1909-O $5 Raw for 8k

Posted on CC but here is the listing: https://ebay.com/itm/1909-GOLD-5-INDIAN-HEAD-FIVE-DOLLAR-COIN-HALF-EAGLE-US-/232950271148?nordt=true&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m43663.l44720
If you look and zoom in you can see the mint mark and on right side the residual part of what I presume to be the original "D".
Edit: If have a moment report it and maybe get it taken down. I am not a good messenger but maybe somebody who can say it without sounding like a jerk should message seller and explain situation.
I'm fairly certain that coin has been talked about here in recent months, maybe it was a different one though.. I seem to remember it was also an ebay listing that neglected to mention a mint mark.
Collector, occasional seller
spurious mint mark............in my mind.
Oh really? I was pretty sure there was nothing nefarious by the seller going on but if this was listed before that sort of changes the ball game.
I'm sorry, but in my opinion, you must be a glutton for punishment to buy a raw coin such as this for 8k off Ebay.
Especially when the pictures show an altered mint mark.
As mentioned on CC the mint mark also looks huge compared to real ones. I guess the person who altered it needed to mask their work because that "O" is like 2x or 3x as thick as any real ones.
My mistake, I was actually thinking of your other post from August concerning a 1909 O(or D) $5. Which BTW you never told us if you bought it or not.
Collector, occasional seller
Swore I did. It was not. Very deceptive photo. Not intentional just way pictures came out you could see a D or an O.
Wow... sold for $8K....somebody is going to be very sorry....such a shame. Cheers, RickO
a sucker and their money are soon parted is my comment
Aug 11th
In the buyer's defense, they could pay for expedited grading, quickly find out the bad news, then file a claim to get their money back.