Came over here to see what sort of action is on the stamp forum...

in Stamps Forum
None I guess...
See, I just posted this and I didn't need a stamp, and it got here instantly. Bad news for the post office.
My stamps have not gained popularity, I'm going to hold onto them for another decade and see where I'm at. I hope I live that long to see some appreciative value.
"Keep your malarkey filter in good operating order" -Walter Breen
oh wait thats what the US mint is doing now hmmmmm
Look what PCGS did. What I used to know as culls now sell at a premium for "Low Ball" sets. Put some of the marketing guys on this for the stamp side. I'm a share holder and a collector. Why hasn't this happened yet? If they can slab comic books, surely, we can do something bigger than a 1" x 2" piece of gummed paper.
But that's just my 2 cent Washinton with disturbed gum.