1966 Roosevelt dime error and a misplaced hidden 5 in it!

So guys I was checking the initial error which is visible there half circle, I don't know what type of error that is called but yeah it's there loud and clear, so while researching cme to know something about this misplaced 5 and found this hidden treasure..
It was really tough to look for this one but any how managed, still not that clear but visible..
So guys what would be the best value for this special one?
Looks like post-mint damage, hard to tell with the low quality photo. Don't see any misplaced 5's.
Numismatic Pareidolia
Seen the big circular scratch thru the chin many times before - post mint damage.
Try as I might after several adult beverages, I cannot see anything within the small purple circle that would make this piece worth more than a dime. Perhaps someone else will see something.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
If probably this can help?
Sorry for the bad quality of the picture..
Not the same pics.
It's a compared one bro
Never heard of that one, do you have any links to your research regarding this, I would find it interesting, also appears to be a SMS coin on the clear pic. Also your coin has it 5 to high than the other, Is this a well known variety ?
Interesting old topic from another forum... https://www.cointalk.com/threads/omg-5-in-cheek-dime-1966.318197/
Yes it's there on the internet
Not everything on the internet is true or correct.
Interesting link, Thanks
I find you negative most of time! Why? Be positive 😆
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Good luck in your coin collecting hunt!
Thank you,
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you too and each n everyone present here 🎄⛪
I don't think Hemi was being difficult. This is a confusing post. Your pics don't jive and frankly are hard to interpret. Try getting some better shots of the artifact you are seeking. It looks like this artifact has been discussed elsewhere and appears to be a random issue. "Numismatic Artifact" means happenstance occurrences of figures, shapes or characters on coins. Keep looking and Merry Happy!
you tell him , don't settle for being half round brother , don't just be a 180 be a 360 man . Sorry if I went off on a tangent there
Bud, I'm not a pro coin collector dude these are the best pictures which i could take if you are not able to help or share information that's perfectly fine thanks cheers! Tc.
Right sir 👍
The mark on your coin doesn't match up with the picture of the dime with a "5" ( which is just a lint mark on the die). What you're seeing is likely a stray hit or other type of damage that resembles a 5. It isn't a mint error The circular ring is due to a coin roll crimping machine and is post mint damage as well. Your coin is worth face value, nothing more.
Sir i can't understand what you are trying to say if you can elaborate thanks,
So what exactly this error mark is! And what about that 5 hanging there according to the research there are only a few like this out there, So in this case how much rare this one is and valuations? (I'm here to talk to the expert's and know the exact valuations Thanks)
Looks like a struck through that just happened to curl into a shape slightly resembling a 5. But your coin doesn’t look exactly like the comparison coin (I think that’s what your bottom picture is - not quite clear). Your “5” if that’s what you circled is higher than the one in the comparison photo. But your pictures are too granulated and poor quality to see clearly. If you do have this “variety” my guess would
be any premium would be small and similar to that of any other struck through error.
The '5' in the clear picture is a struck through lint piece and not an actual 5. On your dime, I really cannot see it clearly as in the second picture....and the large 'circle' is post mint damage. I do not believe your coin has any numismatic value above ten cents, and certainly nothing like the premium quoted in the linked article. Good luck in your search... Cheers, RickO
No so fast. In the clear picture with the 5, the 5 looks raised to me. This suggests a scratch in the die like the superbird quarter.
If the 5 is incuse, then a strike thru is the likely cause as suggested by others.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
actually this is a newly discovered variety. it has been examined by numerisist and was given the name misplaced 5, there are two known examples. Here is a link to the information that I acknowledge this from. Watch "New Variety 1966 sms (special mint set) Misplaced "5" Roosevelt Dime" on YouTube
Very interesting.

Note the red marks I made on photos. The “5”s are not located in the same place. Different places on the face.
From that photo it looks like one 5 is higher than the other and a different size.
I see all sorts of "things" in clouds ........
Looks more like struck thru debris, in the shape of a five. Lot of salesmen and promoters out there. Lot's of proclaimed varieties that have later been debunked. I remember JT Stanton telling everyone in a seminar about the 1959-D Lincoln with a D at the rim. Next big thing to come out in the Cherrypickers guide. Never happened. Debunked. Sometimes humans see what they want to see.
I have heard a similar story before, maybe from you? Do you have any of those 59D? A pic would be awesome if anyone has one.
I have been curious about those since reading it.
Ha, I have 10 of them. No pics but will do so next time I have the camera out. The 1951-D/D in the 9 also comes to mind as one that has been debunked. 1980-D with the S above the D Lincoln has been debunked.
Looks like a struck thru thread.
The easiest answer is a "Struck thru" However, in the image, the "5" shaped thingy looks RAISED. Now, how could a raised mark on a coin be produced? Easy if we think about it. As to being from an actual "5" punch...someone at the mint had to be playing around so I'm guessing "serendipity" with the shape of a "5."
So what caused it? _______________________________.
"The easiest answer is a "Struck thru" However, in the image, the "5" shaped thingy looks RAISED. Now, how could a raised mark on a coin be produced? Easy if we think about it."
After struck thru debris, an imprint could have been left on the striking die. Subsequent strikes would show this shape until the die wore sufficiently that it would not show anymore.
You are correct, it has been has been attributed as a mark on the die. I believe it was ANACS
HOWEVER, if you research the variety, you'll see it IS NOT a 5. It was caused by a piece of lint or similar material during the die production process. Just random chance caused it to look like a 5. The name is complete nonsense that was probably made up by someone trying to market the coin to collectors who don't know any better
If I recall correctly, Fred Weinberg posted this information on another forum about a year ago.
It reminds me of this odd “5” on a 1962 Proof Franklin half. I found this while searching for fs901 misplaced D.
In hand the 5 is barely visible but it is there. I have not been able to get a clear photo it.