Trade Lincoln Cents and Jefferson Nickels anyone?

Just joined the forum. My primary interest is trading to fill out my Jefferson Nickel and Lincoln Cent collections. That said, I am getting down to some of the harder (hence more spendy) dates, so not exactly sure how\if this will really work. Any interested parties out there? Any ideas?
what do you need
I have both pennies and nickels available. Need to know what you need. Uncirculated? AU?
Circulated? Dates?
Circulated. Start with the Nickels: these are the dates I need which all look like lower mintage
38D, 38S, 39D, 39S, 43D, 44D,44S,45D, 47S, 48S, 49S,50,50D,51S,53S,58.
I have a bunch of other older nickels that I've pulled out of boxes\rolls, but are mostly higher mintage dates, but I have a few harder to get, like 45S, 55 etc.
So, how would you guys see this working?
While I can provide all those dates, I see this as a private sale, not a trade. I will verify these dates and reply via private message. your message...
What do you need in pennies, what grade etc.
Bob Sr CEO Fieldtechs
Hi Bob. Looking for nice circulated coins. I have dates to trade, as far back as 1909.
I would like to trade for as many as I can. Are you interested in trading or selling?
I actually prefer trading. I have a lot of pennies as this is my primary field of collecting. What do you need.
Bob Sr CEO fieldtechs
Hi Bob. Well, since my original post I actually acquired most of what I was looking for and am now down to the expensive stuff.
The dates I actually need (besides the ridiculously expensive 09s VDB) are 09s,10s,11s,12s,13s,14d,26s,31s.