Yes, it looks like a doubled mint mark. But it kind of looks like it is machine/strike doubling. Notice the EPL, the left side of the building & the left of the dome. It looks like there might be MD on other areas.
@ifthevamzarockin said:
Yes, it looks like a doubled mint mark. But it kind of looks like it is machine/strike doubling. Notice the EPL, the left side of the building & the left of the dome. It looks like there might be MD on other areas.
You are looking closely and seeing the small details.... that is good...However, now you must study the resources (such as listed above) and get the Cherry Pickers Guide. Cheers, RickO
@Coin_nut1977 . I found a really nice 1961 D/D the other day and got really excited until I found out there are 72 different types and of course at varying stages. This was in my "Save just in case" box from when I started a while back. Also found several '72 dd's didn't realize I had because I never checked "Trust" while looking for the main one.
I'm still cleaning house and will soon post several pmd's for confirmation.
There's no telling how much I've thrown back into circulation, I'm guessing 1 '69 dd, at least 1 '92 close AM and several '68 ddr's.
It is strike doubling and not a RPM.
Yes, it looks like a doubled mint mark. But it kind of looks like it is machine/strike doubling. Notice the EPL, the left side of the building & the left of the dome. It looks like there might be MD on other areas.
You are welcome.
Keep looking!
I have several of those. Fun to find but that's about all. I'm a nickel nut. As Mannie says.....keep looking. and are your friends. Bookmark and visit them often.
You are looking closely and seeing the small details.... that is good...However, now you must study the resources (such as listed above) and get the Cherry Pickers Guide. Cheers, RickO
Recheck it, I don't believe strike doubling
BHNC #203
Real nice pics. See if you see your coin.
It's ok @Coin_nut1977 there are many roll hunter here that know the feeling. Remember this
( don't burn yourself out looking ... and have fun. )
I have one that looks just like it and now I know I can spend it. Thanks
@Coin_nut1977 . I found a really nice 1961 D/D the other day and got really excited until I found out there are 72 different types and of course at varying stages. This was in my "Save just in case" box from when I started a while back. Also found several '72 dd's didn't realize I had because I never checked "Trust" while looking for the main one.
I'm still cleaning house and will soon post several pmd's for confirmation.
There's no telling how much I've thrown back into circulation, I'm guessing 1 '69 dd, at least 1 '92 close AM and several '68 ddr's.
Great pics!
@Coin_nut1977 If you go to my page and look under discussions I have a few posts sharing my RPM finds through wheat cents. Give it a look