ANA Show Report #1 - Travel Day

"It had been a long pandemic, a tough pandemic...."
I really hadn't left the house often in the past two years.... and I felt that the Vitamin D supplements had become inadequate..
So I decided to go on an excursion. I thought about a stamp show, and I thought about a coin show. As both were in the same city...
...I decided on the Coin Show....because a sock full of a lot more reassuring than a sock full of
Usually I would drive to a Chicago event because of the energy with which the great state of Illinois welcomes you, over...
...and over....
and over again....
but decided I might treat myself and see if I could scrounge up any air travel deals. So I went online
and found a new travel site called ''. The website motto 'Take your life into your own hands!' was so uplifting and life affirming that I overlooked their policy of not sharing your carrier name with you in exchange for lower fares and I booked two first class tickets for myself and a companion.
Usually, I would pack my Post Covid Tactical Numismatic Travel Kit in the car...
... but realized that what was viable in my own car, was probably not going to pass TSA Scrutiny.. I pared my travel items down to what was TSA approved...
..loaded up some clothing and set off for the airport.
Thankfully, being that central Ohio is the economic powerhouse of the western world, business at the airport had picked up quite a bit in recent months... I was really glad we arrived three hours in advance. As we had been told that someone from the airline would be meeting us to assist with check in, we sat down at the airport bar and had a cocktail....
Shortly thereafter, a lovely young woman from the airline arrived to walk us through booking and boarding..
As we walked up to the ticket counter I was able to glance out the window and see the plane we would be flying....
...I'm not going to lie, the plane seemed a little older. So I asked the young lady "Are the other planes in your airline newer?" and she responded "What other planes?".
She asked us if we wished to take advantage of their 'Frequent Die-r Program' and save money by booking out hotel when paying for our tickets.....
..regretfully I had to decline as we were staying at the Hilton, but next time for sure.
The baggage handler came to take our bags to the plane...
While the lady explained that we were privileged to experience a whole new lever of "luxury" on our flight as the airline was on the cutting edge of new trends.
I thought it an appropriate nod to the golden age of flight that they decided to eschew the ubiquitous extending gangway, opting to let passengers stretch their legs before the flight..
We entered the First Class Cabin and were offered our choice of seats..
...I opted for the chair with one of the cutting edge features 'Now with More Back Room!!!'
...and while it was roomy, I felt that it could have been more supportive during take off.
Once we were safely in the air and the engine fire was out, cabin service began. I admit, I was feeling pretty important. First off was a lovely selection of top shelf liquor..
..for an appetizer I chose the artisanal charcuterie board....
...and for the main course I just had to go with the hand formed Wagyu hamburger on fresh baguette with aged Stilton and heirloom tomato...
Completely sated from the epicurian tour de force, I settled in to enjoy the in flight entertainment system....
Though I thought I had long since seen every Hope/Crosby film, the airline catalogue offered one of which I had been previously unaware, directed by a previous unknown... I sat back....well, as much as one can in a seat with no back, and enjoyed 'Road to Pyongyang'...
Well, we are about to land and I can say for certain this has already been the best coin show in the last two years for me. Maybe I will have some additional reports.....maybe not.... I may be busy visiting with friends...
See you at the show.
Fabulous first day report …really !😄
Can’t wait for the other day reports thank you
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Loved your report! May the next few days be just as .... exciting... interesting... surprising!
Thank you, I enjoyed your post
Great report. Anxiously waiting to hear details about the nightlife.
Great report…if you can’t afford vintage Strawberry Hill wine LMK. I have a hook up in N.J.
That has to be one of funniest posts I've seen. Thank you 😊.
Entertaining report. Look forward to the next!
Thanks for your great report!
What could go wrong?
Coinlearner, Ahrensdad, Nolawyer, RG, coinlieutenant, Yorkshireman, lordmarcovan, Soldi, masscrew, JimTyler, Relaxn, jclovescoins
Now listen boy, I'm tryin' to teach you sumthin' . . . . that ain't no optical illusion, it only looks like an optical illusion.
My mind reader refuses to charge me....
I hope you brought enough food to barter for coins
You have set a new level of expressive coin show art! Thank you for the scintillating report.
Your time was well spent.
And you combined all elements from other exhaustive forum show reports.
IG: jb_rarities
One thing I will say is I am always curious what someone will say next when they start with a picture of a nazi.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Not sure this one will last … but I still admire your creativity.
'Now with More Back Room!!!' …… 😆⭐️⭐️⭐️
LOL - Very entertaining, thanks for posting.
I brought North Korean Gold

That was hysterical! Can't wait for your 2nd report.
Have a great time at the show!
... especially one wearing a Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, and Swords.
Nothing more amusing than those who are obtuse, and proud of it.
….boy am I mildly perplexed now….that is indeed a picture depiction of a nazi, wearing a ‘knight’s cross medal’ ala Third Reich …. so @Crypto is correct….and @291fifth is also correct, though perhaps he was trying to point something else out that may or may not have been valid ……. 🤔 … could just be one of those “duh!” moments and I’m not even in the ballpark … if so, it won’t be the last! 🤓
I would suggest watching the last couple of episodes of 'Band of Brothers' the real point is whether Crypto or 291fifth added anything of value to the thread, or the forum with their posts...I was going to show Henry V....but that would have had both in apoplexy
That was a hoot!
Great write up, and very honest
BHNC #203
If you need any additional company when you are visiting with your friends the Macallan brothers, please call! They would be a welcome diversion from my pedestrian JW Black and Dewars 12.
@panexpoguy.... Well now - I must say that was the most entertaining post I can recall seeing here in my many years of attendance. I look forward to the show report. Cheers, RickO
Well done
Longacre-esque in its style and execution! Well done.
It's a shame when you open a discussion titled "ANA Show Report #1 - Travel Day" only to find a long string of photos infused with political jabs. We're leaving this up to show folks what in considered political (and misleading).
There are plenty of places one can go to rant on politics and let off steam.
The PCGS Coin Forum IS NOT that place.