I'm convinced it some anti-spam measure. (it was blocking coneca online's site and the fly-in club's site!)
but for us seemingly long-timer, non-spammers it can be a anti-post measure.
I liken it to a replacement for the "captcha" that we used to do. I'd rather have that back as I could at least get by most of the time.
For either situation, I recommended doing a cut-and-paste of everything before hitting "post comment".... just in case.
This "approval thing" was what was keeping me from actually finishing it until now. The blocked sites were unblocked just late yesterday.
I am moving over to CoinTalk full time.
The transition of my "Eclectic Box of 20" collection and its various subthreads is under way.
The new platform here has some much needed improvements, and a few enhancements, but I'm afraid it was just a case of "too little, too late", as far as I am concerned.
Recently I spent twenty or more minutes writing a complex post on the Metal Detecting Forum in my usual detailed if longwinded style, with one image and several hyperlinks, only to be told "your message will appear when it has been approved". It has never appeared, and we all know nobody is reviewing this stuff, so it likely never will. Today I discovered that the forums did save a draft automatically (that at least is a big improvement- I lost a lot of work in the last go-round). But this last little glitch has hammered one of the final nails in the coffin of my 15-year CU involvement. Sure, I could probably sift through my saved draft of that post and find the character or phrase that is causing the issue, fix it, and repost, but I do not have one iota of patience left for the software here. The good old forums got too buggy when they became obsolete, the intermediate version earlier this year proved awful, and while this latest version is OK, it is not up to the standard of CT, in my humble opinion.
I'll still peek in over here periodically; do some networking, make some deals, and post light chitchat, but when I want to post anything of any substance or complexity that I put any work into, it will be on another forum.
Don't get me wrong. I still love and admire the community here, and bridge-burning is not my style. And I do think I understand why a big corporate site like this needs anti-spam bots and such. It's just that more than a few babies have gotten thrown out with the bathwater.
Sorry for the manifesto. As you were.
And again, kudos for the effort here, @MsMorrisine (and a tip o' the hat for ol' STONE).
I'll bookmark this and check it periodically when I come back to visit.
I wish there was a "sad" button to click because that is what I felt when I read your post. I sure hope you reconsider. Have you thought of creating your posts in some other format, say Word, and then copying and pasting into the PCGS site? That way even if the PCGS site fails, you still have your post and can try again.
Darn, I hope you decide against the line of action you outlined. I'll miss you as will everyone else.
stay. just post in fragments. or cut-and-paste before you post.
and I did complain about the approvals that never come when I sent the list of "spam" labelled non-spam web sites. we need a route to approval or admin names to contact.
as it is now, the "approval" message is just lucy yanking away the football over and over....
Too little, too late, I'm afraid. Just way too much hassle. I'm exhausted with it. I got used to CT during the last transition.
This isn't goodbye. It's just maybe goodbye to some of my more intricate, complex, longwinded ramblings here, is all.
I'm still around, and I still love y'all. I just wanna gallop through flowery meadows in some other greener pasture.
Haven't found Utopia, yet. But I'm liking CT more and more. It's the New World for me. But of course it's still nice to visit the Old World, where one has years of history, and stroll among the cathedrals and ruins.
(Accent on the "ruins" part in the case of most of my old threads. This last change really wrecked a lot of my meticulous formatting and I'm too tired to try to fix it. Most of my older infrastructure was starting to crumble a bit anyway (pix or links going bad, etc) even before the transitions and through no fault of our hosts. (I'm becoming disenchanted with Photobucket, too, and may use CollectiveCoin more for image hosting, if I can create URLs to include filenames and not just gibberish).
The only reason a ton of posters haven't chimed in asking you to reconsider is because this thread is a rather obscure location for you to say you are departing. if you had started a "formal" thread announcing your decision, there would likely already be 100 posts asking you to reconsider. I hate to see someone as talented and enjoyable as you even decide to cut back a little much less a lot. So I sincerely hope you rethink your decision.
The only reason a ton of posters haven't chimed in asking you to reconsider is because this thread is a rather obscure location for you to say you are departing. if you had started a "formal" thread announcing your decision, there would likely already be 100 posts asking you to reconsider. I hate to see someone as talented and enjoyable as you even decide to cut back a little much less a lot. So I sincerely hope you rethink your decision.
Thanks, Mark. That's precisely why I did NOT post such an announcement. (I almost did, and even started typing it, but reconsidered. As said, I'm not a bridge-burner.)
What I posted was bad enough: all that stuff about flowery meadows and Utopia and the New World and cathedrals and ruins.
When my bipolar pendulum swings toward the manic end, I become increasingly gregarious and creative, but my writing tends to become more bullsh- er -um - grandiose.
Hey, y'all. Check out the links in the OP and various categories of this thread. Good stuff here. Ignore any disruption or unintentional hijacking created by my little personal drama. (It's really not that dramatic.)
I added all but the South Austin Coin Exchange in Texas. Although a good firm, the website does not sell anything. It only tells people to stop in the shop to buy and sell.
This is an impressive collection of information and effort to maintain! Bravo Zulu @MsMorrisine
Thanks for your work in this thread and on the site. I bombarded you with "likes" until my thumbs cramped up. I'll be back.
what the hay, there are 2 extras, so I'll take 52 also
outhaul's avatar seems appropriate for the problem of edited posts that disappear "for approval":
it lives...
(and not in the corn field)
FANTASTIC work. Must've been a Herculean task with the new format, but we're gettin' somewhere!
A tip o' the old Holey Gold Hat in your direction!
Everyone, please don't forget to bombard MsMorrisine with "Like" s for the endeavor of keeping this valuable resource relevant.
Oh, gawd, are you getting the "approval" glitch, too?
Outhaul's avatar, indeed! Grrr!
This is why I'm moving my Box of 20 and all of my important stuff with complex formatting over to CoinTalk.
I'm convinced it some anti-spam measure. (it was blocking coneca online's site and the fly-in club's site!)
but for us seemingly long-timer, non-spammers it can be a anti-post measure.
I liken it to a replacement for the "captcha" that we used to do. I'd rather have that back as I could at least get by most of the time.
For either situation, I recommended doing a cut-and-paste of everything before hitting "post comment".... just in case.
This "approval thing" was what was keeping me from actually finishing it until now. The blocked sites were unblocked just late yesterday.
@MsMorrisine said:
I am moving over to CoinTalk full time.
The transition of my "Eclectic Box of 20" collection and its various subthreads is under way.
The new platform here has some much needed improvements, and a few enhancements, but I'm afraid it was just a case of "too little, too late", as far as I am concerned.
Recently I spent twenty or more minutes writing a complex post on the Metal Detecting Forum in my usual detailed if longwinded style, with one image and several hyperlinks, only to be told "your message will appear when it has been approved". It has never appeared, and we all know nobody is reviewing this stuff, so it likely never will. Today I discovered that the forums did save a draft automatically (that at least is a big improvement- I lost a lot of work in the last go-round). But this last little glitch has hammered one of the final nails in the coffin of my 15-year CU involvement. Sure, I could probably sift through my saved draft of that post and find the character or phrase that is causing the issue, fix it, and repost, but I do not have one iota of patience left for the software here. The good old forums got too buggy when they became obsolete, the intermediate version earlier this year proved awful, and while this latest version is OK, it is not up to the standard of CT, in my humble opinion.
I'll still peek in over here periodically; do some networking, make some deals, and post light chitchat, but when I want to post anything of any substance or complexity that I put any work into, it will be on another forum.
Don't get me wrong. I still love and admire the community here, and bridge-burning is not my style. And I do think I understand why a big corporate site like this needs anti-spam bots and such. It's just that more than a few babies have gotten thrown out with the bathwater.
Sorry for the manifesto. As you were.
And again, kudos for the effort here, @MsMorrisine (and a tip o' the hat for ol' STONE).
I'll bookmark this and check it periodically when I come back to visit.
I wish there was a "sad" button to click because that is what I felt when I read your post. I sure hope you reconsider. Have you thought of creating your posts in some other format, say Word, and then copying and pasting into the PCGS site? That way even if the PCGS site fails, you still have your post and can try again.
Darn, I hope you decide against the line of action you outlined. I'll miss you as will everyone else.
Please stay @lordmarcovan
click disagree!
stay. just post in fragments. or cut-and-paste before you post.
and I did complain about the approvals that never come when I sent the list of "spam" labelled non-spam web sites. we need a route to approval or admin names to contact.
as it is now, the "approval" message is just lucy yanking away the football over and over....
Too little, too late, I'm afraid. Just way too much hassle. I'm exhausted with it. I got used to CT during the last transition.
This isn't goodbye. It's just maybe goodbye to some of my more intricate, complex, longwinded ramblings here, is all.
I'm still around, and I still love y'all. I just wanna gallop through flowery meadows in some other greener pasture.
Haven't found Utopia, yet. But I'm liking CT more and more. It's the New World for me. But of course it's still nice to visit the Old World, where one has years of history, and stroll among the cathedrals and ruins.
(Accent on the "ruins" part in the case of most of my old threads. This last change really wrecked a lot of my meticulous formatting and I'm too tired to try to fix it. Most of my older infrastructure was starting to crumble a bit anyway (pix or links going bad, etc) even before the transitions and through no fault of our hosts. (I'm becoming disenchanted with Photobucket, too, and may use CollectiveCoin more for image hosting, if I can create URLs to include filenames and not just gibberish).
The only reason a ton of posters haven't chimed in asking you to reconsider is because this thread is a rather obscure location for you to say you are departing. if you had started a "formal" thread announcing your decision, there would likely already be 100 posts asking you to reconsider. I hate to see someone as talented and enjoyable as you even decide to cut back a little much less a lot. So I sincerely hope you rethink your decision.
Thanks, Mark. That's precisely why I did NOT post such an announcement. (I almost did, and even started typing it, but reconsidered. As said, I'm not a bridge-burner.)
What I posted was bad enough: all that stuff about flowery meadows and Utopia and the New World and cathedrals and ruins.
When my bipolar pendulum swings toward the manic end, I become increasingly gregarious and creative, but my writing tends to become more bullsh- er -um - grandiose.
Hey, y'all. Check out the links in the OP and various categories of this thread. Good stuff here. Ignore any disruption or unintentional hijacking created by my little personal drama. (It's really not that dramatic.)
I travel quite a bit and love to check out local coin and bullion dealers. A few of my favorite spots in the states I've been:
I added all but the South Austin Coin Exchange in Texas. Although a good firm, the website does not sell anything. It only tells people to stop in the shop to buy and sell.
Thanks for all the updates.
Insert witicism here. [ xxx ]
Bump as some of the newer members have been looking for this...
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
This is an impressive collection of information and effort to maintain! Bravo Zulu @MsMorrisine
Thanks for your work in this thread and on the site. I bombarded you with "likes" until my thumbs cramped up. I'll be back.
Fist Bump
I believe we should also include the Instagram listings of OwenSeymour and boyernumismatics......Cheers, RickO
Great compendium, @MsMorrisine! Also, it's cool the way you've organized it - using the top post to link to the sections.
by the way, the mintproducts.com address has gone dark (at least for the last 1-2 weeks).
Post so I can find this again.
I also bookmarked this and am glad that my little website has now found its way into at least some lists!
Great work @MsMorrisine and please accept my gratitude for this yeoman (yeowoman?) work!
Kind regards,
about time for a bump. semi-old thread.
I scanned through and didn’t see it listed but about the only place I regularly visit outside of here is coin news: https://www.coinnews.net/
Been a while and I thought I'd resurrect this old thread.
There's a still a lot of good links to be found on these pages.