Jefferson Nickel Variety of the Week: 1938-S DDR-001 DISCOVERY!

Ok crew, it has been a while, but better late than never!
I've had this coin a couple time in front of James Wiles for attribution and officially recognized as a CONECA variety. I hit him up again and finally wore him out! It's official, DDR-001, 1-R-II-C. This is the first variety for the 1938-S. There are no RPM's or DDO's.
And DIMEMAN said it could never be done!
Nice official addition to my All Variety Set! Here's the link to Variety Vista listing.
Thanks for looking
since there is only 1 for the year/mm, i'm amazed it took so much work!
are there not enough pups on the main page to match up?
nice coin and lets see if this link works for me?
nice newp
images courtesy of varietyvista
Nice. Split serifs and all good.
Mr. Wiles kept telling me it's too minor to be listed. A couple of years passed and have never found another, he finally relented! Love it!
Lance, thanks for the extra pics!
Oh, forgot. This is a PCGS MS63 example. Now I need to find a higher grade with FS!
Link to my All Variety Set below.
@BigDowgie ....Nice score...Thanks for showing us.... Good luck in your search for FS....Cheers, RickO
I didn't think it was possible to change Dr. Wiles' opinion on anything. Great job Mike. Sure looks like a DDR to me.
Congrats! Don't forget to show us an FS example when you find it!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Congrats! Something else to look for.
My War Nickels
Very nice !
Well done.
.....and I have seen many coins with much more "minor" doubling than your 38-S listed.
Many Mercury dimes, for example.
Nice find!
Agreed, there is nothing minor about that doubled die, especially as the only variety known for the date. Excellent job!
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Many Jefferson nickels, too, for that matter. This one looks pretty easy to photograph, and as such a no-brainer when it comes to listing it.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Oh God! Every variety guys most frustrating phrase...
Congrats on the discovery!
way cool score
Congrats and great persistence! As others have mentioned, many lesser obvious doubled-dies have been listed with far more minor doubling. Good work!
That's a nice one! I like the DDO for that date/mm as well.
Edited to add: I misread and thought your discovery was for 1938-D. There is a nice DDO for that one.
i see now that YOUR coin is the discovery. i misread the context and see now all i did was link images of YOUR coin. doh!
very big gratz! @BigDowgie
Yes, the 1938-D has a few nice DDO's, two of which are my discoveries; DDO-003 and DDO-004! BAM!