Are things about to ....change?
"Bullion banks are between a rock and a hard place. For years they’ve been playing the hedge funds as an angler hooks and plays a fish. That game has ceased and there is no easy way for them to get level. For the moment they are trying to put a lid on the price, but the cost has been rising open interest, and therefore rising mark-to-market positions.
The August active contract runs off the board at the end of this month and bullion banks are likely to be forced into large delivery volumes again. "
Are you suggesting the COMEX might break?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
where's that thread.... ?
didn't the news report comex receive a large enough gold to create a large surplus?
It was renamed the 2 cent stock thread then he went off the deep end, got banned and the thread was closed. Don't worry, come back in 2030 and read @derryb 's latest is the comex about to break thread.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
that was my attempt at humor
I know, mine too.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Youre not funny. Haha
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
What is funny is how predictable all those things that occurred with the stock thread.
I think they just fail to open one fine day and are never heard from again.
Free Trial
comex may have to cough up penalties, pay fines and even have massive losses that force it into bankruptcy, but they are too important to the financial system now to just let them fail. we can find a reason to give them some newly created money, too, can't we?
Who is bearish on bullion ? Raise your hand(s). I'll sit on mine.
I am holding my stack....Might sell at $2500/oz.
Cheers, RickO
Whatever would take it to that level would quite likely make selling it the farthest thing from your mind.
It's only a 38% increase from here. We are well on the way, just keep creating debt and printing money out of thin air. The world will still function as normal, we will not be chasing zombies and trading mercury dimes for loaves of bread. $26.5T and climbing. Semper Fi!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
a loaf of bread seems more like a 90% kennedy
You must eat those fancy artisan breads. Even when I splurge for what I consider the good stuff it's never more than the melt value of a silver quarter.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
And oftentimes there are BoGos
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I'm still holding my stash !!! 😋
hyperinflation improbable while the US still the reserve currency and exporting inflation. When will it end and what will the replacement be, those are the big unknowns
'what will the replacement be' ooh..ooh..I..know..I..know....
Loves me some shiny!
Does anyone think that the answer to this is Fedcoin extrapolated out to a world currency?
My favorite is 1/2 price "sell by that day" bin at the local market...
Nice fancy artisan loaves that I'm going to toast anyway for 2 or 3 bucks each
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
It's hit or miss but also get to try unusual styles once in a while along with standards like lumpy whole wheat and crusty sourdough
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
By "Lumpy" of course, I mean seedy and full of nutrients. Sometimes there will be a loaf with roasted garlic, or olives, or cheese baked into or on it..
Now that's tasty!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Other times there might be some hoagy rolls, or some poppy seed buns, or a box of croissants...
All for 2 or 3 bucks! Been that way for years!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
They can print money out 9f thin air, but can't seem to cause inflation enough to cause
Wait for it..
bread to rise!
Happy Sunday 😂
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Put me down for DEFLATION.... and chaos from the covid collapse.
Dang this thread is suddenly making me very hungry. I better start stacking some flour and yeast.....just in case. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I think I figured out who Baley is in real life....
Bullion banks are between a rock and a hard place.
Didn't Scotia Bank exit the bullion biz?
What the heck? derryb banned? What happened?
I knew it would happen.
derryb isn't banned from what I can see.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I was wondering that something must of been off. I didn't see a silver conspiracy theory article posted all day.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Sorry for the delay, was taking delivery on two more green boxes.
JPM in a silver jam.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Between you and 2 cents its getting deep in here. Time to put on the hip waders. $800K "sales" on ebay over the past 20 years are piker numbers. You probably took delivery of $2 FV 90% silver. Dream on. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
We would all like to see silver go up. Is a little virus gonna do something all the conspiracy and manipulation theories couldnt?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Hey, if it took a little virus to make those like you realize the economy is not all sugar plums, then so be it.
Speaking of sugar plums, what happened to the debt ceiling? lol
Project Zimbabwe?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
We live across the Ohio River from an Amish community in Kentucky and we occasionally go there for some stuff. I'd definitely buy some homemade bread from them for a silver quarter. And the glazed donuts one lady makes down there. Wow. Amazing and pretty huge.
Positive BST Transactions (buyers and sellers): wondercoin, blu62vette, BAJJERFAN, privatecoin, blu62vette, AlanLastufka, privatecoin
#1 1951 Bowman Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#2 1980 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#8 (and climbing) 1972 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
Mmm BBN those sound awesome!
Can I get some more of them sugar plum sticky buns?
They're delicious
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Like I said ... l like the simple life.
They are. The Amish may separate themselves from society, but they love green and they're good at making it and saving it. LOL The place we go to when we get a donut the husband makes wood lawn/porch/patio furniture while she bakes bread and pastries. They also sell canned soda inside the house where the bakery is. They have a sort of a walk-out basement from the front and that basement is their store with the baked goods and where you pay for the lawn furniture outside. They actually have a refrigerator but don't power it with electricity. They keep a block of ice in a pan in it and that's where the sodas are. There's a sign on the door of the fridge that says "when you get a drink out of the fridge please get it and close it immediately. LOL
Positive BST Transactions (buyers and sellers): wondercoin, blu62vette, BAJJERFAN, privatecoin, blu62vette, AlanLastufka, privatecoin
#1 1951 Bowman Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#2 1980 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#8 (and climbing) 1972 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
That's not a refrigerator. That's an ice box.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
LOL That's true. It was probably an old one that was malfunctioned that they got for free from someone.
What's hilarious is they won't drive cars but will pay big money to hitch a ride from someone. I used to work with a guy that once every few weeks or so, an Amish gentleman would pay him $150 plus gas fill up to drive him about 40 miles into Kentucky to spend the day visiting with his brother. My coworker would just spend the day hanging out in his truck reading or taking a nap. The visit was usually 4-5 hours.
Positive BST Transactions (buyers and sellers): wondercoin, blu62vette, BAJJERFAN, privatecoin, blu62vette, AlanLastufka, privatecoin
#1 1951 Bowman Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#2 1980 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#8 (and climbing) 1972 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
My Grannie ( great- grandma b. 1901) called the refrigerator "the icebox" well into the '60s.. until she switched to "the Frigidaire"..
which persisted even when they changed to other brands. Often she would still say icebox.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Everyone from the era called them an ice box because they were literally an ice box. The ice man would come through the neighborhood a couple times a week and deliver a large block of ice for the ice box. Under the ice box was a drip pan and the family dog or cat would enjoy drinking the cool water from the drip pan.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
The Amish around here have ice houses. Well-insulated, partially in-ground. They bring ice from the lake and it lasts all through the summer. I'm thinkin' about something like that.
I knew it would happen.
Here's another kicker. The younger Amish, of course, they can't own an iPhone, but you'd be amazed how they can find their way around one. I don't know this from personal experience, but a friend of mine that does tree cutting for a side job was looking for a good log splitter. He was down at the Amish community talking to one of the younger ones and the log splitter topic came up. The kid tried to describe the log splitter then asked for my friend's iPhone. He opened up safari and was able to find the website in like 30 seconds. They don't believe in owning technology, but many of them have no problem using others'.
Positive BST Transactions (buyers and sellers): wondercoin, blu62vette, BAJJERFAN, privatecoin, blu62vette, AlanLastufka, privatecoin
#1 1951 Bowman Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#2 1980 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#8 (and climbing) 1972 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
Hahah, I don't believe in owning a boat either, but have no problem using others'! 😉
Always show up with alcohol and gas money, and always help rinse it and take out the empties..
Ps, and ask if there's any seats for "some friendly gals i know"
(If you know any)
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry