Is CAC desirable for low ball coins?

I was just looking at a PCGS PO-01 CAC and wondering if this is desirable or not for low ball collectors as a CAC would not be the lowest of the low.
I was just looking at a PCGS PO-01 CAC and wondering if this is desirable or not for low ball collectors as a CAC would not be the lowest of the low.
Gold CAC would really mess things up.
I sent them a lot of lower value/lower grade coins over the years, without a lot of economic benefit; I suppose you could and the "approval" means they like the coin and most serious collectors would too because it is original.
Really?? I had no idea they would sticker coins at that level....Thinking about it, there is no reason not to approve it...Just counter intuitive.... Cheers, RickO
I hope this low-ball thing is just a passing fad. I just cannot see the appeal except maybe on a few ultra rare coins.
I guess if guy has sense of humor...
if CAC stickers an AG3 are they saying it's closer to a G4 or a PO1??
With a green bean anyway, it would signify in their opinion it's an 'A' or 'B' coin for AG3. A gold bean would suggest a possibly higher grade.
Here's an example from my collection:
Maybe they need to have a reverse sticker system for the low ball coins after all its hard to get a Poor1 from PCGS!
Because you cannot see the appeal, why do you hope it is a passing fad?
this. I dont like lowball coins. however, i couldn't care less what others collect and what they decide to spend money certifying.
Minor Variety Trade dollar's with chop marks set:
More Than It's Chopped Up To Be
Matt, my comment was meant tongue-in-cheek.
Tired of hearing about it.
Since the Lowball craze is based solely upon numerical grade, it does not matter one way or the other.
Just like a gold sticker will not give you any additional points for a high-ranking, normal registry set.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Different strokes for different folks.
You could always just give your money away...
How about a BLACK BEAN for, "Worse for the grade?"
This craziness with low ball is at least 10years and going strong I don’t think it’s a fad anymore