1956 D/D RPM-008 Lincoln cent cherrypicked! Got RPM photos?
Was very excited to find this really nice example of the totally separated RPM-008! Was going through a small box full of random wheaties and memorial cents when I noticed the ghost mintmark far to the south. Of course it looks a bit better in person, but the pictures capture a bit of it despite the reflection from the flip. Notice the completely separated "D" a milimeter or so below the primary mintmark. RPM photos welcome!
Great catch.
Congrats! I've found one after years of searching and it wasn't as nice as yours!
Here are a few 56 RPM's I have pulled from searches

nice RPMs @JRocco !! Great variety of alignments.
56 was a great year for RPM's

Another great year to look for are the 53's
And 41's for DDO's
Keep hunting. The thrill of the find never lets up.
really cool RPM's
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Nice catch on that ghost 'D'.....and great pictures. Cheers, RickO
Wow...those are some neat RPM's.
The 1963-D silver quarter is not a prepunched mintmark.
It's a very very common example of ejection/mechanical
doubling that is found on large numbers of 1963-D and
1964-D Quarters.
Along the 1956-D theme, rpm16.
1956 D above shadow D. I found not a single example of this rpm in over 1500 '56-D's that I searched. Very scarce. Has to be under 1 M original mintage.i would think very difficult to spot on a coin worn to vf or less. Nice find!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
wow @bolivarshagnasty that is an amazing RPM. That is near the top of my list. Thanks for sharing!
That is a very nice example of the D and D RPM

I agree that it is one of the tougher ones to find in the 56's
Having looked through many coins I have only found 2 examples myself.
Only have 1 with a pic though. Sorry
You are welcome. As seen also in JRocco's post, the "harpoon" in the circle of the first 9 is a pickup point for the rpm 16.
Not a 56-D obviously, but still a cool RPM. Bought about 18 of these 1960-D Large Date RPM FS-502 from a shop that does mostly raw for cheap, something like $5 a coin. I instructed the customer who bought them to submit them, around 75% of them went 65RD with the rest split between 64 and 66 RD.
mharris: great find...keep up the search! I remember the days when this was a $200-$300 RPM in unc.
nasty: Sweet RPM 16...that is one of my favorites. Awesome coin, nice toning as well.
JRocco: Great 56-D RPM grouping.
You guys don't miss nothin'!
Yeah, I've only found a couple and have probably looked at 5,000,000 1956-D.
That's a slight exaggeration.....
As a variety guy for a long time, what I can say for sure is they are out there.

You gotta look and when you are looking through a large quantity you have to
know when to stop if you are just looking and not seeing.
Some are bold and jump out at you, others hide behind a little dirt or a shadow.
But keep looking cause they are there.
Here is a tough variety in early die state and I found 2 of them in one search. Talk about lucky.
And they are varied so keep looking.
Anyone see a 7 hiding under there ????
Very nice!