"Fungi can grow almost on a surface of all materials. Biomolecules of fungi membranes allow them to attach on any surfaces and form a biofilm. Fungicidal additives in plastics of antifungal properties of some metals (copper, silver) initiate killing the fungi adsorbed, however 2-nd, 3-rd or i-th layer of fungi start to grow. Living fuctions of fungi cover via substantial quantities of organics in an air."
Alexander Tolstov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Microscope camera + florescent light. Unfortunately I cannot take an entire image of a quarter! Off the scope, the camera is not good enough (the operator?) to take a sharp image of a coin.
The film comes off. I'm beginning to suspect it may be an organic haze rather than a chemical residue crystallization. I cannot remember seeing this stuff on silver which impedes the growth of stuff.
Btw. I have same gut feeling as Ricko and Insider2 that OP's penny was result of metal eating fungus.
It somehow reminds me of this discovery from more than a decade ago.

And some other infor found off net.
"Fungi can grow almost on a surface of all materials. Biomolecules of fungi membranes allow them to attach on any surfaces and form a biofilm. Fungicidal additives in plastics of antifungal properties of some metals (copper, silver) initiate killing the fungi adsorbed, however 2-nd, 3-rd or i-th layer of fungi start to grow. Living fuctions of fungi cover via substantial quantities of organics in an air."
Alexander Tolstov
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Definitely odd, whatever it is, was, or gonna be.
My War Nickels https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/nickels/jefferson-nickels-specialty-sets/jefferson-nickels-fs-basic-war-set-circulation-strikes-1942-1945/publishedset/94452
This pattern of "scum" covers the entire surface of a clad proof 50c. Makes the coin look matte and pretty in its own way.
Those are some amazing pics @Insider2 !
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
We need to nail down what this stuff is. I am getting creeped out.
It is bad enough that I have to worry about bugs and dust mites eating my paper collectibles, but now I have to worry about my coins as well.
Microscope camera + florescent light. Unfortunately I cannot take an entire image of a quarter! Off the scope, the camera is not good enough (the operator?) to take a sharp image of a coin.
The film comes off. I'm beginning to suspect it may be an organic haze rather than a chemical residue crystallization. I cannot remember seeing this stuff on silver which impedes the growth of stuff.