WTB: BBCE FASC Baseball Wax Boxes 1980 to 1992
Posts: 693 ✭✭✭✭
I'm mainly looking for these from 1980 to 1985 but would like to hear what else you may have! The boxes must be in really nice condition too
Tanner Jones, Author of Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Now Available on Amazon!
I have a 1988 Score ( first year R Score wax box., mint cond, for sale. If interested ,let me know.
Thank you Ro! I think I will pass on that one though.
Bumperooski! Lots of boxes incoming!
I have BBCE 1980-83. All, I believe, are FASC (and labeled as such). Need to confirm the 1981. Feel free to drop me a line. Thank you. Scott
pm sent!