I have a soft spot for original looking old silver coins

I picked these out of a local dealers new purchases yesterday. Most of the value of my collection is in 2 pcgs boxes. But then I have a large accumulation of coins that just call to me. Usually these are fairly inexpensive coins that call out to me. I have hundreds of coins in 2x2s that for whatever reason I needed to buy. Sometimes the price was too good to pass up, other times the originality just called out to me, other times I just wanted to buy coins. 20 years from now when I retire I am going to have a lot of stuff to go through.
Question. Why do you think we sometimes see circ cameos. I put them in order of close to a circ cameo to no brightness on the wear areas. Just a question I have been pondering. My first thought is maybe after years of sitting out of circulation the coin re entered circ for a while wearing off some tarnish. And then was rescued before wearing down to low grade. Other thought was perhaps the worn surface didn't oxidize as quickly as the non worn surfaces
That's a really nice Seated quarter.
Love the seated ones!
Love all the crusty ones
I've pondered that circ cam question before too.
I think both of your suggestions would do the trick...
In humid areas where coins tarnish quickly, there may have been coins circulating for years with this look. The low areas are getting dark while the high areas are constantly being cleaned by circulation?
I have a soft spot for original looking old silver coins
I agree. I love nice circulated coins, with good honest wear.
Tonedeaf is a nickname given to me in reference to my guitar playing ability.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
I do as well, it just looks right.
I've always assumed the coin recirculated after it took on a natural silver patina and the high spots were then worn off for the look. But guess it could have just continued in circulation and with the constant handling not allowing the patina to develop on the high spots. I also love that original look.
@fishteeth... I understand your situation very well. I am the same way. Sometimes I buy a coin and for no other reason than at the time, I really liked the look. Years later I look at some of those coins and wonder why.... Others still attract me. I call them 'impulse buys', and really do not regret the purchase. Collecting coins is a hobby for me, needs no further explanation. Cheers, RickO
Nice pickups. I especially like the seated quarter. It's in the spirit of most of the 19th & early 20th century silver in my type set.
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That's why I bought this coin and I love it. I made sure I bought if from a reputable dealer with proper paperwork if there ever was a problem but I doubt it.

I know they are heavily counterfeited.
This one is genuine and I like the look!
Second time posting it but if your like me you won't get sick of seeing it.
This is my favorite "look" for a slightly circulated coin:

Commems and Early Type