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My new pick-ups…

OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have the coins in hand.

The 1883-O: Someone ATS really screwed the pooch on this one. Nice cartwheel luster and color, and the cleanest cheek I've ever seen and no distracting marks. Every bit as nice as the picture. I am trying to take a decent picture of it to post, but no matter how hard I try, all I have is an old P&S digital camera and it comes out looking like a pig's breakfast.

The 1879-S: PL obverse but not designated. Half way decent mirrios. The reverse is extremely clean. The coin is well worthy of the grade.

The 1881-S: While nice, it turns out that it isn't CAC'd; that was an error. I spoke with them and we couldn't meet together on a discounted price so they'll take it back on their nickel.

The photos are from the seller. I will have the coins in hand this week.



The grades:

All from ATS

79-S = 64
81-S = 62 Green Bean
83-O = 61





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