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Did anyone win this latest Stacks auction? If so post them, If not explain why not

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,739 ✭✭✭✭✭

I did manage to win 3 nice ones and a few I didn't as the prices went above what I was willing to pay only because I wanted
to be able to get the 3 items I won. The first 2 auctions I won at a very fair price but the 3rd made me go up over my desired
amount but took the plunge anyways :)
Overall I think the realized prices for some pf the material went for a very reasonable price or at below what I thought they should have. Then there were some I was surprised it went that high. Maybe the 20% turns away some bidding, not sure?
Some items I was able to bid and keep up with on my cellphone. The last item I was on my computer.
Overall a very nice experience on the internet bidding site on Stacks, with no complaints.


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