Is it legal to use bot at .gov website?

"He then described some initial legal hurdles to overcome in blocking scripted activity, but that they implemented the block by a prompt requiring you to “prove that you’re human.”
"He then described some initial legal hurdles to overcome in blocking scripted activity, but that they implemented the block by a prompt requiring you to “prove that you’re human.”
The Mint has implemented "modifications" to their website in order to to "stifle cyber attacks during limited-edition product releases". However, it sounds like they are still figuring out exactly how far they can go. "Gillis said some bot activity is still present, but there is some legal question about whether all of it can be blocked."
Edited to Add:
Just noticed this in the linked article ....
"New conditions were imposed July 15 by the U.S. Mint on participants in its Authorized Bulk Purchase Program, designed to prevent their circumventing the Mint’s order limits through use of automated web robots or other methods."
Sounds like at least some of the 18 program dealers were using methods that the Mint considered inappropriate to acquire additional inventory.
Fully support anything they can do to hose over the bot users
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I think the 2 minute sell outs are destroying trust and confidence in the Mint.
Cannot argue that their desire to create extreme artificial scarcity is not creating fans in some segments. I think we are all realizing their target audience is no longer the collector (some may argue it never was…just was not as obvious)
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Sounds like it is legal, I am going to learn to use it.
The bulk purchase program? First thing you need is a bulk amount of purchases from the mint and then I’d say a big bulky amount of money 🤓🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I did see Mint communications indicating bots were not permitted, but not sure they can - or will - block them all. Cheers, RickO
Thank you.
Your post prompted me to investigate the details of the "numismatic bulk purchase program".
With respect to the annual spend requirements, I was surprised ....
"Approved bulk purchase customers must place at least two qualifying orders of $10,000 (spending at least $20,000) in each fiscal year to maintain membership in the program. If this requirement is not met in a fiscal year, the customer will be removed from the program and will be required to re-apply to participate. Any order that totals less than $10,000 will not qualify for the bulk discount."
Terms & Conditions, Clause #2
I know that the Mint is trying to restrain the use of bots. Reference
I also know that they recently imposed new conditions on participants in the APBB. Link
But I could not find any law, like the BOTS Act for event tickets, that specifically outlaws the use of bots in this situation.
Further, some companies, like Linkedin, expressly prohibit the use of bots in their 'user agreements'. (See 8.2.2 and 8.2.13 here.) Could not find similar phrasing in the Mint's 'Terms & Conditions of Sale'.
Just think - buy six palladium coins and you are now a bulk purchaser…