Mexican Libertad Newps
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I got these last night and didn't realize until later that one was scarcer. Does anyone know more about this particular date?
No idea about scarcity.... but both look like nice coins... I have been thinking about getting one of these... because I do like the design... Cheers, RickO
the 1995 had a mintage of about 500,000 the 1991 mintage was closer to 1.6 million for one ouncers
It's the 1991. This is the type 2 and is apparently a lot scarcer.
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those look to be pretty nice examples. Someone took care of them well. Seems the type 2 sells for double or so, depending on if it is certified. Ebay is probably best source for pricing, since APMEX only publishes prices when they have one in stock to sell (you could always call)
@Barndog Actually, yes, the 1991 is incredibly clean and has a great strike. I'm happy to have found it for the collection.
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I love the Liberad series. I was buying them back when they were in paper rolls.
I did get myself an graded uncirculated gold set from MCM, which are just plain stunning.
Very nice coins. I think a newer one somewhere thanks rln
Got Two more:
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Looking good, Ashe!
Thanks! Always happy to add Mexican silver to the collection.
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