You want to see one of Mrs_Spud’s end roll toner dimes?

Do you think it’s worth breaking the original roll up and slab the end roll toner? Edited to add the picture of the roll. It’s a roll of BU 1959 P dimes
Do you think it’s worth breaking the original roll up and slab the end roll toner? Edited to add the picture of the roll. It’s a roll of BU 1959 P dimes
Nice. What year.
No. Don't open it.
It’s an original roll of 1959 P dimes
Many successful BST transactions with dozens of board members, references on request.
Looks like a beauty!
I'd leave the roll intact. I imagine there are many slabs of toned 59's out there compared to original rolls with an end toner like that.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The dimes would have to grade MS67FB to be worth submitting.
Thanks. The coin on the other end is toned too, just not as much. It’s torch side up too. I’ll just close up the container it’s in and put it away. Mrs_Spud probably wouldn’t want me to open the roll anyway. She’s out of town and doesn’t know I was looking at it. She picked up the roll about 15 years ago at a show.
Don’t make mrs spud mad. I’d leave that one alone. Ow if it was a 63 roll I’d take my chances. With the bands like that it would be busted open
Nice roll of dimes
Best not to mess with the Mrs.'s coins....
Keep the peace....
Cheers, RickO
Not your wife but the roll!

I'm sure your wife IS Beautiful too.
Happy wife, happy life
Happy Dime
Thanks for taking the risk to share with us.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.