Bob Simpson Toners-Spectacular Color!

Some of my favorite Simpson coins: (a few of which made their way into my collection....and very fortunate for that!) Some of these coins remain in the Simpson collection. Please Post your Simpson coins below and add onto the thread.
@ricko Warning-put the e-Zest away!
I would not do that..... I do not buy tarnished coins... I leave them for people who enjoy them. Cheers, RickO
How about a coin with a mintage less than a 1913 Proof Liberty Nickel and the first appearance of Lincoln a year after his assassination.
A true prize J-486 or 487?
Eldorado9- Judd 488.
And what looked to me like the real deal 488. Another 488 was a former 487 and CAC approved as a 487 at that, but then changed to 488. Perhaps it got tested. I was meaning to ask Andy about that when things slowed down.
For me it’s about eye appeal. There is toning that is unsightly and other toning I find appealing. After a certain point (age) you’re rarely going to find a coin that has no toning. That’s the nature of the beast.
I can only speculate how one of the 487's came to be redesignated as a 488, but I don't think it matters. As far as I'm concerned, the only way to know if a pattern is copper or bronze is to have it tested. And if I don't see the actual composition details designated on the slab, I assume that PCGS never tested it, and that we don't really know what the coin is.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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That last walker is spectacular!
Spectacular IS the word to describe those beauties. It must be nice to have an endless supply of money. I’m pretty sure I’d be doing the same thing if I were loaded down with cash
Thank you for sharing👍