Add your name to this list if you are going to the ANA in Pittsburgh!

I will be attending and looking forward to meeting some of the member there.
Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211
I will be attending and looking forward to meeting some of the member there.
Bought my flights yesterday
I'll be going. My plan is to attend the JRCS and BHNC open meetings to make as many friends as possible.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
Setting up, booth 1722 (Select Rarities). I will have the first Trade dollar variety book (I think 50 of the 10 printed remain). The larger one (complete variety listings) will not be done at the printer in time. Looking forward to seeing old friends in the hobby and meeting others I know on here or don't know at all yet.
Can you give more information on these open meetings?
Of course!
JRCS General Meeting is Wednesday, August 9th at 8:30am in Room 333.
BHNC General Meeting is Thursday, August 10th at 2:00pm in Room 325.
Not sure if the JRCS general meeting is open to non members. The BHNC general meeting is open to non members.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
I’ll be there Tuesday evening until saturday
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I bought my plane ticket and reserved my hotel last night. I arrive at PIT 8:30 AM so I should be there for the open at 10AM Wednesday. Plane flies out Friday evening. I'd be happy to meet up and say hi with peeps. I'm looking forward to the show.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
I'll be there all day Wednesday and Thursday morning.
I'll be there either Thursday or Friday just for the day. Less than a 2 hour drive for me.
JRCS welcomes "Prospective Members"
so yes, show up. Guest is John Dannreuther!
Really looking forward to this show - lots going on throughout the week! I'll be set up at table 904, starting on Monday Dealer day and throughout the show. Of course I'll be taking photos for my show report so be sure to stop by, say hi, and I'd be happy to take your photo if you'd like to be in my report!
Also, as I mentioned on a separate thread, I'm giving a presentation on the Errors and Varieties in my personal collection on Thursday at 1:30 in room 323, so feel free to stop by, it's open to everyone!
The Penny Lady®
I'll be at the Paradime table #1304. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
I will be there and will have (odd gods willing) a pre-release version of the 3rd edition of the Sample Slab book for the BOAF meeting. I cracked the next-to-last major problem with the generator last night and ran the draft V2 at 3 am this morning.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Will be there all Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Would have liked to have stayed for the whole show (I usually have an Exhibit) but I couldn't get a decent flight home Saturday night. So, just three days this year.
I will be arriving Monday for a few days.
I'll be there for the whole week setting up a new Steigerwalt exhibit and presenting a money talks program on Thursday at 12 noon about Mr. Steigerwalt's life.
I don’t think I’ve ever been to their table. I’m gonna stop by!
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
You definitely should.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Looking forward to seeing Angel Dees outstanding coins
I will be there from Tuesday-Thursday evening. I will be walking the floor mostly but in between my rounds you will probably be able to find me hanging out with @numismattack at table 1719.
Founder- Peak Rarities
I plan to attend on Wednesday. It is a four hour drive for me but doable if I start out early.
I will be there Tuesday through Saturday. No table this year, but will be hunting!
Will be there Thursday and then on Friday morning. Rolling all my eastern US visits together.
I’ll be there Wednesday and Thursday
Latin American Collection
Still trying to talk my wife into making it a weekend trip for us. Last time we went her car engine blew up.
I will be there starting on Tuesday. I am very much looking forward to the show.
GOT 4 tables gonna try to offload some bulk lots from the storage sheds.. hope to see you there
Are any members interested in meeting some place ? I’ve never been to Pittsburgh.
I think that’s a great idea. We should do a centralized location in the middle of the day on Thursday, like the food court or something.
Edit- (or Wednesday if the consensus allows?)
Founder- Peak Rarities
I'll be there Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
I will be there Tuesday through Thursday.
sunday to sunday for me
I'll be there the whole week.
Sunshine Rare Coins
I will be there Monday through Thursday. Let’s meet up for show and tell along with a beverage or 2
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
Thursday through Saturday at table 1709. I'll have my photo gear there for all your imaging needs.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
What will be talked about at these meetings?
I'll be there during these days...
Oh that's none.
This is one I really would have loved to catch, but shifting work priorities 86'ed my chances.
Oh well, there's Long Beach in September!
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
I've heard this presentation. It's a good one!
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
I won't be attending but look forward to the show reports.
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Catbert. Thank you for your response .
I’ll be there Tuesday through Saturday. Looking forward to a busy and productive show!
I'll be at the BHNC open meeting, and possibly the JRCS open.
Landing about dawn [8:30 AM] drop off luggage at the hotel, then off to the show.
leaving at dawn Friday AM
I'll also be at the Whitman table
BHNC #203