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Moving on...........

Desert MoonDesert Moon Posts: 5,933 ✭✭✭✭✭

I'm done here, there seems to be too many folks here that want to focus on bashing others instead of discussing numismatic topics. I want to thank those that have made some of my participation here over the past 2 decades fun, but I don't appreciate the caustic nature of some of the posters and it is just not worth it to be here any longer. Look at what keyman64 just said to denigrate me on a discussion thread I started, yikes. I just won't contribute any longer if that is how I (or anyone) is treated. I will lurk (maybe) and that is it. I hope that folks behave more civil than this. I just don't get it and why they want to be like that.

Bye folks, I am going to be under the name Hard Times on the CAC boards.

Best, SH

My online coin store - https://desertmoonnm.com/


  • coinbufcoinbuf Posts: 11,601 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sory to see you leave, look forward to seeing your contributions on the other side.

    My Lincoln Registry
    My Collection of Old Holders

    Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,321 ✭✭✭✭✭


    I enjoy reading your posts and would like you to stick around. Get away for some period of time and then participate again.

    Ignore negative stuff and focus on positive threads about the hobby we all enjoy.

  • Project NumismaticsProject Numismatics Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 20, 2023 4:17PM

    On the whole, I’ve benefitted tremendously despite some heated arguments with certain members. While I disagree with certain positions some members take, I have come to better understand their arguments.

    I hate to see you go, but if the forum is causing you stress or anxiety, then it may be a wise decision to take a break. This hobby is supposed to fun.

  • OAKSTAROAKSTAR Posts: 7,839 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Give it a little more time. It could change after folks read this. A lot of folks here enjoys seeing and reading your posts.

    Your thread prompts mixed emotions. Would be very sorry to see your departure but pleased to know, I'm not the one that caused it. My posts can stray off course from time to time.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )

  • cameonut2011cameonut2011 Posts: 10,169 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @spacehayduke said:
    I'm done here, there seems to be too many folks here that want to focus on bashing others instead of discussing numismatic topics.

    If you (and others like you) leave, they win. Numismatics and the forum will suffer.

  • U1chicagoU1chicago Posts: 6,268 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @braddick said:

    That CAC thread seems mild to me compared to some in the past.

    Disagreement is expected on any CAC thread so I would recommend for the OP to embrace the back and forth or just ignore it. Take a break if needed and come back when ready for more. And don't hesitate to start more threads (controversial or vanilla-a little of each is needed at times).

  • jesbrokenjesbroken Posts: 10,205 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ok, someone made you angry, been there, done that. I understand your concerns and feel your pain, but don't make us pay the price of losing another important contributor to this forum. Take a break, think out your future steps regarding your numismatic travel and hopefully you will feel the benefit of sharing your thoughts worth the occasional rough up by someone who doesn't share your opinion.
    This is my opinion.

    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln

    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,349 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ponderit said:
    I get it and I understand. I was very close to writing CU off a week or so ago. Almost deleted my account after basically being called a liar by a couple of members.

    I've been around here what seems like a long time and truly love visiting, reading and learning, but I don't post often,,, I'm still here.

    I averaged one of my "accusers" posts, almost 4,600 posts per year over almost 6 years. If I thought that many people actually cared about what I had to say my ego would have to be through the roof; it's not. Several members PM'd me telling me to hang tough, stick around and not pay attention to this member and his negative 'tude; that and a lot of support in the thread itself brought me back to the fact that I love the forum and 99.9% of it's members.

    Stick around, enjoy and ignore the ones who piss you off.

    No one said any such thing...

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,933 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 21, 2023 4:22AM

    @ponderit said:

    I averaged one of my "accusers" posts, almost 4,600 posts per year over almost 6 years. If I thought that many people actually cared about what I had to say my ego would have to be through the roof; it's not.

    A few months ago I noticed that my points surpassed my post count. (These sorts of details are found on your profile page.)

    It's all a bit of nonsense, of course, but I decided to play a little game by keeping my points (earned for "agrees" and "likes") above my post total. I figured that might help me focus on quality over quantity.

    I have no idea where other people stand - it's not a contest - but my points now exceed my posts by around 600.

  • Steven59Steven59 Posts: 9,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 20, 2023 7:49PM

    Forums are a give and take -

    "When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"

  • SmudgeSmudge Posts: 9,625 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JBK said:

    @ponderit said:

    I averaged one of my "accusers" posts, almost 4,600 posts per year over almost 6 years. If I thought that many people actually cared about what I had to say my ego would have to be through the roof; it's not.

    A few months ago I noticed that my points surpassed my post count. (These sorts of details are found on your profile page.)

    It's all a bit of nonsense, of course, but I decided to play a little game by keeping my points (earned for "agrees" and "likes") above my post total. I figured that might help me focus on quality over quantity.

    I have no idea where other people stand - it's not a contest - but my points now exceed my posts by almost 1,400.

    Put that way, you are doing quite well.

  • Steven59Steven59 Posts: 9,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 20, 2023 7:47PM

    Oh! (Shhhh)

    "When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"

  • DCWDCW Posts: 7,488 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hope you decide to stay. This forum can be a nice diversion from the stressors of life. Unfortunately, some members bring their negativity here to display with their coins.
    I don't think @keyman64 really intended to get under your skin this much, though. He has his moments, but he is a good member here.
    Most of us on the forum don't personally know each other outside of the internet. This has unintended consequences sometimes when people feel at liberty to say things they normally would keep to themselves if the conversation was in person.

    Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
    "Coin collecting for outcasts..."

  • dollarfandollarfan Posts: 315 ✭✭✭

    I feel like I missed something. What EXACTLY was the horrible things that were said.????

  • BryceMBryceM Posts: 11,836 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Maybe I didn't read enough of the thread. I personally didn't agree with the thread title and overall premise, but if everyone agrees about everything, there's no reason to have a forum. The latest communication from CAC could be interpreted the way you said it, but in the context of numerous previous communications, the stated premise doesn't seem to be accurate.

    Apart from that, if you're looking for a civil discussion here, mentioning anything about CAC is a certain route to disaster.

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,349 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @dollarfan said:
    I feel like I missed something. What EXACTLY was the horrible things that were said.????

    "Click bait"

  • air4mdcair4mdc Posts: 934 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This isn’t even real SH…..it’s crevice in the World Wide Web…..a bunch of people that are bits, bytes, fps and mb’s and gb’s of data.
    Majority of members here say, “stay”, me included.
    This is kind of like real life….well, maybe not.

  • UpGrayeddUpGrayedd Posts: 678 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Everyone wants to be "right" on the internet, take it with a grain of salt and ignore the a-holes.

    Philippians 4:4-7

  • rte592rte592 Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 20, 2023 9:00PM

    5000 posts. You should have developed a thicker skin by now.
    Who gives a crap what people think.
    Just navigate around all the BS drama.

  • Walkerguy21DWalkerguy21D Posts: 11,556 ✭✭✭✭✭

    At least promise you will still post some of your awesome bust quarters from time to time!
    And let me know when you are attending the FUN shows.

    Successful BST transactions with 171 members. Ebeneezer, Tonedeaf, Shane6596, Piano1, Ikenefic, RG, PCGSPhoto, stman, Don'tTelltheWife, Boosibri, Ron1968, snowequities, VTchaser, jrt103, SurfinxHI, 78saen, bp777, FHC, RYK, JTHawaii, Opportunity, Kliao, bigtime36, skanderbeg, split37, thebigeng, acloco, Toninginthblood, OKCC, braddick, Coinflip, robcool, fastfreddie, tightbudget, DBSTrader2, nickelsciolist, relaxn, Eagle eye, soldi, silverman68, ElKevvo, sawyerjosh, Schmitz7, talkingwalnut2, konsole, sharkman987, sniocsu, comma, jesbroken, David1234, biosolar, Sullykerry, Moldnut, erwindoc, MichaelDixon, GotTheBug
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,291 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 20, 2023 11:24PM



  • CoinHoarderCoinHoarder Posts: 2,613 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • ACopACop Posts: 1,479 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome to the "lurking because of high horse jerk offs on this forum" crew

  • rec78rec78 Posts: 5,760 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I left this forum for about 5 years for the same reason. Some people just must have the last word every time and manipulate your words to fit their narrative. Sometimes it's just like bullying. Some will troll your every post and try to put you down and prove you wrong. Whatever you say is your opinion. Posts should be informational (educational) and/or fun. Anyways since this thread in not really about coins, it could be poofed.

  • rec78rec78 Posts: 5,760 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Since when is rain bad? I love rain and sunshine both.

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,737 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Let someone know how your doing in any case. Peace ✌️

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