Buy the key dates
The market is regrouping
I'm reminded what Eric Newman once wrote at the end of one his letters, after rehashing a unfortunate situation.
"Numismatics is great nevertheless."
Buy the book first.
This coin's graded what??
Market is in tank.
Never stopping there again.
"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin
Loose grading, noose trading.
I got a headache
Seller's overpriced, overpriced, overpriced. OVERPRICED. Five words, but I needed to make a point. Coin sellers expect too much price for their crap coins.
greedy sellers, cheap buyers
plastic and sticker sell
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Instachat, SnapGram, eBay, Abbidabu
CU is Boring, $ometimes.
We need more billionaires
Learn how to grade!
Take it or pass
Buy low sell high
Lay money on table
Tirekicker take a hike
Pay ten backa bid
Pcgs coins only please
Buyback? Ain't yer bank!
Doing deal get lost
California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Texas, oops How about not-so-solid, illiquid, gaseous, . . . . Hey, it worked for Mark
Over CU? Overpriced ripoff!
Bye no hope loser!
Gem? It's tarnished garbage
Buy it super deal
Cheap buyers no money
Record setting.
Still see those BST listing that would make their coins record setting.
Mod gold on fire!
Time to buy is now
Panda market sales fantastic
Material close BV rocks
60% profit 5oz25c sale
buyers want fresh coins
Bought high, sold low.
Crack out again.
Needs to pick up
Seems a little high
What's it bid at?
No Sticker No Sale
Stickers Stars Pluses Only.
Ripped Dipped and Flipped.
Invest in cac coins.
Laura: "cac coins rule"
Going down the tubes !!!
Look at the coin.
Please ignore the ornaments
Yes I had a few.
Buy the key dates
The market is regrouping
I'm reminded what Eric Newman once wrote at the end of one his letters, after rehashing a unfortunate situation.
"Numismatics is great nevertheless."
Buy the book first.
This coin's graded what??
Market is in tank.
Never stopping there again.
"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin
Loose grading, noose trading.
I got a headache
Seller's overpriced, overpriced, overpriced. OVERPRICED. Five words, but I needed to make a point. Coin sellers expect too much price for their crap coins.
greedy sellers, cheap buyers
plastic and sticker sell
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Instachat, SnapGram, eBay, Abbidabu
We need more billionaires
Learn how to grade!
Take it or pass
Buy low sell high
Lay money on table
Tirekicker take a hike
Pay ten backa bid
Pcgs coins only please
Buyback? Ain't yer bank!
Doing deal get lost
California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Texas, oops

How about not-so-solid, illiquid, gaseous, . . . .
Hey, it worked for Mark
Over CU? Overpriced ripoff!
Bye no hope loser!
Gem? It's tarnished garbage
Buy it super deal
Cheap buyers no money
Record setting.
Still see those BST listing that would make their coins record setting.
EAC 6024
Mod gold on fire!
Time to buy is now
Panda market sales fantastic
Material close BV rocks
60% profit 5oz25c sale
buyers want fresh coins
Whitman Brands: President/CEO (;
PNG: Executive Director (
Bought high, sold low.
Crack out again.
Needs to pick up
Seems a little high
What's it bid at?
No Sticker No Sale
Stickers Stars Pluses Only.
Ripped Dipped and Flipped.
Invest in cac coins.
Laura: "cac coins rule"
Going down the tubes !!!
Look at the coin.
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.
Please ignore the ornaments
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.
Yes I had a few.
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.