Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
@Easy1984 said:
Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
Quoting to fix the photo links that were merged together in your post.
@Easy1984 said:
Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
Quoting to fix the photo links that were merged together in your post.
@Easy1984 said:
Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
Quoting to fix the photo links that were merged together in your post
This is the reverse you supplied. The dot is in a different spot on this photo than the one you just posted. In the first photo the dot is definitely not centered.
@Easy1984 said:
Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
Quoting to fix the photo links that were merged together in your post
This is the reverse you supplied. The dot is in a different spot on this photo than the one you just posted. In the first photo the dot is definitely not centered.
My apologies it must be the image of reverse 1909 DDO here is pics of both .
I had stated a week ago I'm sending to pcgs I am searching a box of wheat cents I inherited from my grandfather! Never once stated a date or time I was summiting...Thanks
Why did you attempt to commit fraud on eBay calling it a Matte Proof when expert after expert right here in this thread told you it was not a matte proof.
You think everything here is a joke, you ask questions that you do not want the honest answer to. Why are you even here? Do you get a thrill out of making a fool out of yourself?
As for those that think I'm being to
hard on you to bad, once you listed this POS on eBay for $500.00 calling it a Matte Proof you intended for some unsuspecting person to believe you and pay the price for your deceit? In my book that makes you a thief whether you succeeded or not.
I can only imagine how much you would have bragged if someone had actually fallen for your listing and paid you.
On BS&T Now: Nothing. Fighting the Fight for 11 Years with the big "C" - Never Ever Give Up! Member PCGS Open Forum board 2002 - 2006 (closed end of 2006) Current board since 2006 Successful trades with many members, over the past two decades, never a bad deal.
Bahahahaha get a grip dude! Im not committing any crimes like I stated in my post my apologies I have posted wrong pic of the reverse I have also took them down due to the error. And bud why in the hell would I Bragg to anyone or anything I'm not in this for the money bud I have in hearted a alot of coins from my great granfather if I was trying to make money I would get a job..This is a hobby thanks
The BIG 3 diagnostics: If ALL 3 are not there - it's NOT a MPL. Blowups are from PCGS coin facts.
Die scratches in from of nose.
Die scratch from bust towards LIBERTY.
Crescent shape die gouge.
Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
@Easy1984 said:
I had stated a week ago I'm sending to pcgs I am searching a box of wheat cents I inherited from my grandfather! Never once stated a date or time I was summiting...Thanks
On Feb 7 you said: "Just got done with the submission form". Didn't that imply that submission was imminent?
And then a few days later you listed the raw coin on eBay...
You claim to have three very rare cents, the combined value of which would be tens of thousands of dollars, but you are waiting to submit them until you finish going through a pile of wheat cents?
Maybe we should have a new forum category for numismatic fiction.
I Agree and I don't think you scolded easy1984 enough.
fraud is absolutely the correct term.
the definition of consumer fraud is basically this...
I lied
I know I lied
you were harmed by my lie.
When several Lincoln cent experts say a coin is fake, I trust that the experts in this community are being honest, helpful and are acting in good faith.
what is absolutely pathetic is when someone comes along with a deceased grandparents collection, asks some questions regarding what they have and after not liking the answers and finding out that their coins wont buy them a candy bar, they then try to convince everyone that what they have is legit and that they are right with their assumption about the coin and everyone else is wrong. And probably so because they saw a you tube video saying that riches await them if they cash in grand pappy's collection.
then they try to scam some unsuspecting person on ebay knowing full well they don't have what they claim.
@Texast said:
Why did you attempt to commit fraud on eBay calling it a Matte Proof when expert after expert right here in this thread told you it was not a matte proof.
You think everything here is a joke, you ask questions that you do not want the honest answer to. Why are you even here? Do you get a thrill out of making a fool out of yourself?
As for those that think I'm being to
hard on you to bad, once you listed this POS on eBay for $500.00 calling it a Matte Proof you intended for some unsuspecting person to believe you and pay the price for your deceit? In my book that makes you a thief whether you succeeded or not.
I can only imagine how much you would have bragged if someone had actually fallen for your listing and paid you.
Wow guys life is too short to act as childish as this . Let's be parents to our young. I have already graduateted middle school folks and also my grand dads coins mean alot to me as I am seasoned enough to know it does to many of you too.
@Easy1984 said:
Wow guys life is too short to act as childish as this . Let's be parents to our young. I have already graduateted middle school folks and also my grand dads coins mean alot to me as I am seasoned enough to know it does to many of you too.
Doesn't appear you learned to spell while in middle school.
Guess I won the bet

cdn.net/6027503/uploads/editor/a1/z07eupawlwah.png "")
Unfortunately if you were too match the first pic property of coin facts and match took mine you can clearly see they are exact. Thanks
Quoting to fix the photo links that were merged together in your post.
Collector, occasional seller
Thank you much.
Too all unsure collector's look at the vdb pics! I note marker.. I REST MY CASE. To all that were helpful Thank you greatly appreciated 👍
This is the reverse you supplied. The dot is in a different spot on this photo than the one you just posted. In the first photo the dot is definitely not centered.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
I thought you submitted this to PCGS over a week ago.
Tough to know what is true
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I had stated a week ago I'm sending to pcgs I am searching a box of wheat cents I inherited from my grandfather! Never once stated a date or time I was summiting...Thanks
Why did you attempt to commit fraud on eBay calling it a Matte Proof when expert after expert right here in this thread told you it was not a matte proof.
You think everything here is a joke, you ask questions that you do not want the honest answer to. Why are you even here? Do you get a thrill out of making a fool out of yourself?
As for those that think I'm being to
hard on you to bad, once you listed this POS on eBay for $500.00 calling it a Matte Proof you intended for some unsuspecting person to believe you and pay the price for your deceit? In my book that makes you a thief whether you succeeded or not.
I can only imagine how much you would have bragged if someone had actually fallen for your listing and paid you.
Fighting the Fight for 11 Years with the big "C" - Never Ever Give Up!
Member PCGS Open Forum board 2002 - 2006 (closed end of 2006) Current board since 2006 Successful trades with many members, over the past two decades, never a bad deal.
Bahahahaha get a grip dude! Im not committing any crimes like I stated in my post my apologies I have posted wrong pic of the reverse I have also took them down due to the error. And bud why in the hell would I Bragg to anyone or anything I'm not in this for the money bud I have in hearted a alot of coins from my great granfather if I was trying to make money I would get a job..This is a hobby thanks
And your not being hard on me.. sounds like your being hard on yourself. So let me as do you even know what the dionostics for a mpl coin bud? Thanks
The BIG 3 diagnostics: If ALL 3 are not there - it's NOT a MPL. Blowups are from PCGS coin facts.

Die scratches in from of nose.
Die scratch from bust towards LIBERTY.
Crescent shape die gouge.
On Feb 7 you said: "Just got done with the submission form". Didn't that imply that submission was imminent?
And then a few days later you listed the raw coin on eBay...
You claim to have three very rare cents, the combined value of which would be tens of thousands of dollars, but you are waiting to submit them until you finish going through a pile of wheat cents?
Maybe we should have a new forum category for numismatic fiction.
isn't that a poor mans 1969s DDO.
I Agree and I don't think you scolded easy1984 enough.
fraud is absolutely the correct term.
the definition of consumer fraud is basically this...
I lied
I know I lied
you were harmed by my lie.
When several Lincoln cent experts say a coin is fake, I trust that the experts in this community are being honest, helpful and are acting in good faith.
what is absolutely pathetic is when someone comes along with a deceased grandparents collection, asks some questions regarding what they have and after not liking the answers and finding out that their coins wont buy them a candy bar, they then try to convince everyone that what they have is legit and that they are right with their assumption about the coin and everyone else is wrong. And probably so because they saw a you tube video saying that riches await them if they cash in grand pappy's collection.
then they try to scam some unsuspecting person on ebay knowing full well they don't have what they claim.
Wow guys life is too short to act as childish as this . Let's be parents to our young. I have already graduateted middle school folks and also my grand dads coins mean alot to me as I am seasoned enough to know it does to many of you too.
Doesn't appear you learned to spell while in middle school.