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NEWP: Toned IHC Proof - even better inhand

BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,423 ✭✭✭✭✭

So, I received 2 IHC proof coins today. Both are PR65RB PCGS coins. One is subtle toning that you need to have the right angle/lighting to see, as is common with many coins, particularly a lot of these proof coppers, imho.

The 2nd one is going to be shown below. I went back and forth over it for awhile....weeks at least. Not sure if it was the same seller or not, but it is so uniquely toned that you would know if you had seen it before. Finally, during the recent 15% ebucks fun, I decided to get it.

Pulled it out of the box today, prepared to need to warm up to it, from the pics...knowing that the trueviews are usually glamour shots (I love Phil and the @PCGSPhoto team...I have a lot of Trueviews, and have since they started, but 1 photo can't always convey the trueview of a toned copper coin).

So, pulling this one out, I was happy. Better inhand, imho, than the TV showed. The first few feathers are more golden-green, as is the right wreath on the reverse. I'm not a fan of dark blue/purple (ie....the coins that have more than a few threads about them wondering whether or not they should be considered AT or not....not going to debate that in this thread, just going to say that I'm not a fan) and luckily, it doesn't have any of that. The cheek/neck are red, like a bright sunburn. The surfaces are very reflective/mirror-like. There is no detracting/distracting carbon spotting; which pops up often on these older proof coppers.

I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment


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