I think the US Mint IT/ordering system needs a "Solution Architect" person.

I know about 10 years ago, they hired a private company overhauled their system.
For example, this morning's ASE unavailable email problem, can easily be fixed if it is a private sector company.
There should be a list of users/order numbers that will be sent this specific email.
They should have a batch process mechanism that can batch process/modify attributes of each order, e.g., change status, re-run credit card authorization, send email, based on a list of users/orders.
If they have this mechanism, they can just batch do what the customer service agents are doing now in several minutes, change status, rerun credit card etc.
I feel sorry for those agents have to fix this mess manually.
Agree, today has been a total and complete failure. I've never seen a combined email/phone/chat fiasco like this before. Completely unacceptable.
I continue to ignore what superficial Mint statements say, evidence supports the reality that customer satisfaction is not a true priority.
You don't seem to understand that the US Mint order fulfillment IS a private sector company.
The whole s**tshow. It was outsourced YEARS ago (probably in the Reagan era).
Lowest bidder is probably the real reason.
The debacle continues... I fail to understand why the Mint cannot get this system fixed. I do not care if it is in-house or contracted - it CAN be fixed. If contracted, cancel the contract... if in-house, get a competent IT team. Get 'er done!!!! Cheers, RickO