@BALROG said:
Oddball from Kelly's Heroes says there are too many negative waves here to rip it. Joey tried to help me find a job a while ago. When I finally got it, I didn't want to go. Oh the party Mary gave for me, when I just walked away. Now there's nothing more for me to say.
What was this guy's deal? I don't think there were any WWII era Hippies. Maybe he was considered a Beatnik? Or maybe I shouldn't be looking for historical accuracy in a movie with a cast that included Dirty Harry, Archie Bunker, Kojak, Uncle Leo and Don Rickles.
"I think the guy must be practicing voodoo or something. Check out his eyes. Rico's crazier than a peach orchard sow." -- Whitey Herzog, Spring Training 1973
Sorry, but I had to do this, I'm pretty sure you will approve the lyrics
Crack that RIP
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must RIP it
Before the cream sits out too long
You must RIP it
When something's going wrong
You must RIP it
Now RIP it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To RIP it
RIP it good
When a good time turns around
You must RIP it
You will never live it down
Unless you RIP it
No one gets away
Until they RIP it
I say RIP it
RIP it good
I say RIP it
RIP it good
Crack that RIP
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must RIP it
RIP it good!!!!!
Don't do it, man. This whole thing is already cursed. Bad hee-bee-jee-bees all over this thing. That box is wearing a tiki medallion it got from Vincent Price.
@lurkingnomore said:
Just noticed PWCC is running a PSA 10 93 SP Jeter in their current auction - already at $65k. How's that as a motivator to see what your box holds?
@BALROG said:
Oddball from Kelly's Heroes says there are too many negative waves here to rip it. Joey tried to help me find a job a while ago. When I finally got it, I didn't want to go. Oh the party Mary gave for me, when I just walked away. Now there's nothing more for me to say.
What was this guy's deal? I don't think there were any WWII era Hippies. Maybe he was considered a Beatnik? Or maybe I shouldn't be looking for historical accuracy in a movie with a cast that included Dirty Harry, Archie Bunker, Kojak, Uncle Leo and Don Rickles.
GREAT movie. GREAT theme song.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@BALROG said:
i STILL get mesmerized...and must watch the gif repeat over and over for at least a minute each time, the popcorn girl's left arm push up on the hoot action. It's utterly innocent, yet... completely hot.
oh yeah.. sorry about the fake news here. I see bids are at a six pack. This would be three of those, to gather the cohonies.
'packGOD'. sorry man... no such thing.
Awe Come on!...there are even instructions on the back on how to open the box, it can't be that hard
@Nikklos said:
Man, you guys are going to make me come out of pack ripping retirement.
They had me looking at some of my unopened and considering ripping it, so I had to go pick up a cheap box of modern and rip it just to hold back the urge to open the vintage on the shelf.
@BALROG said:
Oddball from Kelly's Heroes says there are too many negative waves here to rip it. Joey tried to help me find a job a while ago. When I finally got it, I didn't want to go. Oh the party Mary gave for me, when I just walked away. Now there's nothing more for me to say.
I can't quite get my mind around the idea that a box from 1993 could contain a card worth 100k today. I hope you get another Jeter that has a shot at a 10. Good luck!
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
I can now find the sale in a link from sports collectors daily, but when I search for the sale on Ebay on my own, it is not showing up. I may just be ebay search challenged.
Stick it in the freezer first.
Serious rip right here. Good luck!!!
Live cast this on youtube!
Fun rip, but pricey. Hope it is a 4 jeter box for you!
Risky rip, but best of luck to you.
What was this guy's deal? I don't think there were any WWII era Hippies. Maybe he was considered a Beatnik? Or maybe I shouldn't be looking for historical accuracy in a movie with a cast that included Dirty Harry, Archie Bunker, Kojak, Uncle Leo and Don Rickles.
Oooh watching!
I have never left one thing sealed and even when I planned to, some heavy drinking was always the culprit.
That is a lot of dough to potentially have little remaining value.
I will chip in on a 6 pack to see it opened live on cam. Get a few more peeps and you'll be forced to open. xD
6 pack? I'll ship ya a case brother.
As much as I dig your rips, this is road I likely wouldn't travel myself. But will support you in whatever your choice.
Sorry, but I had to do this, I'm pretty sure you will approve the lyrics
Crack that RIP
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must RIP it
Before the cream sits out too long
You must RIP it
When something's going wrong
You must RIP it
Now RIP it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To RIP it
RIP it good
When a good time turns around
You must RIP it
You will never live it down
Unless you RIP it
No one gets away
Until they RIP it
I say RIP it
RIP it good
I say RIP it
RIP it good
Crack that RIP
Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must RIP it
RIP it good!!!!!
Work in progress - Unopened Racks/Cello/Wax with star power for Baseball, Football and Basketball
Collecting unopened 80's boxes and graded packs
I may be hoarding too much 80's junk wax but I like it!
I am curious if you plan to build the set or just crackin' for Jeter (and fairly decent 10s)?
A small pot sweetener shall you open would be that I will contribute a good handful of cards from the set extras I have that might help fill your set.
Don't do it, man. This whole thing is already cursed. Bad hee-bee-jee-bees all over this thing. That box is wearing a tiki medallion it got from Vincent Price.
Just noticed PWCC is running a PSA 10 93 SP Jeter in their current auction - already at $65k. How's that as a motivator to see what your box holds?
check and mate
Some serious string bidding in that Jeter auction. Will be curious to see if some bids get canceled.
Good catch David - before this started, I would have guessed $50k final price but who knows in this marketplace
Moderator, I believe we can go ahead and file this one away as "fake news".
GREAT movie. GREAT theme song.
welcome to the boards
Awe Come on!...there are even instructions on the back on how to open the box, it can't be that hard
Work in progress - Unopened Racks/Cello/Wax with star power for Baseball, Football and Basketball
Collecting unopened 80's boxes and graded packs
I may be hoarding too much 80's junk wax but I like it!
Man, you guys are going to make me come out of pack ripping retirement.
They had me looking at some of my unopened and considering ripping it, so I had to go pick up a cheap box of modern and rip it just to hold back the urge to open the vintage on the shelf.
Underrated song
Vintage Breaks pulled a minty Jeter from 93 SP last night. Go to the 2:25 mark.
Thank you Michelob Ultra!!!
Good luck!!!
This is awesome! Cannot wait to check back after more Michelob gets consumed!
The PSA 10 Jeter just sold for $99,100. These box prices will make a huge jump in the next few days.
Sweet fancy moses it's happening! Good luck on pulling a stunner of a Jeter.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
wow. good luck. lets hope you pull a better jeter. You have bigger cajones than me for ripping this box. But what entertainment for everyone. thanks!!
Nooooooo! Why, Balrog!? WHY!?!?
I can't quite get my mind around the idea that a box from 1993 could contain a card worth 100k today. I hope you get another Jeter that has a shot at a 10. Good luck!
hope you get a better jeter!!!
also love the videos with the rip
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
You have balls of steel. I hope you pull another Jeter. I regret selling my box, knowing what they sell for now. WOW!!!
I am not sure the $99,000 sale last night was legit for the Jeter. I can no longer find a record of it on Ebay. Can anyone else find the sale?
I can now find the sale in a link from sports collectors daily, but when I search for the sale on Ebay on my own, it is not showing up. I may just be ebay search challenged.
Here is the link. It isn't showing up searching for it by name or seller.
It can take up to 24 hours for completed listings to show up.
Fishy last bid cancelled by a 1 feedback bidder on the bid history page:
Bid retraction and cancellation history
Action Date of Bid and Retraction
Bid:16 May 2018 at 6:23:58PM PDT
Cancelled:16 May 2018 at 6:27:22PM PDT