@balco758 said:
When you take a company private......
If this one pans out, I’m honestly surprised it took this long. Whenever you do a price increase and it causes a massive influx that tells you that your prices were extremely low. It’s also tells you the price increase that was initiated wasn’t nearly enough. Had there not been a massive deal in place, I think this additional price increase woulda happened Jan. 1.
I submitted 5 to Beckett back in November and it was $40 (no sub grades) or $100 (with subs) for the 'express' service, the second fastest one. Now it's $100 and $150 for those exact same things
@dan89 said:
Did five subs yesterday and they are in the system with the old pricing? Do I still have 30 days???
I did the same, I believe yes; my question is I see I can change those orders prior to shipping, does that include adding to, at old prices? Does anyone know?
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
@burghman said:
Just curious, since I don’t submit frequently and don’t have prices memorized... did these double across the board, or just certain levels?
value used to be $10. now $20
economy used to be $20. now back at $50
ultra modern was $12, then to $15. now at $25
regular was $50. now $100
express was $75. now $150
@dan89 said:
Did five subs yesterday and they are in the system with the old pricing? Do I still have 30 days???
I did the same, I believe yes; my question is I see I can change those orders prior to shipping, does that include adding to, at old prices? Does anyone know?
i wouldn't alter anything at the moment. i have a blank sub in that i don't care about that isn't in the "completed' section. want me to try to change it and see what happens?
If you could that would be cool; I have one of them too, I going to try it and see what happens
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
@tonylags said:
If you could that would be cool; I have one of them too, I going to try it and see what happens
yep, if it's in "incomplete" prices changed automatically.
if it's in "my recent subs" and try to change you get a prompt you do NOT want to proceed with.
(didn't hear this from me, but if it's just one or two cards, throw it in). they will update it eternally and email you when received. enter at your own risk
@burghman said:
Just curious, since I don’t submit frequently and don’t have prices memorized... did these double across the board, or just certain levels?
value used to be $10. now $20
economy used to be $20. now back at $50
ultra modern was $12, then to $15. now at $25
regular was $50. now $100
express was $75. now $100.
so for the most part, yes doubled.
When I log in I do not get Economy as an option. I am good with the changes it just kills registry guys building sets. If I am grading anything new I am going to have to be really sure a bout it before submitting (not like I wasn’t thorough before) @ $25 per
@burghman said:
Just curious, since I don’t submit frequently and don’t have prices memorized... did these double across the board, or just certain levels?
value used to be $10. now $20
economy used to be $20. now back at $50
ultra modern was $12, then to $15. now at $25
regular was $50. now $100
express was $75. now $100.
so for the most part, yes doubled.
Is it really a minimum of $100 to grade a card worth between $500 and $1,000? Wow!
@burghman said:
Just curious, since I don’t submit frequently and don’t have prices memorized... did these double across the board, or just certain levels?
value used to be $10. now $20
economy used to be $20. now back at $50
ultra modern was $12, then to $15. now at $25
regular was $50. now $100
express was $75. now $100.
so for the most part, yes doubled.
When I log in I do not get Economy as an option. I am good with the changes it just kills registry guys building sets. If I am grading anything new I am going to have to be really sure a bout it before submitting (not like I wasn’t thorough before) @ $25 per
Yes, my thoughts exactly on registry building. I can't imagine many wanting to spend $20 to grade a mid to late-70's and up common, for example. $12 was iffy as it was.
Does anyone think pricing will go back down at some point in the future? Even if not anytime soon, as I am sure this will help with the backlog a bit. These new prices basically make over half my grading pile, not worth it to send in now. Mostly lower end rookies, or modern rookies that are only worth it if they 10. Will be interesting to see if they run any bulk specials again at some point, and if they do are they just going to be the prices that we just had.
What I Collect:
PSA HOF Baseball Postwar Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 80.51% Complete)
PSA Pro Football HOF Rookie Players Set Registry- (Currently 19.80% Complete)
PSA Basketball HOF Players Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 6.02% Complete)
@orioles93 said:
Does anyone think pricing will go back down at some point in the future? Even if not anytime soon, as I am sure this will help with the backlog a bit. These new prices basically make over half my grading pile, not worth it to send in now. Mostly lower end rookies, or modern rookies that are only worth it if they 10. Will be interesting to see if they run any bulk specials again at some point, and if they do are they just going to be the prices that we just had.
standard levels will not go down.
any real specials for vintage will be ran, but we are talking a good bit.
i don't want this to sound harsh, but emphasis right now is clearing the backlog and honoring new commitment days. sucks temporarily, but priorities seem to be in the right place which is very encouraging.
eta: and if you want the registry to still be top dog, psa doesn't need to lose any market share and remain top dog. that means getting their house in order first and foremost. as most are aware there are a ton of new and existing companies opening grading services attempting to grab market share by offering a much realistic sub timeline then 9 months to a year. if the brand goes, so does registry, it's competitiveness and participants ultimately rendering it invalid.
@orioles93 said:
Does anyone think pricing will go back down at some point in the future? Even if not anytime soon, as I am sure this will help with the backlog a bit. These new prices basically make over half my grading pile, not worth it to send in now. Mostly lower end rookies, or modern rookies that are only worth it if they 10. Will be interesting to see if they run any bulk specials again at some point, and if they do are they just going to be the prices that we just had.
Depends on hobby trajectory. If the new money exits and pricing and demand take a major hit than yes. If not no. This is new floor. Everything is going up. Goods, plastic, labor. Money is cheap right now. Prices are on the rise all around us
I generally agree with the need to put the brakes on submissions using increased pricing. I just hope they keep a watchful eye on how it affects the registry. As the registry goes, so goes the competitive advantage.
It looks like the quarterly special on 60’s cards is still good. Sure am glad I did a submission on Sunday for 90 vintage cards that wouldn’t have graded at $20 a card.
I think that charging 20% of the value of a card to grade will affect people not grading at that service level.
@orioles93 said:
Does anyone think pricing will go back down at some point in the future? Even if not anytime soon, as I am sure this will help with the backlog a bit. These new prices basically make over half my grading pile, not worth it to send in now. Mostly lower end rookies, or modern rookies that are only worth it if they 10. Will be interesting to see if they run any bulk specials again at some point, and if they do are they just going to be the prices that we just had.
I think that with the volume of submissions these days, PSA has so much good data to work with that they can adjust their pricing to the precise levels where most people will be horrified to pay, but will still submit. With this latest increase, they're going to lose so many of the registry set builders and the low end spec submitters. I just wonder if that will affect their bottom line enough to matter? I suspect it won't, because PSA's profit per card on the bargain end might actually be approaching zero.
I could see them launching a program for the registry set builders specifically, though - with lower prices and even more severe (12 month?) turn times.
Thanks for the heads up. I sent 12 orders last week. The one I was most worried about was 10 T3s that I would never want to pay 150 to grade each. OH my!! Is this hear to stay?? I have 25 other T3s but I would just rather buy a graded Cobb and keep the others raw now.
my hope and I emphasize hope as I doubt this will happen, is that this is done to just stop ANY type of volume subs to catch up. once settled they will have some sort of category for vintage at doable prices. clearly there isn't a backlog in vintage as it is a smaller part of their business that they didn't need to double the price but they probably just don't want the 500 card subs at the moment at low margin. If it's temporary that is fine but if they don't want the business then that sucks. Every business has loss(or minimal profit) leaders which is probably what a lot of vintage is for them right now. It keeps collectors and dealers involved who then send more profitable business.
I wonder what 4sharp's new rate is???????? their business is built on sheer volume of lower margin low cost cards to allow them to buy the collections , sets , unopened , etc I doubt psa wants them to go away but who knows ......
I never used to collect raw cards; I will now. Between the time lag, spending $1,000 to get 50 cards graded that “may” be worth $100-$200 each, it’s a tough sell. Then if you sell, you give back another 10%.
It’s now a higher end game, which is fine, but less attractive for me to be a submitter. This may have an effect over time to raise prices for the mid-range cards already graded.
Presumably, giant submitters still get a sweetheart deal from PSA and giant eBay sellers of course get a sweetheart deal there. So it seems the endgame is the individual collector is pushed out (both from submitting and selling on eBay) and forced to go to 4SC and the like for purchases and PWCC and the like for selling.
i know the pricing increase seems drastic, but look across every thread.
it's pretty much being dominated by prices being realized. and bubble talk.
pokeman cards. setting records.
80s junk wax. setting records.
vintage. setting records.
modern cards. setting records.
basketball cards. setting records.
baseball cards. setting records
football cards. setting records.
star wars cards. setting records.
gpk cards. setting records.
unopened wax. setting records.
i mean tennis cards. tennis cards. not only being talked about but setting 10,000% returns from mere months ago.
it's natural to be a doomsdayer here. but be honest about it. most things are up 500 - 1500%.
a 50% increase in sub fees is merely a drop in the bucket.
and look at the flip side of the coin. half of the problem was that grading fees were so underpriced that folks were sending in anything and everything. i was guilty of it. it was too easy. $10 extra risk for a card to be $150 in a 9 or $500 in a 10? every time. risk vs reward was definitely not proportional. you could throw everything at the wall and if only 50% of it stuck, you still made out like a bandit. and yes, this goes for vintage registry subs too.
if anything, this will make just about everybody review their subs an extra time or two to be sure it's truly worth being slabbed. this also will thin the herd & wait times considerably. but again, let me stress. looks at the prices being realized on everything. a 50% increase really is small fries, especially w/ a fine tuned grading eye. and if all that wasnt enough, hey. at least we were warned. twice. if you hesitated to act, there's no one to blame but yourself.
Big thanks to blurryface for the heads up. I was able to do a buying trip and get three orders out last week prior to any official news of a price bump.
This change definitely marks the end of my low end (turning $20s into $50s) journey with PSA. It was fun while it lasted!
I would bet the average cost of my self submissions over my entire collection is $6-7/card.
What this means is I’m dropping out of several registry set pursuits. Mid grade rookie HoF is done. I ain’t spending $20 to get my ‘81 Baines graded. I expect several others will agree with me.
I totally get the impact of supply and demand on pricing. But this is going to alienate long term collectors. If the hobby keeps cranking, great for them. But if there is a drawback, which has to be likely at some point, I think the new, ultra modern collectors are likely to be the first out. And with the older collectors no longer submitting at these prices ....it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
I'm curious to see what the grading cost increase does towards affecting the sales prices of even low level no-name already graded filler common cards now...
If you want to grade a pack from 1959 or earlier worth less than a grand you actually saw a price decrease. $75 down to $50. Search for the silver lining.
I think it is reasonable to expect to see almost all of the graded items priced at $10 or lower disappear from ebay and other sales platforms over the next two weeks since the value of the cost of grading exceeds the value of the item by so much now, whether it is from buyers grabbing up anything they can find regardless of what it is, or, sellers factoring in the new grading cost even if they paid less to grade it in the first place. I'm also guessing that while the cost of low level graded items goes up a lot, the changes in fee structure will also very noticeably devalue raw/ungraded items that were up until yesterday in the $5 to $30 range. Items like those used to have competing bidders trying to acquire raw items in hopes of grading them for a big profit or just for registry collection additions, but now the cost of grading has made that no longer a worthwhile option.
@miwlvrn said:
I think it is reasonable to expect to see almost all of the graded items priced at $10 or lower disappear from ebay and other sales platforms over the next two weeks since the value of the cost of grading exceeds the value of the item by so much now, whether it is from buyers grabbing up anything they can find regardless of what it is, or, sellers factoring in the new grading cost even if they paid less to grade it in the first place. I'm also guessing that while the cost of low level graded items goes up a lot, the changes in fee structure will also very noticeably devalue raw/ungraded items that were up until yesterday in the $5 to $30 range. Items like those used to have competing bidders trying to acquire raw items in hopes of grading them for a big profit or just for registry collection additions, but now the cost of grading has made that no longer a worthwhile option.
I wondered that also. Do junk psa cards now see a price bump from $5 up to $10?
The price increase looks bad right this minute but a month or two from now the price to buy cards will go up to match the increase in grading costs. It did back in October and sales prices continue to rise. As for value subs it’s not going to slow the amount of submissions because they dropped the minimum to 10 cards. As soon as sales prices catch up to reflect grading costs people will be sending in subs as fast as they can. I will be right there with them.
Note, however, that there is (almost) no need for the Economy level at this time because the Value levels almost completely cover it. All you need is ten cards in one of four very broad categories and you can submit your cards valued below $500 for half the price of economy cards.
To those who don't like that PSA increased prices to discourage submission of less valuable cads so they can get the more valuable cards through more quickly, I ask what you would prefer them to have done.
Enough to slow submissions to a manageable level.
When you take a company private......
If this one pans out, I’m honestly surprised it took this long. Whenever you do a price increase and it causes a massive influx that tells you that your prices were extremely low. It’s also tells you the price increase that was initiated wasn’t nearly enough. Had there not been a massive deal in place, I think this additional price increase woulda happened Jan. 1.
If submitted b4 the price increase...will the old PSA prices apply? Inquiring minds want to know...
I believe the general rule is that it has to be postmarked. Don’t quote me on that, esp w new owners..
again, want to reiterate, this is just talk going round. but usually new management initiates changes they deem necessary, so...
Thx blurrryface!
I submitted 5 to Beckett back in November and it was $40 (no sub grades) or $100 (with subs) for the 'express' service, the second fastest one. Now it's $100 and $150 for those exact same things
hope you got them in this time, guys.
march’ish & double. 😉
M> @blurryface said:
Affirmative. My sincere thanks as you saved be a good amount on this one:

Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Blurryface - thanks for the heads up a few weeks ago on this. Sent in a big value order at the end of last week. Real glad I did.
I assumed we’d be partners on that card now?
Did five subs yesterday and they are in the system with the old pricing? Do I still have 30 days???
Just curious, since I don’t submit frequently and don’t have prices memorized... did these double across the board, or just certain levels?

I did the same, I believe yes; my question is I see I can change those orders prior to shipping, does that include adding to, at old prices? Does anyone know?
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
value used to be $10. now $20
economy used to be $20. now back at $50
ultra modern was $12, then to $15. now at $25
regular was $50. now $100
express was $75. now $150
so for the most part, yes doubled.
i wouldn't alter anything at the moment. i have a blank sub in that i don't care about that isn't in the "completed' section. want me to try to change it and see what happens?
If you could that would be cool; I have one of them too, I going to try it and see what happens
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
I tried it on a blank one , it went to new prices
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
yep, if it's in "incomplete" prices changed automatically.
if it's in "my recent subs" and try to change you get a prompt you do NOT want to proceed with.
(didn't hear this from me, but if it's just one or two cards, throw it in). they will update it eternally and email you when received. enter at your own risk
When I log in I do not get Economy as an option. I am good with the changes it just kills registry guys building sets. If I am grading anything new I am going to have to be really sure a bout it before submitting (not like I wasn’t thorough before) @ $25 per
collector club up to date? did you actually try to do a sub and see?
Is it really a minimum of $100 to grade a card worth between $500 and $1,000? Wow!
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
Yes, my thoughts exactly on registry building. I can't imagine many wanting to spend $20 to grade a mid to late-70's and up common, for example. $12 was iffy as it was.
fyi: had typo in quotes above. express is now $150, not $100.
fixed in original post.
Does anyone think pricing will go back down at some point in the future? Even if not anytime soon, as I am sure this will help with the backlog a bit. These new prices basically make over half my grading pile, not worth it to send in now. Mostly lower end rookies, or modern rookies that are only worth it if they 10. Will be interesting to see if they run any bulk specials again at some point, and if they do are they just going to be the prices that we just had.
PSA HOF Baseball Postwar Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 80.51% Complete)
PSA Pro Football HOF Rookie Players Set Registry- (Currently 19.80% Complete)
PSA Basketball HOF Players Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 6.02% Complete)
standard levels will not go down.
any real specials for vintage will be ran, but we are talking a good bit.
i don't want this to sound harsh, but emphasis right now is clearing the backlog and honoring new commitment days. sucks temporarily, but priorities seem to be in the right place which is very encouraging.
eta: and if you want the registry to still be top dog, psa doesn't need to lose any market share and remain top dog. that means getting their house in order first and foremost. as most are aware there are a ton of new and existing companies opening grading services attempting to grab market share by offering a much realistic sub timeline then 9 months to a year. if the brand goes, so does registry, it's competitiveness and participants ultimately rendering it invalid.
Depends on hobby trajectory. If the new money exits and pricing and demand take a major hit than yes. If not no. This is new floor. Everything is going up. Goods, plastic, labor. Money is cheap right now. Prices are on the rise all around us
I generally agree with the need to put the brakes on submissions using increased pricing. I just hope they keep a watchful eye on how it affects the registry. As the registry goes, so goes the competitive advantage.
If they think they can double the pricing and still keep this ridiculous turnaround time then they can pound salt.
It looks like the quarterly special on 60’s cards is still good. Sure am glad I did a submission on Sunday for 90 vintage cards that wouldn’t have graded at $20 a card.
I think that charging 20% of the value of a card to grade will affect people not grading at that service level.
I think that with the volume of submissions these days, PSA has so much good data to work with that they can adjust their pricing to the precise levels where most people will be horrified to pay, but will still submit. With this latest increase, they're going to lose so many of the registry set builders and the low end spec submitters. I just wonder if that will affect their bottom line enough to matter? I suspect it won't, because PSA's profit per card on the bargain end might actually be approaching zero.
I could see them launching a program for the registry set builders specifically, though - with lower prices and even more severe (12 month?) turn times.
Thanks for the heads up. I sent 12 orders last week. The one I was most worried about was 10 T3s that I would never want to pay 150 to grade each. OH my!! Is this hear to stay?? I have 25 other T3s but I would just rather buy a graded Cobb and keep the others raw now.
my hope and I emphasize hope as I doubt this will happen, is that this is done to just stop ANY type of volume subs to catch up. once settled they will have some sort of category for vintage at doable prices. clearly there isn't a backlog in vintage as it is a smaller part of their business that they didn't need to double the price but they probably just don't want the 500 card subs at the moment at low margin. If it's temporary that is fine but if they don't want the business then that sucks. Every business has loss(or minimal profit) leaders which is probably what a lot of vintage is for them right now. It keeps collectors and dealers involved who then send more profitable business.
I wonder what 4sharp's new rate is???????? their business is built on sheer volume of lower margin low cost cards to allow them to buy the collections , sets , unopened , etc I doubt psa wants them to go away but who knows ......
I never used to collect raw cards; I will now. Between the time lag, spending $1,000 to get 50 cards graded that “may” be worth $100-$200 each, it’s a tough sell. Then if you sell, you give back another 10%.
It’s now a higher end game, which is fine, but less attractive for me to be a submitter. This may have an effect over time to raise prices for the mid-range cards already graded.
Presumably, giant submitters still get a sweetheart deal from PSA and giant eBay sellers of course get a sweetheart deal there. So it seems the endgame is the individual collector is pushed out (both from submitting and selling on eBay) and forced to go to 4SC and the like for purchases and PWCC and the like for selling.
i know the pricing increase seems drastic, but look across every thread.
it's pretty much being dominated by prices being realized. and bubble talk.
pokeman cards. setting records.
80s junk wax. setting records.
vintage. setting records.
modern cards. setting records.
basketball cards. setting records.
baseball cards. setting records
football cards. setting records.
star wars cards. setting records.
gpk cards. setting records.
unopened wax. setting records.
i mean tennis cards. tennis cards. not only being talked about but setting 10,000% returns from mere months ago.
it's natural to be a doomsdayer here. but be honest about it. most things are up 500 - 1500%.
a 50% increase in sub fees is merely a drop in the bucket.
and look at the flip side of the coin. half of the problem was that grading fees were so underpriced that folks were sending in anything and everything. i was guilty of it. it was too easy. $10 extra risk for a card to be $150 in a 9 or $500 in a 10? every time. risk vs reward was definitely not proportional. you could throw everything at the wall and if only 50% of it stuck, you still made out like a bandit. and yes, this goes for vintage registry subs too.
if anything, this will make just about everybody review their subs an extra time or two to be sure it's truly worth being slabbed. this also will thin the herd & wait times considerably. but again, let me stress. looks at the prices being realized on everything. a 50% increase really is small fries, especially w/ a fine tuned grading eye. and if all that wasnt enough, hey. at least we were warned. twice. if you hesitated to act, there's no one to blame but yourself.
That's why I use BGS. Same price for any value of card. Cant beat it.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
Big thanks to blurryface for the heads up. I was able to do a buying trip and get three orders out last week prior to any official news of a price bump.
This change definitely marks the end of my low end (turning $20s into $50s) journey with PSA. It was fun while it lasted!
I would bet the average cost of my self submissions over my entire collection is $6-7/card.
What this means is I’m dropping out of several registry set pursuits. Mid grade rookie HoF is done. I ain’t spending $20 to get my ‘81 Baines graded. I expect several others will agree with me.
I totally get the impact of supply and demand on pricing. But this is going to alienate long term collectors. If the hobby keeps cranking, great for them. But if there is a drawback, which has to be likely at some point, I think the new, ultra modern collectors are likely to be the first out. And with the older collectors no longer submitting at these prices ....it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
What about bulk submissions? Are they no longer doing them?
I'm curious to see what the grading cost increase does towards affecting the sales prices of even low level no-name already graded filler common cards now...
Wow. I’m glad I subbed my Poster Cards back in November when I did, had I waited I’d be looking at $100 each right now.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Welp. Should’ve sent my ‘71’s in sooner!
If you want to grade a pack from 1959 or earlier worth less than a grand you actually saw a price decrease. $75 down to $50. Search for the silver lining.
I think it is reasonable to expect to see almost all of the graded items priced at $10 or lower disappear from ebay and other sales platforms over the next two weeks since the value of the cost of grading exceeds the value of the item by so much now, whether it is from buyers grabbing up anything they can find regardless of what it is, or, sellers factoring in the new grading cost even if they paid less to grade it in the first place. I'm also guessing that while the cost of low level graded items goes up a lot, the changes in fee structure will also very noticeably devalue raw/ungraded items that were up until yesterday in the $5 to $30 range. Items like those used to have competing bidders trying to acquire raw items in hopes of grading them for a big profit or just for registry collection additions, but now the cost of grading has made that no longer a worthwhile option.
I wondered that also. Do junk psa cards now see a price bump from $5 up to $10?
The price increase looks bad right this minute but a month or two from now the price to buy cards will go up to match the increase in grading costs. It did back in October and sales prices continue to rise. As for value subs it’s not going to slow the amount of submissions because they dropped the minimum to 10 cards. As soon as sales prices catch up to reflect grading costs people will be sending in subs as fast as they can. I will be right there with them.
I'm wondering how this will affect upcharges........will the upcharges be the new rates or the rates when the cards were submitted?
Note, however, that there is (almost) no need for the Economy level at this time because the Value levels almost completely cover it. All you need is ten cards in one of four very broad categories and you can submit your cards valued below $500 for half the price of economy cards.
To those who don't like that PSA increased prices to discourage submission of less valuable cads so they can get the more valuable cards through more quickly, I ask what you would prefer them to have done.