be all over you and likely report it to authorities.
With the hook one's roll searching days would be over.😀
Security is no laughing matter.
Im just a collector, but why dont dealers rent cars to go to these shows? Let them track the car back to the parking lot, then get your car and go home
Why can't they rob you as you are transferring between cars? You're actually building in a stop. And if they followed him to the convenience store, went can't they follow him home after the car change?
I have great sympathy for the victims - numismatic crime.
For me it’s nonstop between show and home. Will go thru drive thru if coast looks clear. Never would leave car to dine.
Be cognizant of traffic laws in travel to and from show. Airports can be very dangerous. My inventory carry on - don’t let it leave my sight. Once in overhead bin on plane / if somebody wants me switch seats away from inventory (screwball passenger for instance) - hell no.
For answering the call of nature (long trip) have an old plastic cup.
So if somebody asks you to switch seats they are a screwball? What if they promise not to kick the tires?
I agree about the lax punishment part, which emboldens crooks... but it's not the LEOs' fault that the dealer decided getting a Slurpee was more important than securing his stuff at home first.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
I hope to never be driving behind you…
Its not the officers in the field per say but yes LE around here anyway cares less about figuring out who ransacked a car or stole from some ones backyard. Sure they come out ask a few question check the video tape, hand you a case number to file with insurance, rinse repeat. No effort or funding whatever the reason it may be. That to me is lax policing. Now are they there, when a major need arises, yes. But this country's police force don't want to be bothered with petty crime. and we as citizens seem to be ok with that. Lord know we fund a lot of unnecessary things in this word if we wanted to top low level crime we could. That pressure for LE would decrease the amount of opportunists out in our world.
And BTW the dealer got a hotdog with mustard not a Slurpee
Happy Collecting
For everyone who gets tracked and becomes the victim of a burglary, there are many other unsuccessful ones.
A rental car wouldn't help in a being-followed situation, but it would definitely help if a tracking device had been attached to the rental car.
I use a plastic peanut butter jar for times when a restroom is inadvisable or not readily available. It's nice and wide and has good capacity. It makes it easier to contain the stream, so to speak, and the lid keeps the contents secure until the jar can be dumped. Gross but effective....
Just to clarify - the plastic cup trick is for car rides and not airplane trips, right?
You guys know there's a sort of jug contraption they use in hospitals for this purpose, right? Well designed, suited to purpose, and comes with a cap. Because if your cup doesn't have a cap what are you doing with it? Putting it in your console cup holder? What could that possibly lead to, I wonder. Distracted driving and all..
ETA pic here
It is allowed as long as the dog is well ventilated and a safe degree inside the car. I’ll promise you a Cane Corso would ruin their day😎
Not sitting next to you on the plane (while using that cup).
A few years ago I was flying first class on AA and had my backpack in the overhead bin above my seat. The aircraft was fully booked and FA’s were scrambling to put bags in the overheads. Here comes a straggler on and the FA is trying to find a place for his carry on. She opens the bin above me and proceeds to take my backpack out and put his carry on in it’s place and was going to move my bag a few bins behind me.
I quickly said, “ Don’t touch that backpack, I paid 1000.00$ for this seat.” She looked at the craziness in my eyes” and decided to close the bin back up and move someone else’s stuff. It probably could have escalated into a bad scene. Some FA’s just wait or bait someone to give them guff. Don’t ever think they can’t relocate your bag of 100,000.00$ coins if they want to. Argue with them about it and see where it gets you.
It's genuinely dismaying to see people talking about leaving a dog locked in a car for an hour, much less the length of a show day.
In this context, the dog is only left in the car while the dealer is getting fast food on the way home. No one suggested leaving a dog in a car during the show.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Why and where did this post get SOOOOOOOO far off track? How many posters have read the initial post that I made?
Full moon
Where is the dog the rest of the day, then??
ETA: Business opportunity, doggie day care, just off the bourse
Will insurance cover this?
Probably not since he left the vehicle unattended. BTW, most small dealers do not carry insurance.
Directly next to your vendor table, the same place you are.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
The guys who used to put out big spreads of gold bullion and numismatic coins 10 years ago have generally gotten a lot more discrete. Upside profit/downside risk? That should be the chief consideration on setting up at any show. If the best case scenario is that you are able to sell a few items at roughly the same profit selling through an auction or shipping to strong buyers, then what's the reason to take all that risk? I just know too many dealers who lost 6 figures at or leaving a show.
What if sellers were allowed one or two guard dogs at shows ?
NO NO NO.... first passersby that gets bitten... and the dealer AND the venue will be sued for the big bucks. And picture dog fights, etc., Lots of people... my daughter included.... is extremely afraid of dogs. NO!
Dogs at a show... is one of those things that might sound good at the first. But when you look at the logistics and risks involved.....
But if the industry wants it, and shows want it.... no problem. But likely one that I would not attend... I have had a few close calls with ill mannered dogs before.
The same people who cant figure out where the dog does during the show think a shop dog is going to bite them randomly...
For the love of dog. A shop dog is way less likely to bite you than a random dog off leash on the street. The shop dog is trained and attended to. You people lack imagination of any kind.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
I’m no lawyer, but I think KFC has some liability here.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Yes, as long as they have proper dealer Photo ID’s.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Sorry, no. As we all know only hot dogs are allowed at shows. Pass the mustard,please.😀
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Had the underseat storage for driver and Pax in my Jeep. It was smallish but stealthy. Sturdy and locks about half the size of a standard briefcase.
My next vehicle will be a Ram, Ford, or Toyota with rear seat type.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
I literally never use cash, which sadly means that I never get change to look thru, only a CC with cashback and pretty much pay as I spend with bank transfers. So I carry two one-dollar bills in my wallet. One of my buddies always wants to see how much is in my wallet, when I show him he will stick a 50 or hundred in there. I always take it out and put in the large pile of bills in my desk that pays my lawn guys. And this keeps repeating, I cannot get it through to him that you don't need to carry hundreds in cash unless you have a specific cash buy happening. But over the years he must have given me at least a thousand. Oh well.
Because all "shop dogs" are the $5000 trained variety and 30 dealers with 30 guard dogs would have zero chance of resulting in an incident... yes, our lack of imagination is the problem.
All they need is a "Do not allow the dogs to attack you" sign and they should be legally covered.
Collector, occasional seller
Back in the day of eight track players, razor blades were glued on the bottom and top of the back frame.
This was most likely position grabbed by the perp.
Now the down side of this as seen in the plot of HA..
Like a ragging bull in a china shop, expect anything.
Thinking of this inside act, what is a stress free way to combat, and to continue on, with a clear mind ?
Bring a friend. (?)
I ordered my 2022 Ford F150 with the console vault. My vault has a combination lock to secure my weapon when I’m not in the vehicle. I ordered the rear under-seat gun locker as well but for some reason it did not come delivered with it installed. The console vault is the best vehicle option I’ve ever ordered.
I sure like your setup. You did good. 🔫🙂
Doug Davis reported another one of a dealer leaving the Dalton, GA show and being robbed 2 1/2 hours after leaving: INVESTIGATING AGENCY: Alpharetta PD
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Vehicle Burglary
The Alpharetta, GA police department is investigating a vehicle burglary. The victim, a dealer, traveling home from the recent Dalton, GA coin show stopped to eat two and a half hours away and while inside an unknown suspect or suspects gained entry into the victims vehicle and removed coins and cash.
Partial listing of stolen coins:
1893-S Morgan Dollar
· 1893-0 Margan Dollar
· 2 – 1916-D Mercury dimes
· Several 1932-D & S quarters
· 3 $1,000 dollar bills two were graded and one was from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
· 3 $500 dollar bills raw
· 1 Gold Type Set. It had 2 Double Eagles ($20 dollar gold coins one Liberty & one St. Gaudens), 2 $10 gold coins (one liberty & one Indian), 2 $5 gold coins (one Liberty & one Indian), 2 $2.50 gold coins (one liberty & one Indian)
· A group of Morgan Silver dollars in two cases, all were graded with various mint marks.
· Several Seated Liberty dimes in the late 1800s one was graded PF 64 and had a beautiful toning.
· Group of Bust Half dollars – graded.
· Group of Franklin Half Dollars - graded
· Group of Walking Liberty Half Dollars – graded
· 1 – 1798 Silver Dollar that was graded & had a plug at the top of the coin.
· 2 – Seated Liberty Trade Dollars – graded
· About 100 raw Morgan & Peace Silver Dollars
· Several different denomination coins like ½ dimes, old dimes, quarters, & half dollars.
· 1 Sigma Gold Tester
· 18 One-ounce gold coins with one Buffalo & one Maple Leaf the rest were gold eagles
· 1 $5.00 gold coin minted in Dahlonega – graded
· Modern $1.00 coins all graded by ANACS MS63 or better.
· Gold & Diamond Jewelry
· Gold backs about 3 packages of 100 at a cost of $6.50 each or about $2,000
· Proof sets from 1954 – 1965 not a complete set, some years have been sold or mission.
· A large group of silver mint sets.
· 1921 Peace Dollar, raw, not an exceptional coin probably a grade of 30 to 40.
· 2 Ben Franklin Complete sets in circulated condition.
· 400 gold flake tubes
Preliminary investigation has revealed the victim was followed from the show by two vehicles with stolen plates. No additional details are available this time.
Anyone with Information contact:
Doug Davis
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
I think I'll just sit out the CSNS next week. I don't care for their parking lot setup. Much too easy to single out a dealer/car/collector. Very easy to apply a tracker in that lot setup. Super easy spot to be followed from and people always assume it's only one car following you. Pros, just like undercover's, work in teams. With the big theft a couple of years ago with the cases being walked out the back door there are pretty good odds someone will up to something. I sure hope I'm wrong.
In this latest one leaving the Dalton show, the thieves followed the dealer around 90 miles or an hour and a half. Really what's the worst thing that's happened to these thieves following dealers when they've been successful? The few that have been caught rarely have been held to full account.
The few that have been caught rarely have been held to full account.
That’s why it keeps happening. Society is to soft on crime. Especially planned wrong doing
Once again in this thread I say hang ‘em high