Making use of old stamp sleeves for Coin collectors

It just happened that I bought these cheap stamp sleeve at Hobby Lobby and now love them for quick reference and organization. What do you think?
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
It just happened that I bought these cheap stamp sleeve at Hobby Lobby and now love them for quick reference and organization. What do you think?
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
good idea. I also found a bunch plastic sleeve for recipe cards at my Mom's, and they just happen to fit coin slabs perfectly to protect them from scratches.
They look great for 2X2s. Archival baseball card sleeves work great for slabs.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Looks like they work very well... What material are they? Cheers, RickO
Do the stamp sleeves have Barrel cuffs or French cuffs?
Here is what I picked up
100 in pack for 2.99 and they are long enough to easy see and pick out what your looking for in your box. PVC free and all.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
My critique is that it has repeated info and does not store very compactly.
I think you are trying to solve the problem of finding a 2x2 in a long box, when you can only see the top edge of the 2x2.
But you reduced what will fit in the box.
Another solution might be to use a colored mark on the top edge of the 2x2 to group related holders.
We used to do this sort of thing to keep track of photographic slides in cardboard 2x2 frames that we liked more than
the rest of the photos from the roll.