Error on reverse right rim - 1980-P Kennedy half-dollar.

I have never seen this before. There is a part of "America" (backwards) on the reverse time on the right of the coin. At first I thought that this was PMD, After closer inspection it appears to an error. If you look below Dollar, you can see the lower parts of a reverse (?or backwards) "RICA", on the rim.
Please comment! Thanks!!

PMD..... sorry.
I disagree. How can it be PMD? There are no sharp edges.
It's like a vise job but there is a good chance it was from coincidental contact rather than intentional in a vise.
The lettering is backwards like it would be if pressed against another coin.
You could be right but there is no indication of any damage. The rim is normal, the coin is not bent or dented. If it is post mint damage, I would think that you would see a scratch or dent or rim damage of some kind or other tell tale issue. The images are too bold to just be incidental contact. Could it be that the die got this way somehow and it was minted like this?
Incuse on the coin means raised on the die. How could the die "somehow" get that way?
Also, there is quite a bit of trauma evident. Your picture shows a lot of damage to the R, for example.
It is PMD... incuse, means pressed against another coin, not from a die. Cheers, RickO
not even close to a error
Aug 11th
That reminds me of a certain Morgan dollar that was hotly debated for a long time last year.
……And that thread was overly long and speculative
My thoughts exactly. Has anyone saved links to that thread?

Yes thought the same thing.