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Best sub $500 coin

Hi, I thought it would be great to have an annual contest for best coin as voted by PCGS Forum members. So I am officially launching this contest and making the rules very simple. There will be 5 categories...

Sub $100, Sub $500, Sub $1,000, Sub $5,000, and Sub $20,000 (each according to PCGS Price Guide or most recent auction records). Post an image of your coin to match the stated categories. Forum members and guests will vote on your posted coin by Liking your post.

Contest will run from now until May 31 (and annually thereafter, in a new annual post). You can post multiple coins but each coins MUST be in a separate post (be careful not to compete with yourself, though). Cut-off for voting will be midnight Pacific Daylight Time, May 31, 2017. Coin post with the most number of Likes will win the respective category.

The prize will be a nice PCGS graded coin of my choosing (sub $25 value according to PCGS Price Guide). I will offer up the prizes myself (if someone wants to pitch in, then Message me). Let's have some fun and let the contest begin...


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