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For those concerned with Crossover success and turn-around times.

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
A friend asked me to submit some NGC Gold for him and resisted my suggestion that the coins were fine as they are in NGC holders, but he wanted them as PCGS graded coins. They arrived at PCGS on June 28th and posted this morning.

1901---$10 Liberty/MS63.

1923---$20 Saint/MS63.

1927---$20 Saint/MS61.

They all crossed at the same grade so he should be happy. The turn-around was pretty good and his added value is around $180. With his 100% success rate I think I will let him screen my upcoming SC$ crossover attempt!!image

Al H.


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    commoncents05commoncents05 Posts: 10,082 ✭✭✭
    At least you tried to steer him right. They are worth no more in PCGS holders. Generic gold before, generic gold after.

    Many Quality coins for sale at http://www.CommonCentsRareCoins.com
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    roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: keets

    The turn-around was pretty good and his added value is around $180. With his 100% success rate I think I will let him screen my upcoming SC$ crossover attempt!!image

    Al H.

    With grade fees and shipping of approx $75-$100, they would need approx a $260 net gain to add $180 in value. That's not easy since generic PCGS and NGC gold both buy/sell for essentially the same numbers. The spreads at Heritage between a 61 and 63 saint is only a measly $20. They could have upgraded both those Saints to MS64's and still not gained $100 total in value.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    his cost was $180, maybe I worded it wrong. as Paul understood it was a waste of money, really would have been a waste if they posted as DNC.
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    rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a case of a collector's personal preference and the investment was, to him, worth it. Cheers, RickO
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    brg5658brg5658 Posts: 2,399 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...$180 out of his pocket into the PCGS coffers...what can you do, some people just like to blow money.
    My sets: [280+ horse coins] :: [France Sowers] :: [Colorful world copper] :: [Beautiful world coins]

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭

    personally, I prefer the PCGS capsule and have never really liked the NGC capsule, especially for anything smaller than a Quarter. to be honest, of all the current TPG's I like the ICG holder the best but have never had much faith in the integrity of their grading.
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    Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: keets

    yes. personally, I prefer the PCGS capsule and have never really liked the NGC capsule, especially for anything smaller than a Quarter. to be honest, of all the current TPG's I like the ICG holder the best but have never had much faith in the integrity of their grading.

    When was the last time you tried ICG? I don't find much difference in the GRADING between them and the other three "majors" except that in many cases, ICG may be more strict with what they "straight grade." ANACS and ICG coins are usually cheaper too. I like the "new" blue label better than that ugly one they used and I'll never get accustomed to the finger holds on the edge of their slab...LOL.

    I'm happy to tell anyone who asks my opinion that PGCS coins generally bring more money than NGC. NGC bring more money than ICG. I hate the ANACS slab but I think their grading is on par with the others. All things considered (value, presentation, customer service) I'll tell people that NGC is the best. However, no service comes even close to the customer service at ICG. You can speak directly to a grader at that service with any question concerning numismatics - even if you are not a customer!

    BTW, my LEAST favorite post is like the one I POSTED yesterday without thinking first. Like a dumb jerk, I started the thread "Who does the conservation at PCGS." I'm the first person to advise idiots with a question such as mine to just CALL THE TPGS and ask them for the answer! I really feel stupid now...LOL. Sorry. Think I shall call PCGS on that but I have not found them very helpful. In the past, I've been able to speak on the phone with graders and owners (even CAC) at every service EXCEPT PCGS.

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    cardinalcardinal Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: Insider2

    When was the last time you tried ICG? I don't find much difference in the GRADING between them and the other three "majors" except that in many cases, ICG may be more strict with what they "straight grade." ANACS and ICG coins are usually cheaper too. I like the "new" blue label better than that ugly one they used and I'll never get accustomed to the finger holds on the edge of their slab...LOL.

    What all have your seen in ICG holders that suggests they may be more strict with what they "straight grade"?

    I was once offered an 1803 Bust Dollar graded AU55 by ICG, and it seemed to have great details for the grade. Then I looked closer, and saw that ALL of the eagle's wing feathers on the reverse of the coin had their internal details engraved into the coin, rather than being raised above the surface from the strike of the dies. That was a rank amateur mistake by the grader(s) on what was portrayed as being a high-grade/high value coin!

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When was the last time you tried ICG?

    I have never submitted a coin to them and almost certainly never will. the coins I see in their capsules have convinced me that they are inept.
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    JeffMTampaJeffMTampa Posts: 3,271 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I too believe ICG does a great job grading these days. I believe the staff they've had for at least the last 5 years are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, and grade with the best today. The ICG of yesteryear had problems; there are many over graded coins in the old slabs.

    I've crossed many ICG slabs at PCGS; almost all have crossed at the same grade or upgraded. The only reason I don't use them is market acceptability and Set Registry.
    I love them Barber Halves.....

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