If you think you found a Doubled die, the following sites should be your first stop. Look for an EXACT match. If its not exact, then you dont have it. Think yoh found something new? Very unlikely unless you understand the minting and die making processes, and the characteristics of true doubling vs MD and die deterioration (based on your posts, you have need to work on these areas. Takes time but all of us have been through it and so can you if you want)
www.varietyvista. com
These sites are also filled with loads of info. Bookmark and study them. Then study them again. Remember, there are a lot of members willing to help you, but they don't want to do your research for you. Showing that your learning goes a very long way here. Best of luck
Welcome, if the pros can see a hint of it you will know. Make sharper images if you can in anticipation of the requests for sharper photos. Good luck.
It is not a DDR cent. I see no DDR 1970S DDR listed in the CPG. Cheers, RickO
It's not the small date cent.
Here's a comparison:
Small Date is on the left. They all have a weak LIBERTY.
No. If it was, it would or should look something like this.
If you think you found a Doubled die, the following sites should be your first stop. Look for an EXACT match. If its not exact, then you dont have it. Think yoh found something new? Very unlikely unless you understand the minting and die making processes, and the characteristics of true doubling vs MD and die deterioration (based on your posts, you have need to work on these areas. Takes time but all of us have been through it and so can you if you want)
www.varietyvista. com
These sites are also filled with loads of info. Bookmark and study them. Then study them again. Remember, there are a lot of members willing to help you, but they don't want to do your research for you. Showing that your learning goes a very long way here. Best of luck
What you have is the large date variety.
@Oldhoopster thank you for your input and the websites that I need to study. Your help is much appreciated.