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Possible new US Mint series coins?

Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭
edited January 7, 2021 7:47PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I removed this to keep the peace here


  • Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭

    @WQuarterFreddie said:
    Ummm......read the rules.....no political threads....

    So you are saying no conversation is allowed about our Founding Fathers, Revolutionary history, or Presidents and coinage?

  • WQuarterFreddieWQuarterFreddie Posts: 2,549 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:

    @WQuarterFreddie said:
    Ummm......read the rules.....no political threads....

    So you are saying no conversation is allowed about our Founding Fathers, Revolutionary history, or Presidents and coinage?

    Not saying that at all. Just trying to give you a heads up to the following. Read #3:

    This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers to exchange information regarding US coins

    Posts must not contain inappropriate language in the form of cuss words, name-calling, sexual suggestion etc.

    Posts must not contain libelous (accusatory, attacking) remarks concerning any individual, company, or other entity.

    This is a community, as such, slightly off-topic threads are expected, however, topics such as politics or other "taboo" subjects are not permitted. Should the thread be deemed inflammatory, negative or violate any rules it will be deleted or closed at the moderator's discretion, without warning.

  • ernie11ernie11 Posts: 1,927 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 7, 2021 5:15AM

    @PerryHall said:
    I think this is a political thread disguised as a coin thread. It wouldn't be the first time a member here committed "suicide by moderator".

    Agreed. I know I run the risk of being booted off this forum for even replying here. But I try to learn a new word from the dictionary every day, and today's new word is "egregious", meaning "shockingly bad". This thread is an egregious violation of this coin forum's rules. Hoping our moderators check in soon.

  • Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭

    History is not always pretty and comes wrapped in a bow. It has always been my knowledge that coin collectors are more history oriented then the general population. Coin collectors tend to more in tune with historical events taking place past and present. Having said that, I don't believe there is a serious coin collector out there, that hasn't seen what has just taken place in our country and the magnitude of this historical event. Stifling free speech has had a hand in bringing us to this point in time.

  • Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭

    @You said:
    Raving and delusional sentiments from a brainwashed soul

    That is a very negative thing to say and uncalled for.

  • Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭

    @ernie11 said:

    @PerryHall said:
    I think this is a political thread disguised as a coin thread. It wouldn't be the first time a member here committed "suicide by moderator".

    Agreed. I know I run the risk of being booted off this forum for even replying here. But I try to learn a new word from the dictionary every day, and today's new word is "egregious", meaning "shockingly bad". This thread is an egregious violation of this coin forum's rules. Hoping our moderators check in soon.

    You do have an option to move to another thread. Why are you trying to get me banned and this thread removed?
    Do you not think this historical event will affect future coinage and precious metals?

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 33,487 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:

    So you are saying no conversation is allowed about our Founding Fathers, Revolutionary history, or Presidents and coinage?

    You can be banned from the site for this. You might consider deleting your comments before the moderators notice or someone else reports you.

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 33,487 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:

    @WQuarterFreddie said:
    Ummm......read the rules.....no political threads....

    So you are saying no conversation is allowed about our Founding Fathers, Revolutionary history, or Presidents and coinage?

    Not "no conversation" but "appropriate conversation"...as it relates to coins.

  • Golden1Golden1 Posts: 208 ✭✭✭

    This is sad to see some here so enraged about a discussion that affects our money and coinage. I may have to reassess my reasons for collecting coins and money. Maybe it's time to sell off my collection and move on from the kind of people that would attack a members legitimate discussion. I guess discussing every event in history can offend someone, disagreeing is one thing, but petty attacks on other members is unbecoming to the coin collecting world.
    Moderators will have to decide if I am banished from this site and I will live with that. I'm very disappointed in some of you.
    You are doing your best to steer people away from this industry for good.

  • DrDarrylDrDarryl Posts: 602 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:
    I'm sorry, I thought this is a site about coins and the history behind them?
    All throughout coinage history, coins are symbolic of presidents and historic events.
    In my opinion this is the most historic point in American history. A world changing event just took place.
    You guys don't think this is note worthy?

    An enacted U.S. Federal Law is the authorization mechanism for the U.S. Mint to officially manufacture and legally issue any new U.S. Government coin or medal. An enacted U.S. Federal Law establishes the authorized precept for a new U.S. Government coin or medal, which may include but is not limited to its intended purpose, design scheme, composition, dimension, weight, mintage, and production period. Who enacts a U.S. Federal Law (your homework assignment) ?

  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,569 ✭✭✭✭✭

    IMO this thread should be removed but not the op

    Kennedys are my quest...

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 33,487 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @WAYNEAS said:
    IMO this thread should be removed but not the op

    I don't know. He's pretty stubbornly sticking to his guns here.

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have to wonder if the OP posted this in order to get banned, and possibly get others banned as well. We have seen before when users tried to bring others down with them.

    It is not a question of whether or not anyone agrees with him, but whether or not it is allowable here. And the answer very clearly is "no".

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,104 ✭✭✭✭✭

    politics = yuck. not for this area

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    21 visits to the forum in over 13 years of membership.


  • OnastoneOnastone Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:
    Now that our election has been stolen and our country is rife with corruption, will the US Mint be producing coin series with new designs commemorating the Death of our Republic, Communist Occupation, Marxism?

    No. Any other cool coin questions?

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Golden1 said:
    Now that our election has been stolen and our country is rife with corruption, will the US Mint be producing coin series with new designs commemorating the Death of our Republic, Communist Occupation, Marxism?

    No, but I imagine private issuers will, much as they did in the 1830s, 1860s, 1890s. Feel free to be one of them, if you like.

  • WillieBoyd2WillieBoyd2 Posts: 5,110 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The OP is referring to the 1904 election of Theodore Roosevelt who was against ugly coins.


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  • ctf_error_coinsctf_error_coins Posts: 15,433 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A US capital police officer died trying to protect our freedoms.


  • PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,956 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ErrorsOnCoins said:
    A US capital police officer died trying to protect our freedoms.


    What was the cause of his death?

    Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
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    "Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire

  • JimTylerJimTyler Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 8, 2021 10:26AM

    Long enough. At least some of you know how I feel about this piece of 💩

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,331 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There are now a few people on this thread tryng very hard to bait other members and send this thread even farther over the edge.

    I hope people will flag any posts as necessary to put an end to this.

  • pcgscacgoldpcgscacgold Posts: 2,750 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I flagged it after the OP's second comment and that has not done anything to end it. (1/7/2021 at early am)

  • cagcrispcagcrisp Posts: 1,057 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Go back and read the OP’s original post.

    He has taken down the offensive language...

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Some of you guys are making my tongue bleed. :/

  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,631 ✭✭✭✭✭

    While coin design is the result of political history that does not justify discussing politics on a coin forum, especially when the rules outlaw it. Freedom of the press belongs to those that own one. Last I checked, PCGS owns this one.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

This discussion has been closed.