How are the Coin Shows doing in your area?

I can only stand so much of this internet hunting! Are coin shows starting to pick-up again in your area? I've hit Indianapolis, Columbus and Cincinnati in the past month. The Louisville Show is coming up 10/8-10/10. These cities are clustered in the good old mid-west. Even though I did not found any great treasures, I was out looking at tangible items and not glaring at pictures!
What be going on elsewhere?
Syracuse NY show is still a no go, believe rest of the state is about the same.
In NJ there was a outdoor show in parsippany which was like a flea market with 20 or so tables under tents. The best part was the natural lighting which brought out the good & bad of the coins
They said that they would have another one in October
End Systemic Elitism - It Takes All of Us
Just went to one last week in Tinley Park, IL. All 3 days were fantastic. For the collectors, as well as, the dealers! Many smiling faces behind the masks. Lol. Still being cautious though. They were counting heads at the door. Set my quest for three target coins. Only found one, but very satisfying. The 1999 Pf. Cent, Close AM variety!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I'm not that far from you. 80 miles east of Columbus. Had no idea of any shows in Ohio. Could I ask a favor sir. Let me know of any upcoming shows in S.W. Ohio. I'm dying ( no pun intended ) to go to a show.
No go here
What @kevinstang said.
My local one has been meeting since June with masks and dealers being separated from each other a bit more than usual.
What coin shows? California, at least Northern California, is a coin show free zone.
Haven't seen a trace of our usual shows around San Antonio. I do miss them too.
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My registry sets
Unfortunately the New York International
Numismatic Coin Show scheduled for January 2021 at the Grand Hyatt was cancelled today ... a total bummer as I was planning to be there for the whole week.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I received a card in the mail a couple weeks ago for the Westchester Stamp, Coin, and Paper Money show at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown NY. I may stop over around lunch time tomorrow or else Saturday to check in. Anyone going?
No coin shows here... never has been any....However, there is a Gun Show the first weekend in October. Cheers, RickO
I put shows on every day. Sadly , few come. I thought about going live online 24//7 , like a Jerry Lewis telethon. In costume, of course. might call it "in the Raw with Pa ".
The one in my area has been postponed till January.
87 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 53 members and counting!
I'm not setting up but will pop in and say hello Sat morning..... too busy in office to waste time this afternoon... I heard it will be only 10 dealers... FYI Long Island Melville Show starts up again on Sun.... Chris also running a show in LI outdoors....
Dead at present and struggling before the virus.
There's one happening here this weekend in Grapevine, which is usually a good place to find deals. I'll probably head over tomorrow.
Westchester NY show is in Tarrytown today and tomorrow. I talked to a dealer who sets up at an open air flea market now.
Our Boeing Employees Coin Club Show for January is canceled.
The F.U.N. Show the week before is still on.
Edit to say..
Just saw today all bars are now open in FLA. No mask required from the news reports I've seen.
Coin shows are probably considered less risky environments so why not. I wonder if the F.U.N. show will require masks?
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
never had any here where I live
US and World Silver Coins for Sale at link below
All closed. It's for the best. Given our aging collector/dealer base, and people coming in from all over, it is 100% for the best not to have shows until Covid is under wraps.
Thats a local one for me. Glad to hear its back, I didnt get anything in the mail.
IG: jb_rarities
Here in North Carolina it has been a big fat zero on the show front thanks to our governor.
The NCNA is supposed to have their fall show next weekend, I don't know how they are going to handle the 25 person limit for indoor venues.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
Nothing in the Pacific NW.
The New Hampshire Coin & Currency Expo in Manchester is still on. Oct 2 & 3. I will be setting up there this time.
The Mississippi Numismatic Association show is in Biloxi this weekend. I passed on going.
Yeah .... so when we get the flu under control..... we will find another reason to exercise mass controls on the people. Where is a good leper colony when we need them ? ( some sarcasm intended ).
The National Battlefield Coin Show™ in Gettysburg September 10-12 was a great show. About half of the normal collectors showed up, but they had money to spend. Dealers had plenty of new merchandise and I bought a LOT more than usual.
I went to a coin show in Alexandria, MN this morning. I spoke with the event promoter last night and he said there is 9 dealers with 28 tables. Low and behold there were 10+ tables of other stuff and very few actual coin dealers. The show was disappointing to say the least. I wasn’t expecting to buy anything because what I am after is very specific, regardless, very few slabbed coins and junk silver was selling for 18-20 times face. I was the ONLY customer there from 9:00-9:30
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
I was going to be set up tomorrow at a local show but I just learned that someone who I was in fairly close contact with has tested positive.....
So I think it may be best for me to not go.....damn it!
I was really enthusiastic about going....
This has happened now the last two shows I was supposed to do
The monthly Melbourne Florida show resumed 2 weeks ago. 100% compliance to the face mask rule, which I was both glad and surprised to see down here. Many dealers also wore face shields too.
It was pretty well attended by both dealers and the public.
I went to a large regional show ( MNS ) in St. Charles, Missouri in late July and the large BRNA show in Dalton, Georgia in late August. The attendance was off but business was being done. The BRNA show was very much more strict about masks.
Yes, no coins shows in the Bay Area, the governor killing this State...
Not coin show related, but I stopped into e of my local LCS for the first time in almost 5 months. He indicated that July and August were perhaps the best months in almost a decade for him and some of the dealers he knows. It wasn’t just bullion, he said the market was hitting in all areas and on all cylinders.
Same thing happened to me last month at a car show. Had a mask in my pocket but let down my guard and didn’t use it because he was a friend. Luckily, I didn’t become sick, but friend said it was the most excruciating pain he had ever experienced.