Under what circumstances, the "prove you are human" will show up?

Just now, during the check out, this thing just blocked the check out.
I used 1 laptop, I used normal browser, I did not refresh frequently, I did not do anything tricky.....
Just now, during the check out, this thing just blocked the check out.
I used 1 laptop, I used normal browser, I did not refresh frequently, I did not do anything tricky.....
Yes, it seems that is becoming routine,
But for the last Morgan, so many people said they got this, but I did not and I used 2 laptops, 2 accounts.
I'm not sure. It does not do it all the time. I've noted no pattern. I had 3 devices and 5 windows open for the Morgans. 2 of the windows got it a lot, the other 3 not at all. But I wasn't doing anything differently. It also didn't appear browser dependent.
And, "page can't find..." is also very weird, that's must be a programming issue.
It's been doing that "page can't find" for a while. That appears connected to the payment processing not going through. Probably a gateway failure of some kind.
The Mint should have a "Prove You're a Bot" instead. Bots would be required to follow a pathway that leads them to
a "Page Not Found" dead end. All humans would fail and be able to checkout.
They should use the picture thing.
If you look like this
Captcha's are becoming more and more of an IQ test ain't they?
The "prove human" thing can be "recognized" by computer program, but the content of a picture can't.
When I have to select all the images that contain trains... I can't tell what the heck I'm looking at in half of them...
I got it today
Apparently it shows up right before you might succeed and right before the sell out
Meanwhile there are videos of parrots ordering things on Alexa 😜
Didn't receive that one this time, but after I got it in the cart and did the credit card info thingy the site said I had an illegal item in the cart and had to remove it. Wouldn’t let me go any further . This was at 11:02 am.
I knew as soon as I removed it would go unavailable, which it did. Maybe I should have just left it in the cart and maybe come back to it later, Dunno.
I have had that show up before.... I cussed and threw my donut at the computer... Then it let me continue. I guess only humans get pissed off....
Cheers, RickO
yeah, it really pissed me off too! I think once you have something in your cart you should be allowed to check out.