Are there many women who collect coins?

My guess is no and probably a ratio of 1000 to 1 versus men. Do men collect more because we are natural hunters?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
My guess is no and probably a ratio of 1000 to 1 versus men. Do men collect more because we are natural hunters?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Do any of you collect with your girlfriend/wife? For my part I am single so this is not relevant to my situation.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Not really.
I've told this story a few times, but the first time I went to Baltimore, I brought my then-girlfriend, now wife with me. Half the dealers would just stare at her and talk to her, despite the fact she wasn't really there for coins. Admittedly, I am like a High A player that hit a home run off DeGrom when you compare the two of us, so I get she will get a lot of attention when we are doing stuff together, but still... She heard one dealer say something along the lines of "If I had a girl that looked like that, I'd be in the hotel room, not on the bourse". She hasn't attended a show with me since.
Walk a bourse with your wife sometime, and you'll notice it too. It takes a woman who REALLY likes coins to put up with that crap.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
It seems many men like "Lady Liberty". Is there an equivalent for women collectors and, if so, what is the ratio of those coins?
There are more women collecting and also designing and sculpting coin/medal dies.
They just are on these type of forums. They can be found on Instagram and Facebook.
Granted it’s still a small minority but, they are coming into this field.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
More than you think I’m guessing. Way more than 1:1000.
At Summer FUN, I overheard cringy, inappropriate comments from a dealer behind his table to a guy’s girlfriend/wife.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
There is a larger variety of people collecting coins as time moves on.
There are also plenty of wives who are content to manage the coin collectors.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I dealt with women who inherited men's collections. They were collecting money.
As any good wife should
Mrs_Spud collects too, but nowhere as much as I do. She collects dimes and has complete sets of Roosevelts, Mercury dimes and Barber dimes all in albums and also has an incomplete Registry set of FB Roosevelts across the street. She used to come with me to all of the coin shows, toting her circulated Wayte Raymond Barber Dime set and looking for upgrades, but hasn’t done so the last several shows that I attended. The dealers that she didn’t know eyes would pop out when she would pull out her album and most would bend over backwards looking through their inventory that wasn’t on display to try and find nice looking upgrades for the ones she was looking for. It was a great icebreaker for me too because the dealers would treat me better and remember us the next time we saw them at other shows.
My wife enjoyed attending shows and helping me "stack" bullion gold coins 20 years ago. I would go for the AGEs and K-rands and she liked Canadian Maple Leaves. But she was never a "collector".
On the World/ancient forum, I saw this thread first and wrote a detailed write up, but to make a long story short here, a couple of my best coins came from the estates of Woman collectors.
My YouTube Channel
i would say it's closer to 40 to 1, i ship coins to females at that clip
Most are called ex-wifes and they collect currency.
I visited a pal of mine who I had no idea collected—she had a couple of Morgan dollars, some Buffalo nickels and about a dozen different animal themed silver 1 Oz coins. I got her the 2 Oz silver Canadian werewolf coin for her birthday and she was very happy with it. More of a Stacker than a collector
Usually they do not collect coins in the beginning m but will end up with the collection in the end!
There's a surprising number of women who collect exonumia and also post 1986 silver and gold bullion.
My mother was and my favorite coin dealer is.
They all collect coins until they see
Some of the comments here are nothing but sexist. Please, grow up...
My wife used to attend shows with me, she went to coin stores with me too.
She didn't collect, but did buy me more than a few nice coins from time to time.
She liked the social aspect of it, she would talk with anyone that would listen or talk back.
My Wife does not collect, nor did my Mother, however, my Mom did buy a few coins for me... colorized ASE's. She believed they would have great value. I never said anything to discourage her or that idea, and I treasure those coins. Cheers, RickO
@DelawareDoons said: I've told this story a few times, but the first time I went to Baltimore, I brought my then-girlfriend, now wife with me. Half the dealers would just stare at her and talk to her, despite the fact she wasn't really there for coins. Admittedly, I am like a High A player that hit a home run off DeGrom when you compare the two of us, so I get she will get a lot of attention when we are doing stuff together, but still... She heard one dealer say something along the lines of "If I had a girl that looked like that, I'd be in the hotel room, not on the bourse". She hasn't attended a show with me since.
I hate to criticize my forum brethren, but pay attention to what happens whenever a new member shows up that happens to be a woman. They are shown far more deference than any man. It's just the way our society is and the guys here apparently can't help themselves. The best example was LucyBop: she'd enter a thread and say "Bee Bop a Lula" and the guys would trip over themselves to get her attention!!
well i wanted to post this info for those that didn't know only to receive the bad news: W.I.N.
In our house, my wife was collecting Morgans long before me…she still does!
My wife is a collector...of shoes & hand bags
She recently called me out for telling her she couldn't resale any of her hobbies...Apparently fine handbags have resale value.
Not to derail the thread - but check out HA’s auction results for handbags!
My wife and daughter are both collectors, but not of coins. They are collectors of what I like to call "stuff". They have much more "stuff" than I do. I am the only coin collector.
Here is my daughter's shoe collection. It is the only collection that I understand and makes sense to me, as it is well organized. There are over 275 pairs in the collection.
Edited to add: To answer the OP's question. From going to coins shows, I would say it is a 20 to 1 ratio of men to women.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
She’s only got two feet, right ?
Yes, but there are 365 days in a year.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
I don’t know of many women coin collectors.
Coins are things - women are interested in people, shopping, being treated right by their man, somebody who can relate to and understand their feelings, what’s best for their children and a man who can pay the bills. A successful career is critical for a man in terms of attracting a woman.
Coin collecting is more of a a black hole, gambling investment, things. However if your active in the business and it’s making money it can be a positive thing with a woman. Then your talking $$. I recall a thread on coin talk where 95 pct of collectors lose money.
Women may collect an emotional area of interest like country, birth date, anniversary date, etc.
If your date does not seem too interested in your coin collection don’t blabber more about it to her like an idiot. Move to something that interests HER.
@divecchia My wife would be jealous and I would be broke.
Holy Smokes! I can assure you none of her bags have Hermes.
Based on my mother-in law, elder cousins, and grandmother (passed), there ARE women collectors. Unfortunately there are more of them who are "inheritance collectors". They inherit and try to monetize, or give away. Few are bonfide collectors. But Dealers like making money from any naïve collector, and generally speaking, they don't discriminate against women,
just as none of your coins have CC ?!?!? i won't tell.
Fixed it for you.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Yes there are women who inherited a collection then went into the business and did very well. The old saying: give it (a business, house, etc) to a woman and she will make it better.
1950 called, they want their toxic male-dominant culture back.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Maybe at shows the number of women there collecting is lower, based on some of the stories above. In the online/social media world I'm betting it's quite a bit more. Dealing with online creeps is a bit easier than dealing with them in real life, nothing worse than the smell of mustard getting closer and creepier.
For some posters, here's a coin that takes us back to that "happy simpler time, when you never locked your door and a hot dinner was always ready". /s
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Not enough.
My first coin related job was helping out part time at the local B/M, run by a very strong and assertive woman.
A competing coin shop was also run by another strong woman-solo- for 20+ years after her husband died.
Another was run by a male but the girl he originally had helping him later started her own business and it still runs today.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
I don't know too many coin collectors these days personally, male or female. In the past when I was a kid, however, my first two big inspirations for coin collecting were both women: my 4th grade teacher, who gave me my first Whitman folder and gave me advice on collecting, and an antique dealer who I worked for.
There are probably more than you think. Most of my collecting is done at my local shop or online, not at coin shows. I’m sure it’s the same for others.
No. Not many women collect coins. Women collect your paycheck.

Then they do this.....
Anything left might get this...If you're lucky!
It's the Natural Order of Things......the way it was meant to be!
Wow. I have four pairs of shoes, 2 Dockers, 2 Skechers, and one of the pairs of Skechers is for cutting the grass. I told that to a former colleague who told me she had a thing for shoes and asked me to guess what designer she was wearing. I should have guessed they were Yuri Gagarins (my standard "I haven't got a clue" answer for Final Jeopardy). I didn't share how many 1878 Morgan dollars I had, because OPSEC.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
My WAG is 10-1, and that may be generous. Really no good reason for this - many highly technical professions are now 40%+ women, don’t know why numismatics is stuck in the dark ages for women - but Delaware’s experience certainly does not help.
I’m shocked at some of the comments here.
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
Imagine a 16 year old female YN reading this thread.
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
Kinda surprised Charmy or some other WIN member hasn't chimed in on this by now.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
i sent a message so if she has email PM notifications on, she'll see this thread but she hasn't been on in months i think.