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A big Wonderfull shout out to David McCarthy, I won a Quint. America's first Coin

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 20, 2018 2:56PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Thanks to David aka @Regulated. He ran on Instagram a contest as said below,

I will be giving away a 2018-dated gold reproduction of the very first coin struck by the United States government, the unique Plain Obverse Quint (click the link in my bio for NPR’s article about the Quint). The grand prize is one of two examples struck over an 18th century gold coin, and was made using hand-engraved dies on a real screw press - just like the genuine article. A second winner will receive one of only two silver reproductions (overstruck on an 18th century silver coin), and ten runners-up will be awarded an example struck in white metal with a mintage of 750-pieces.To enter, Follow @x_coinnerd_x, repost this image, and use the following hashtags: #firstamericancoin, #freegold, #freesilver. Winners will be randomly chosen on September 15th at noon PST
Well, I figured I would give it a try, but I never win anything anyways bit its just a 2 second repost.
Well........I won, came in 3rd place. YAHOOOOO
By the way....if some are not are of this yet, then a link to David's awesome research

On to my coin.....thanks again David. :)




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