Design Review For 2019 American Liberty Gold

On the front page of today's Coin World.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. Something about the rays coming out of the back of her head is odd to me.

On the front page of today's Coin World.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. Something about the rays coming out of the back of her head is odd to me.
What the heck?
Reverse is ok, don't llike the obverse.
In the article is shown a second possibility
Anyone know how well the 2017 version sold?
They might still be for sale.
Checking the latest cumulative sales info, YES they are still selling them.
Is she wearing some strange headwear? Or is light emanating from her scalp? I don't get it.
she looks like she has a mohawk
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
The eagle looks great... the obverse looks like a screenshot from a sci-fi movie
The 2nd one looks best to me.
More drawings from further into the article
And the last of the drawings
All the obverses are either boring or horrible.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I take it that the Artistic Infusion program is dead?
I really want to like this series and did get the 2015, but they need to do better. With all the great art being done in this country it is hard to believe this is the best we can do.
I do not know which obverse design will be chosen. It's one of three. But I can tell you for certain the designs that will not be chosen.
Edited to say I think these Liberty designs were all previously seen and not chosen in 2015 and 2017... While I liked the ones chosen in 2015/2017, why would the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee decide to not ask for at least a few more new designs to consider for 2019, and not mostly the same old ones they have seen before?
Then there was this statement:
"The Commission of Fine Arts recommended obverse design features Liberty, with 13 rays of light, symbolizing the free and creative spirit of America’s people, emanating along a headband. The design is reminiscent of the Indian Head gold eagles from 1907 to 1933."
I still prefer the classic $10 Indian obverse design over this version, and wonder why Congress thought we needed more of these Minted in the first place. Edited to say my mistake, I did not realize it was a 5 year series.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
One would hope they move the ear back where it belongs.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
The stars are too big

With a little tweaking I actually like the $100 design .... agreed her ear needs to come up a bit and soften the 'whatever' it is now looks like a fan or some kind of Spanish head dressing.
This would another one out of 5's in the series ...... I see they've decided on the Latin heritage. Lovely!
Couldn't wait to see what they would come up with when they eventually get to the Asian design
@Kudbegud Thank you for sharing! Great post
I wish they didn’t have to have an eagle on the reverse. If you’re going to honor Ethnic -Americans, use the reverse to tell their story. Nope, we just get another bird.
Can you imagine seeing the Queen reverse the rest of your life?
I take the bird any day
My first tbought ? I'll be giving the Mint, the Bird, on this one . 😉
The Artist is not following the rules of composition here. What is they, a Vogue Fashion Photography Reject, o sumpin? Yo, gets a clue, mah brothas.
The Headress is cropped. There is too much empty space on one side of the image. Seems to be a lack of basic design elements going on. Are these new Artists found in the middle of a Drug Rehab somewhere? They trying to evoke high fashion on our staid Coinage? Bravo for the attempt but looks like a fail to me.
They may as well use this
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
One could only hope, but nope:
This. None of the designs are new. (Well, the Innobuck line art above is new, but not the Liberty designs.)
When American Liberty started in 2015, the mint stated Liberty would be represented by several different races. A year ago after the 2017 was introduced, there was a rumor the next American Liberty would be an Asian. And if you look at the chosen design...
So I'm not surprised. By the same token, not buying either.
I like the design. It’s a fresh look for Liberty yet the overall composition echoes the classics a bit. I interpret the “headdress” device as either something physically worn on the head, or conceptually, 13 rays of light eminating from her mind (the article states that these rays are symbolic of the free and creative spirit of the American people).
Not that it matters, but the race/ethnicity of Liberty seems ambiguous to me. Her features could easily pass as Hispanic, Asian, Black, White, or even mixed-blooded.
Definitely a winner in my humble opinion.
This Liberty Set is trying to be a bigger Doggy Set than the First Spouse Set. I'll give it a few more years before declaring it the winner, but it's off to a very good start. That first one always makes me hurly.
Here is my kind of bird ...... come to think of it I may consider applying for the job
too much radium in her diet?
“Can you imagine seeing the Queen reverse the rest of your life?
I take the bird any day”
Why not, I’ve yet to see anything but Lincoln , Jefferson, Roosevelt, Washington and Kennedy on my coins since birth. Everyone living has only had the Lincoln cent. At least those with a queen can look forward to prince Charles on their coins in the near future 😁