Holy Grail Travis Kelce Card!!!

Back in 2013 I Pulled a 2013 TOPPS Travis Kelce Rookie ERROR Card #31 That has THREE Errors!!!
1) No Name on Front
2) No Topps Logo on Front
3) No White Wavy Line on Front
I just got the card Back from being Graded and it's Prestine 10!!! This could be a 1 of 1 Card!!!
Just want to know if ANYONE Has one of these cards or even Seen one like it.... I've been searching for over 10 YEARS and No Card Like it!!!
Neat card, but never heard of that grading company.
I first sent the card to PSA and they wouldn't grade it, when I asked them WHY they never responded... so I looked up folks who would grade it and CGC is one of them...
This could be a Unicorn Card... haven't seen another one like it... Still Searching!!!
Who else besides CGC grades that card?
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
Pulled from the end of a 🌈 pack?
Amazing I’ve only heard stories of such a pack.
No Other Card Like it Has Been Graded!!! Fact is I've Searched Since 2013 for another card like it and haven't found one... This could be a Unicorn Card!!!
Google “2013 topps football no name on front kelce” and there’s quite a few - most have Topps on them, so slightly different than yours.
Link to an eBay search there shows this happens quite a bit, so I’m not sure it’s as unicorny as you’re hoping it is. In fact, here’s one for sale on Craigslist for the low low price of 20 million: https://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/tag/d/hopewell-junction-sports-card-travis/7720333151.html. Hey, wait a second - it’s also graded CGC 10!
LOL!! That's MY CARD!!! Hopewell Junction!!! I listed it for $20M Because I'm Searching for another one like it LOL Funny How you found my ad on CL~ Why don't you respond to my ad and I'll get the message and reply to you!
BTW, All other Travis Kelce Cards with NO Name on Front are NOT his 2013 Topps Rookie card... if you see another one like it please let me know!!! I'll Pay BIG BUCKS FOR IT!!!
I commented on your other post, then you asked me a question, and when I tried to reply it wouldn’t let me. This is a cool card, no doubt, and very well could be the only, or one of very few, Kelce RCs missing the foil. With that said, there are many, many foil free cards out there in general, so as others have said, not quite a “unicorn.”
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
I have one, it'll run you 20Mill + shipping.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
Please Let me know if you've SEEN This Card or Know of someone who has one.. I WILL PAY BIG BUCKS FOR ONE LIKE IT!!!
Hey 82FootballWaxMemorys... That's My Card!!! LOL and it cost me $2.99 for the Topps Pack... Plus $50 Bucks to get CGC to Grade it~
Cool card, i think for this to be worth more you need to find a population of them. If there were say 10 or 20 known copies, look out, you have something special and collectible.
$100-$150 would be my estimate.
How much did it sale for is one of the funniest and most ignorant things I've ever heard.
Thanx 80sOPC~ I've been Searching for over 10 YEARS Posting Everywhere and ANYWHERE To Find another card like it.,.. Still nothing.... Please let me know if you find another card like it... I'll BUY IT!!!
LOL gorilla glue 4 !!! I already had offers of $35,000 For my TK Card and turned it down! Wishful Thinking on your part~ LOL
His value will never be more then today, if you’ve turned down offers for 35k on a 150 dollar card that’’s a misprint, thats fascinating
What's fascinating to me is how many people say there are MORE Cards Like this but NEVER Prove That More Exist~ :-)
And by the way, the last time a card came up like mine was the Frank Thomas with No Name but that Error card has Well over 500 Known Cards whereas I've been searching for over 10 YEARS and Still NO ONE SHOWD ME PROOF OF ANOTHER ONE LIKE IT!!!! So Tell Me 80sOPC Where Have YOU Seen one like it?? Please Let me know Friend~!!!
You should buy these cards that are also missing foil and list them for $10 million (they’re not rookies, so they’re definitely not worth the $20M that the Kelce is undoubtedly worth).
ETA another one (seems like I could do this all day)

These never end well.
Well fwiw I don’t think there are more of these, which is a problem for your valuation. The Thomas proves my point not yours.
Very cool, though I don't think it's really what would be called an error card. It's more of a manufacturing defect, as an error is usually something that is "purposely" wrong (where every card would have the error till corrected), not that something was missing from the printing process, be released for an amount of time and then purposely corrected or left uncorrected. The No Name Frank Thomas is also believed to be an mfg defect, as something got on the "black ink" plate causing the name area to become flat and no transfer of any ink in the name area.. In this case you just have a card that is missing the foil imprint layer (areas), not THREE errors. Most likely the "foil spindle" had run out on the printing press and some sheets went through before it was reloaded, maybe even possible that only a portion of the same sheet this card came from had foil when it ran out. So most likely there are very few out there....
I imagine that PSA did not grade it because there is no provenance in the sense of many of the SAME card in a no foil condition being out there, and then don't really want to bless a 1 of few quality control issue.
Hi 80sOPC~ OK I Get it now... so if there was only 1 Frank Thomas NNOF it wouldn't be worth more than $150..
Good Call Mate!
Can everyone just congratulate him on his $20,000,000 card so he can stop already?
If you have received a $35k offer on that card, you need to stop what you are doing, leave work and go take that deal.
right now.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Hi craig44 ~ I only collect cards and have never sold one... I am looking to find and buy another TK card like the one I have... if you find one or know of someone who has one... Please let me know!
Interesting card. If I were a big Kelce fan, I would love to own this card.
Not sure what it's worth or how many are out there, but I would not be interested in paying big money for it.
@Ridethelightning , I think we have another candidate fer dat avard...
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
Correct, it would be a one off misprint with limited value relative to what the NNOF sells for. Been in this hobby forever and can’t think of a one off misprint that has big value.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
This entire thread makes me happy I only collect vintage.
I actually just shipped a few off not long ago and got my grades back. Believe it or not mine has FOUR errors!!! I will break them down:
Error 1: It has the name on there when it shoulda been left off. An error of an error!!!
Error 2: It's not even Travis Kelce on the card!
Error 3: It was drawn on the back of Pabst Blue Ribbon 30 Rack not even printed at Topps!!!
Error 4: CGC Printed the flip as TOTALLYRADD GRADING COMPANY (TRGC) and gave it an ELITE 11!!! Haven't seen that in all my years of collecting!!!
Can't wait till these come back. I'm gonna sell em for 15 Million to any member on this board before sending em to Goldin. Just Venmo my Nigerian uncle under Friends only (NOT BUSINESS!!!)
^ a sarcastic congrats to Mr 20 Gazillion Dollar misprinted card guy who only took 18 posts to violate the rules about Politics on this Trading Card Sub-Forum.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
I agree with Craig44. If someone really did offer you $35,000 for it, you need to hop on a plane and sell before he sobers up.
We have CGC to blame for all this.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
Perhaps I'll send them my pack-pulled 1989 UD Griffey that never had the UD foil holo applied on back of card. At PSA at best given that missing foil would score a 2or 3 but with CGC I might very well get a Super Duper Primo Perfect CGC12
BTW: I do send all my Comic related cards to CGC for last six months. IMHO on the technical aspect of grading they are more strict than pre-2022 PSA. However I'd not send CGC anything other than 1970 or newer Comic or Entertainment related cards.
I've not submitted anything to PSA since start of pandemic. Not sure I want to pay for grading only to be subjected to enforced census medians.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
I have a 1996 Flair Kobe Bryant rookie like this. It sits on my shelf inside the "NO GRADE" Card Saver from PSA. I never thought that it would be worth much, despite the rarity. I'd take your $35,000 and run.
I never sell cards. If it had this card and was offered $35K I would sell it.
I never look at Goldin’s auctions. If I happened to have this card I would consign to them and see what happens. They are very good at marketing modern cards and may choose to highlight this given the Kelce craze. Even if my collection focused on Kelce and I really coveted this card, I would consign it now. I would wait for it to sell again at a time not right after the Super Bowl while he is dating Taylor Swift and buy it when it surfaces again for way less than it would sell for today. I don’t think it is anywhere near 5 figures but I could see right at this moment it fetching $1K.
Get ready for more $20 million cards.
Topps forgot to add the foil on 2024 Series One 1/1 cards. OOPS!
Return card to Topps to get foil added.
(Or add 1/1 stamp on the back of base card to counterfeit. Your choice.
This is why If I am going to buy something, it will be vintage..
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Do not sell for less than $100MM. Don't be a sucker! That card is a Gold Mine (Tm). Diamond-Hands.
Now that he has stopped responding, can someone come clean that this is their alternate trolling account? Well played. You got 20 million laughs out of us.
No you didn't.
How much did it sale for is one of the funniest and most ignorant things I've ever heard.
Damn, I was just selling my house to bid on this..
Even Taylor has zero interest in the card due to missing foil.
Just got mine re-evaluated for 3 times its size and value---- only for loan purpose, not taxes, that's different.