What causes this? die polish, re-engraved, ejection fingers, meteor strike?
I was searching through a roll of BU quarters and found this Washington quarter with stuff coming out of its body onto the wing. I do not remember seeing anything like it before. It also is seen extending onto a couple tail feathers and field. I am curious if you have an idea of what could have caused the change on the die, to strike these marks.
My guess is die polish of some kind. I've see marks like this on a daily basis. PM me to remind me to post some images in this thread.
It may or my not be correct, but my first thought is that they are die scratches.
I vote shotgun blast from 75 yards.
The die slid across something (or something slid across the die) causing the scratches. They almost qualify as "die gouges".
thx dcarr, what is the size needed before die gouge rather than scratch? I suppose it could be die polish but odd on devices.
There is no standard minimum size (width or depth) to make something a gouge. That determination is left to each individual. For me, those marks on your coin are deep enough but not quite wide enough to be a "gouge".
The marks do cross over some devices, but those areas are very low on the coin (high on the die).
Yep... Dan is correct... die gouge/scratch... Seen from time to time.... Cheers, RickO
Of course Mr. Carr is correct. I got lazy. There is a difference between raised thin die polish lines, raised thin scratches on a die, and larger scratches that eventually become big enough t be called gouges.
I should find a bunch of stuff to post on coins that I'm grading today.