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One more Gilt Slug arrived this morning, The Days of '49 Blunt 4 J-640 HK-502A

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,709 ✭✭✭✭✭

This one is a so called dollar with the designation of HK-502A .
This is a 1940's Gold Gilt Brass Slug, The Days of '49, Blunt 4 J-640 HK-502A
I saw this one for sale raw, but no mention of the blunt 4 in 49'
**On the website **
He points out Jankovsky #J640. Weber #32B. A "blunt 4". The left point of the 4 in "49" is blunted. According to the Bill Weber auction catalog, this piece was struck before the pointed variety and is 5 Times Rarer than the pointed variety. Rare.


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