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Why Are Some Collectors So Scared About What OTHER Collectors Are Doing With Their Registry Sets?



  • TDN - just out of curiosity for how long have you owned the 85 & 86 ? Or the whole set for that matter? And when you bought them what holder if any were they marketed in?

  • << <i>I am only on the Registry to share my collection with other collectors. >>

    TDN, that says a lot for you and is very much appreciated by the collectors here. The last thing I would want to see is for you to leave.

    You are right some of the proposed remedies and attitudes are out of whack mine included. My only defense is that I tend to go to the extreme at times when in my opinion something is wrong and others are or appear to be defending and or trying to justify it and expecting me to go along.

    I never thought or meant to imply you were anything but honest and fair and would break the rules if you did not agree with them.

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bill: good post, thank you! image

    Lincolnsence: I've owned the 1885 since the day the Childs 1804 was auctioned - Aug 30, 1999. In a way, I cost the new owner of the 1804 over half a million bucks because I bought the 1885 just before the sale, which gave Jay Parrino just a small profit to use to run him up! image

    I purchased the 1884 just last Friday. Both coins have been in NGC holders since the Eliasberg sale in 1997. The rest of the set was all purchased in PCGS holders along the way. I used to own some of the common Eliasberg proofs, but couldn't get them crossed so I sold them.
  • TDN - thanks for the info. I thought you had purchased these some years ago and so did some other people I called to inquire with. EVP has asked me an interesting question regarding the value of the set at a sale. The question was whether or not the holder would change the pricing. I thought you had purchased them raw. And then slabbed them. See now everybody knows the grades of this fine set. So even if you cracked them out everybody would still know what the grade "should" be. So then logically I would venture to say that this set would command a higher sale price in what ever holder the auctioneer thought did it more justice. Would you agree with this logic and if not could you elaborate on how it might be viewed differently?

    EVP - I suggest this set would command more $ in one of the holders (which ever holder is currently commanding more for the same graded items today) - and this is my final answer.image
  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    EVP - I suggest this set would command more $ in one of the holders (which ever holder is currently commanding more for the same graded items today) - and this is my final answer

    Hi LincolnSence,

    I thought you were saying that a set is worth more only if registered. (I didn't go back to check the posts -- baseball is on!) If you only meant slabbing, then I agree. I you meant registering, then I disagree.



    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Those two coins are worth the same in the holder or out of the holder. The balance of the set - I couldn't really say. Some are rare, some are not. Some are really PQ and could go one grade higher. But I'm happy where they are.

    But I wouldn't say they are worth more because they are pedigreed "Legend".

    Maybe in 50 years! image
  • I guess I'm lucky because I'm putting together a Registry Set that no one in their right mind would want to put together. The only other current set hasn't had a coin added for more than a year.

    I could give a rat's posterior what other collectors are doing with their Registery Sets. All I know is that I'm putting together a set that when it is complete and displayed will impress the heck out of me. I am a pretty picky guy when it comes to coins so if it impresses me I know it will impress some one else and that is all that is important to me.

    Oh yeah, and my coins speak for themselves, they dont need some piece of plastic to justify their rarity and value.
  • littlewicherlittlewicher Posts: 1,822 ✭✭
    Oldcameosproofguy, you've assembled an amazing collection so far. I completely concur that you don't need plastic to tell you the rarity and value of you coins. I wish you luck in building a complete set and beating the Eliasberg Collection!image

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,267 ✭✭✭✭✭

    An interesting topic regarding the Registry. Perhaps as pertinent today as it was 21 years ago.


  • @gmarguli said:
    I find it very amusing (and sad) that there are so many people concerned with what other people are doing with their sets. So much talk about ways to prove that the set actually exists and it is still in PCGS slabs. So much talk about whether or not the set owner actually owns the coins in the set.

    Why do you people care so much? Do you people collect coins or do you collect registry set points? Does it REALLY matter to YOUR collection if another persons set is non-existent? Are your coins any less important to you if someone else is using "fake certificates" to gain more points. Does your set become worth less to you if another person put together a "fake set"?

    Would it really matter if I told you that I know with 100% certainty that the #3 set of a unmentioned series wasn't actually in existence as a set? Many (most) of the coins aren't actually owner by the person who registered the set, but rather they are owned by a dealer that allows one of his good customer to use his cert numbers.

    Would you think less of your set?

    Would this REALLY matter to you? Why?

    Please don't say it is a trust issue. It's not.

    Honestly, why do you people care?

    Valid points all. Only the DSM-5 can speak to motivation. IN THE BEGINNING, I was too busy simply trying to assemble the finest compilation of coins available. The Set Registry was simply an inventory tool. But as my slots filled up and my ranking moved higher, I became more conscious of my standing, and that of others. Re: caring... yes and no. If I were to pull up my stake here it would be a direct affront to the member who invested so much time and money "over there." While I am # 1 ranked here, I feel for the members whose rankings I have superseded. But I am not looking down or back; I am looking up and forward. I know how every other Set Registrant feels because I have experienced the race first-hand. Having the means and the knowledge are important, but timing and availability trumps all. You cannot be first if you're not plugged in and paying attention. And if I am not, no problem. My would-be successor is wholly deserving of the accolades.

  • PwrHseProPwrHsePro Posts: 208 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 17, 2023 10:43AM

    I'm a bit of a newbie, so I care about the plastic... I use it for a starting point as to the value of the coin... I think check Photo Grade to see how off it is. I make a determination based on that comparison, if I like the coin, and then how its priced. An example may be a slab saying its a 65 but I find it as a 64 but priced as a 63 and is nice looking to me, I'll likely get it.

    For cheating the registry... I really couldn't (not could) care less when it comes down to it... folks cheat, that happens... BUT I do prefer an accurate database. What I mostly don't like is when the cheaters (or folks that forget to remove sold inventory) have a coin listed that is actually in my possession and I cant add it when I try which leads me to stating that I wish ALL graded coins were in a registry. This could cut down on fraudulent sales as well as fake registry sets.

    I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeffhttps://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/set/215647https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/showcase/8378

  • Tom147Tom147 Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    PwrHsePro, there's no way that all graded coins should or would be in the registry. Not sure of the numbers but if look at the pop reports VS registry numbers, I'd say a small % of graded coins are in the registry. There's a lot of collectors who choose not to participate for various reasons. Let alone the vast numbers of coins held by thousands of dealers who simply don't have the time or resources to keep up with such an everchanging and monumental task.
    As for the " cheaters, and fake registry sets " I like you couldn't care less.
    As stated in another post where I see you commented on, I do hate the fact that I can have a coin in hand and have to jump through hoops in order to enter into my sets. It's like a little kid opening up a christmas present and not having any batteries and all the stores are closed " for up to five business days. "

  • WaterSportWaterSport Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭✭✭

    As I always say - every great set still has to go around me...LOL

    But seriously the only "cheating" I see, is where PCGS has misattributed a variety that exists in a set above mine and there is no way PCGS will recall the coin. And The owners in the past have not been willing to owe up and remove it themselves. On the other hand - I see where owners have a variety coin, and probably don't know it or you would think they would get it attributed and add it to the set or upgrade an existing example. And of course you could argue all day long over the grade of an any coin in any set. But none of that is fun. Only the search is.


    Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
  • kruegerkrueger Posts: 888 ✭✭✭✭

    Lately trying to get varieties in holders has been abysmal. Taking them to "meet the expert" at shows most often
    He agrees they the graders missed it and you get a free review . What a way and struggle to get a variety in a holder. Very discouraging! I am sending another half dozen and I know I will have to jump these hoops again.
    I feel like an arguing plan tiffith with evidencce against a judge. 50 years of collecting dozens of top 2 registry sets and I feel like I am being treated as a novice. Takes the fun out of it.

  • PwrHseProPwrHsePro Posts: 208 ✭✭✭✭

    Being a stickler... there are folks that have said that they "could care less"

    Did they actually mean that they "couldn't care less"... or???


    I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeffhttps://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/set/215647https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/showcase/8378

  • AlanSkiAlanSki Posts: 1,926 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 20, 2023 5:37PM

    I do a registry to showcase what I am able to find on eBay (99.9% of the time. .1% here) raw, and for the cheapest price possible, with the best color I can find.

    I’ve found and had graded 1 of 3 (last I checked) AU58+ memorial cents. I’ve also found and graded the solo top pop 1960D LD 66BN cent. I sold both because I enjoy the hunt of finding more.

    Competition is great but cheating isn’t.

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not scared of other registry sets at all. I have plenty of them and use them to keep track of what I actually own and collect.

    I am very thankful that PCGS still has the registry and the associated inventory management system because it is a great free service.

  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,315 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have no clue.

    Deep seated psychological issues stemming from childhood trauma???????

  • humanssuckhumanssuck Posts: 457 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are many people who dont care at all what other people do on the registry.

    There are also people who get very invested in what their ranking is, and wanting to be #1, or in the top 5, etc...

    Regardless of how you feel, its not unreasonable for users to want the PCGS registry competition to be fair and for everyone to follow the rules.

  • ApplejacksApplejacks Posts: 384 ✭✭✭

    The registry is for people to feel like they’re worth something in life.
    Those who care less about the registry have the funds or collections to compete, but abstain.

  • Tom147Tom147 Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Applejacks said:
    The registry is for people to feel like they’re worth something in life.
    Those who care less about the registry have the funds or collections to compete, but abstain.

    Seriously ?

  • leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,473 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have accumulated a great collection of Jefferson nickels, 700+ over 33+ years and sold quite a few over that time. I had one buyer, a member here praise a coin I sold him only to find that coin back in my mailbox days later. I was confused as to why he returned the coin. Come to find out after doing a search with the label's cert number, he had used it to retire a Registry set collection. I promptly contacted PCGS, they contacted him saying that's a no-no and pulled his set from being retired.
    So....I guess, at the time, I cared. I was trying to raise a few bucks only to find that I had been used and had wasted my time and energy over the pretend games people play in their heads.
    People sitting on coins with mushy strikes is another pretend game I'll never understand. But if that is what makes them happy, good for them. 😏🙄


    The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

    My Jefferson Nickel Collection

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