Struck Thru $5 Indian Head

In your opinions, would this struck thru the date be of any additional value or merely a curiosity?
In your opinions, would this struck thru the date be of any additional value or merely a curiosity?
curiosity at best
Bill Fivas has a maxim that goes like this: The greater the value of the normal coin, the less percentage of value a variety or error adds. I'm thinking that this strike-through, as nice as it is, won't add much.
I’d pay a premium. All it takes is one, right?
Generally, I call them 'white elephant' errors.
The host coin's value FAR exceeds the struck thru value, imo.
If it was already in a mint error holder then I’d imagine more people would be interested. Right or wrong having it denoted on the label causes some people to esteem it higher.
Two would be better.
OK thanks for the opinions. I don't know if I will try for the error label, but appreciate all the feedback!
I would just take a small peel and stick label and write in small print "Strike thru at date" and trim it down and put it on the slab. That error is neat but not particularly valuable so I don't think it's worth resubmitting.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
A very nice coin with or without the strike thru.
A nice gold coin, however, it is such a minor issue, I do not think it will bring any significant premium. I would not resubmit it. Cheers, RickO
One reason I don't bother with errors or varieties.