Finished my photo set-up

I guess I could have just bought a Kaiser copy stand set-up for a few hundred dollars, but I wanted to see how cheaply i could build this with parts off Kijiji and with the recent addition of lights - it's now complete.
Copy stand base and column came from an old (but still in the original box) photo enlarger that I got locally for $85. Had to modify it slightly to replace the old enlarger head with the camera tripod connector. Lucked-out on the lights for $50 that included shipping. Camera is my old 5D MkII with a 105 Sigma macro.
Here are a couple of quick shots before heading to bed. Feedback welcomed.
Looks pretty good! In my experience, which isn't worth much, getting the lights a bit higher may help you with the even spread of light and less slab glare.
Latin American Collection
have you tried shiny copper or gold yet?
or the ultra shiny-glitzy new issues?
You're on to something.
It looks like the lens and the surface of the copy stand are level.
I've not seen a four bulb lighting set up used before. I'm not sure all that light is required to get a good image but I'm far from expert.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
If you want to send me some gold to practice on - i won't say no
I'm a huge fan of having lots of adjustable options when it comes to lighting, especially since i haven't been able to remove lens slap / camera shake completely and try to keep the shutter speeds high.
8 Reales Madness Collection
@Swampboy also, having a tilted column that came with this particular enlarger seems to help distribute the weight across the base better, which also helped with the overall shake.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Very nice! I need to get around to setting up a dedicated space like this. Too bad old FadeToBlack is not around anymore
- he is one of the best coin photographers around and I am sure he would have some tips.
Images are very good, but probably would benefit from adjustment to lighting, to eliminate glare.
What specs do you have on these photos? F-stop, shutter speed, ISO?
Thanks, agreed. Especially on the 1803. It's not as obvious through the viewfinder.
ISO 640 - f/7.1 - 1/800 shutter with the short-timed mirror lock-up timer. Haven't had an opportunity to play with the numbers on this new set-up, yet.
8 Reales Madness Collection
If you upgrade to a modest Nikon or Canon the camera control features allow you to run all of the aperature, shutter, viewing through shot through the computer, focusing and activating the shutter. Big help!
Latin American Collection
5D MkII is a full-frame Canon. I've never used EOS utility to remote control the camera, but sounds like i should give it a try.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I use a very similar setup with an old enlarger. Use one only light source. i think 4 is overkill. But who knows..
maybe airplane lieutenant ?? (jeremy should chime in as he has it down pat.....)
I use it all the time... and it works really well... but you need to be careful with the white balance.
Mine is set to auto most the time.
If you do not have the disk that came with the camera, go to the Canon site and you will find it there. ist is free and is worth it!!
I have not tried to shoot raw yet... think I do not need it.
Key then is to also have a decent Photo SW to work with the images. I use ACDsee
so far you have good results
Generally speaking, since the camera is on a fixed platform, you want to use the lowest ISO possible (for finest grain, best color reproduction), and a relatively high f-stop (small aperture, for better depth of field). Both of those mean a longer exposure.
Can you send me the details on your lamp apparatus? I currently use 3 (or 4) free-standing longneck lamps, but I find them not tall enough. I think @Boosibri is correct in that we'd get better results if the light source were higher. My camera is a point-and-click, but with lots of features that I do not need. But, what I do use are the settings that allow me to match my camera's light sensitivity to the type of bulbs I use.
Also, believe it or not, my iPhone camera works pretty well too. I have the latest iPhone.
I have found that I get the best results with a stable platform, proper bulbs (I use white sunlight), a camera that matches my bulbs, tall 360 degree light source, and the proper color background for the color of the coin. Aside from my latest iPhone and point-and-click, the camera that gave me the best pictures (for coin photography) was an ancient Nikon from early 2000's.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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@EVillageProwler - it's a set that comes as an option for some Kaiser copy stands. Usually pretty pricey, but i lucked out.
8 Reales Madness Collection
8 Reales Madness Collection